Web Ayurveda

Datewise Online Program Streaming

10th May 2020


9th May 2020


8th May 2020


7th May 2020


6th May 2020


5th May 2020


4th May 2020


3rd May 2020


2nd May 2020


1st May 2020


30th April 2020


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29th April 2020


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28th April 2020


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27th April 2020


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26th April 2020

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25th April 2020


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24th April 2020


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23rd April 2020


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22th April 2020


21th April 2020


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20th April 2020

20 April 2020

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19th April 2020

19th April 2020

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18th April 2020

18th April 2020

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17th April 2020

17th April 2020

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16th April 2020


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15th April 2020

15th april 2020

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14th April 2020

14th April 2020

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13th April 2020

13th April 2020

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12th April 2020


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11th April 2020


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10th April 2020

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9th April 2020


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8th April 2020

Online Program on 08-04-2020

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7th April 2020


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6th April 2020


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5th April 2020

Schedule List 05-04

4th April 2020

Schedule List


**April 24-6, 2020


NAMA 16th Annual Online Conference: Link

40 experts speaking over a 3 day period.

  • Satsang with Robert Svoboda- Robert Svoboda

  • Foods that Nourish the Mind (Panel)- Lissa Coffey, Heather Grzych, Kate O'Donnell & Susan Weis-Bohlen

  • Management of Type 2 Diabetes- Kashyapa Fisher

  • Science of Sleep- Mary Thompson

  • Vastu: Science for our Living Spaces- Michael Mastro

  • Herbs and Formulations for Digestive Disorders (Panel)- Jay Apte, Jayarajan Kodikannath & Namyata Pathak Kerala Ayurveda

  • Ayurveda and Spirituality- Vasant Lad

  • Clinical Application of Marma Therap- Purnima Chaudhari & Anisha Durve Marma Institute of Ayurvedic Acupressure

  • Yoga With Maria- Maria Garré

  • Ayurveda Sadhana: Awakening Your Inner Medicine Power to Nourish and Heal- Maya Tiwari

  • Yoga for Cardio Metabolic Disorders (Panel)- Dhaval Dhru, Erin Koehler, Durga Leela & Dilip Sarkar

  • How to Start your Business From The Ground Up- Susan Etheridge

  • Ayurveda and Yoga for PTSD- Lisa Boldin, Alana Greenberg, Dhanada Kulkarni & Shiksha Thakur

  • Introduction to Kaumarbhritya Tantra- Ashlesha Raut

  • Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy for Spiritual Wellness- Dilip Sarkar

  • Morning Yoga with Dilip- Dilip Sarkar

  • NAMA Membership Meeting and Annual Report- Hilary Garivaltis, Executive Director, NAMA

  • Ama and Leaky Gut (Panel)- Clayton Bell, Dr Bill Dean, Sheena Sooraj & Manjusha Vinjamury

  • How to Harness the Power of the Digital Age for Your Practice- Amish Shah & Kathy Jo Staheli

  • Purusha Ayurveda- Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis- Jayagopal Parla

  • Pain Mangement (Panel)- Dhaval Dhru, Priyanka Ingle, Chinnamasta Stiles & Prasad Vinjamury

  • The Nature of Reality- Deepak Chopra

  • Ayurvedic Medicine, COVID-19 and Reflections on Spiritual Health Within a Pandemic- Vamadeva Frawley, Maya Tiwari, Suhas Kshirsagar, Margrit Mikulis & Dilip Sarkar

May 20, 2020, 3:00 - 3:30 pm CT

Manda Agni: Kapha Supportive Digestion

Featuring Vaidya Dinesh Gyawali

Wednesday, May 20, 2020, 3:00 - 3:30 pm CT

Dr. Dinesh Gyawali is a classically trained Vaidya (Ayurvedic Physician) and a research scientist from Nepal. He holds a BAMS (Bachelors of Ayurvedic medicine and Surgery) from Nepal, and a Ph.D. from Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield, Iowa, USA. Over the last 17 years in his career, he has consulted thousands of people, in Nepal, India, Australia, and here in the US. He has been widely published and featured in print and web media. He offers his expertise to the public through media outlets like radio, television, and webinars. Currently, he is an Assistant Professor at Maharishi University of Management where he trains Ayurveda Wellness Consultants and sees patients at the Integrative Wellness Center.

