June 9, 2023

Web3 Financing and Inclusivity 

Virtual Symposium for Academic Scholars


What is Web3?

"Web3 is how consumers connect to the benefits of blockchain."

"Web3 is the internet owned by the builders and users, orchestrated with tokens."

"Web3 is where the internet gets decentralized - big tech companies are no longer the main guardians of the web's data, but blockchain tech enables data to be controlled and hosted collectively by users"

"People think Web3 and decentralizatoin will eliminate the middleperson.  It will not, we will always pay for a middleperson, just a more collaborative, inclusive, and agile middleperson."


The world is curated for men.  
Daily.  Cars, medications, workplaces are structured for men.  Online.  Men are 14% more likely to have internet access.Social.  Women experience harassment IRL and online.
How can we finance and build a more inclusive Web3?
67% of crypto investors are men19% of crypto investors are white women4% of crypto investors are black women

Symposium Agenda

9:00 AM PT "Are Cryptos Different: Evidence from Retail Trading" by Shimon Kogan (Reichman University & Wharton), Igor Makarov (LSE), Marina Niessner (Wharton), and Antoinette Schoar (MIT)

Presentation by: Shimon Kogan (Reichman)

Discussion by: Dexin Zhou (Baruch)

9:35 AM PT "The Supply and Demand for Data Privacy: Evidence from Mobile Apps" by Bo Bian (UBC), Xinchen Ma (LSE), and Huan Tang (LSE)

Presentation by: Bo Bian (UBC)

Discussion by: Simona Abis (Columbia)

10:10 AM PT "The Effect of Celebrity Endorsements on Crypto" by Joshua T. White (Vanderbilt) and Sean Wilkoff (University of Nevada)

Presentation by: Joshua T. White (Vanderbilt)

Discussion by: William Mann (Emory)


11:00 AM PT "Investor Experience Matters: Evidence from Generative Art Collections on the Blockchain" by Sebeom Oh (Temple), Samuel Rosen (Temple), and Anthony Lee Zhang (University of Chicago)

Presentation by: Anthony Lee Zhang (University of Chicago)

Discussion by: Fahad Saleh (Wake Forest)

11:35 AM PT "Inclusion and Democratization Through Web3 and DeFi? Initial Evidence from the Ethereum Ecosystem" by Lin William Cong (Cornell), Ke Tang (Tsinghua University), Yanxin Wang (XJTU), and Xi Zhao (XJTU)  

Presentation by: Will Cong (Cornell)

Discussion by: Koray Caliskan (New School)


12:15 PM PT 

Panel on Diversity and Inclusion in Web3

The fiercely articulate and indefatigable curious panelists include: Nathan Schneider, Christos Makridis, and Primavera De Filippi


The panel on diversity and inclusion in Web3 will delve into topics like

Is Web3 a mechanism to improve collective decision-making? 

What financing strategies have emerged in the cooperative business tradition, and how could Web3 learn from them?

"Exit to community" is a growing Web3 ideology.  Can this model challenge the conventional models for startup exits?

What will determine prices in Web3?  What will determine the value of identity in Web3?  

Is there an optimal way to compensate and govern contributors to Web3 communities and DAOs?

How should DAOs manage risk and their treasuries?

What should financial reporting look like for DAOs? 

What injuries to parties do we foresee in Web3, and how can participants get remediesWho or what algorithm will adjudicate the decision?

What type of regulation or taxes are necessary for Web3 to be inclusive?

What are the economic consequences form the increasing use of Web3 for innovation and productivity?

What are the social consequences of the increasing use of Web3 for creators, inequality, and culture?  

Please let RSVP if you're interested in attending the virtual symposium.

This academic symposium is being organized by Jillian Grennan, Associate Professor of Finance.  This symposium is being sponsored by the Institute for Humane Studies.