Registration Link: Zoom

June 10, 2020, 3:00 - 3:30 pm CT

Tikshna Agni: Pitta Supportive Digestion

Featuring Vaidya Dinesh Gyawali

Wednesday, June 10, 2020, 3:00 - 3:30 pm CT

Dr. Dinesh Gyawali is a classically trained Vaidya (Ayurvedic Physician) and a research scientist from Nepal. He holds a BAMS (Bachelors of Ayurvedic medicine and Surgery) from Nepal, and a Ph.D. from Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield, Iowa, USA. Over the last 17 years in his career, he has consulted thousands of people, in Nepal, India, Australia, and here in the US. He has been widely published and featured in print and web media. He offers his expertise to the public through media outlets like radio, television, and webinars. Currently, he is an Assistant Professor at Maharishi University of Management where he trains Ayurveda Wellness Consultants and sees patients at the Integrative Wellness Center.

Registration Link: Zoom


**April 11, 2020; April 18, 2020; April 25, 2020

Paid Webinars - Ayurveda by Dr. Shekhar Annambhotla

Registration Link: Webinars Ayurveda URLSupport your immune system through Ayurveda

Saturday, April 11, 2020


2:00 PM - 4:00PM (EST)

Support Your Immune System Through Ayurveda

The concept of immunity, Vyadhi Ksamatva or Bala, as it is known in Ayurveda is a fascinating and vast subject.

The body’s resistance is of tremendous importance in the daily welfare of living beings; for prevention and rapid recovery from diseases, immunity plays a key role.

Do Ayurvedic Herbs and Supplements Help in improving Immunity?

Common and simple lifestyle changes, diet, scientific proven herbs and spices for improving immune system


Chakra Balancing Through Ayurveda

Saturday, April 18, 2020


2:00 PM - 4:00PM (EST)


Chakra Balancing Through Ayurveda

Ancient healers knew of the chakras and accessed their potential to balance the energies of the body in healing.

The purpose of the Chakras is to transform the higher vibrational energies into a form that is usable by the human body.

For example, the unconscious state lies in the Root or Mooladhara Chakra, while the supreme consciousness is in the crown (or Sahasrara Chakra) which is in the crown of the head.

During the webinar you will learn how the energy focused in the Chakras determines the personality and level of consciousness of the individual.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Home Detoxifcation & Rejuvenation

Saturday, April 25, 2020


2:00 PM - 4:00PM (EST)


Home Detoxification and Rejuvenation

Ayurvedic Approach to Home Detoxification and Immune Boosting

Participants will learn:

- How to do home detoxification naturally

- What are the tools and herbs are required

- Who can do it?

- What are the benefits of home detox.

- What are the common immune boosting substances

- What is rejuvenation

- How to improve your health and wellness

8th April : 7PM

Quarantine with your Being : A SPIRITUAL WEBINAR

Website Details: www.enlightenedcircle.in Registration: https://www.facebook.com/events/2827339087302625/For more updates: https://bit.ly/34bIFe3

The Enlightened Circle family welcomes you to the Spiritual Webinar : QUARANTINE WITH YOUR BEING to help you take a YOU turn and find peace and solace. The journey to heal the world starts WITHIN.

Webinar will be conducted by Rhythm and Saadhna (Materialist Spiritualist)

Part of Enlightened Circle since more than 12 years & living the philosophy and the lifestyle shared, which has enhanced the beauty and quality of Inner & Outer life.

Follow us at Facebook: https://bit.ly/34bIFe3

9th April, 5:30PM IST

Clinical Marma Therapy Webinar by Dr. Shishir Prasad

April 15, 2020, 6:30-7:00 PM CT

Respiratory Immunity: Be Prepared During Uncertain Times Q&A

Featuring Dr. Keith WallaceAbout Him: Dr. Keith Wallace received his BS in physics and his PhD in physiology from UCLA, and he conducted postgraduate research at Harvard University. He is founding president and member of the board of trustees of Maharishi University of Management (MUM) in Fairfield, Iowa, where he is Professor and Chairman of the Department of Physiology and Health.

Registration Link: Zoom

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