Web Design Singapore

eCommerce Web Design and Digital Marketing Offers From Subraa Freelance Web Designer in Singapore

Setup your online store now with eCommerce Web Design offers from Subraa. You can now sell online by attracting and engaging your audience with Subraa's Web Design and Digital Marketing packages. Call now to learn more about the eCommerce Website Design offers, get more discounts if you sign up for Digital Marketing services. Free Campaign setup, Free Social Media Ads Design and much more.

Contact Subraa, Call or WhatsApp now at 97957890 or email your requirements to info@subraa.com and get your website design, logo design and digital marketing services at an affordable price in Singapore. Get your business online now with promotional offers from Subraa!!

Visit: https://www.subraa.com

Is it the right time to invest in Web Design -

A Freelance Web Designer Guide

Investing for your business future is always advisable, be it a situation of pandemic. Website Design is important for every business as online presence is vital for every company and businesses be it a renowned or a startup. Hiring a freelance web designer in Singapore helps to understand the local audiences and could help to achieve the desired results with budget friendly packages. Web design is more important in this COVID 19 crisis as many businesses have started to work from home and your customers are searching for services, products online. Until now you may have ignored the online presence of your business, your business would have performed among the local population but the situation is different and even your potential customers would like to see you online.

What is Web Design?

Websites are the virtual door of your business to the internet. Websites are the face of your business, Websites are designed by considering the target audience, user experience, business nature and most importantly the writeups. The Website's prime focus is on user interface and user experience and it lets you to advertise your services or products to your customers online. Websites are your business open 24/7 over the internet and customers from any location can find your services at any time of the day. Websites enable your customers to learn more about your products and services, hence it is vital to have a professional website design that helps in generating leads.

What are the types of website design?

Web design covers a wide range of services, here are the top categories in web design that every business is likely to use to set up their online presence.

  1. Static Informational Website Design and Development

  2. WordPress CMS Website Design and Development

  3. eCommerce Website Design and Development

  4. Landing Page Design and Development

  5. Website Redesign

  6. Website Revamp

  7. Blog

  8. WordPress Theme customization

Time to Invest

Investing in website design for your business is never a bad idea. It is important to stand out from your competitors at this time and it is also important to be visible. Getting a website designed by a professional freelance web designer Singapore is important as they are very much aware of the target audience and you should also consider investing in SEO service to make your website visible to your audience.

Get a free quote now from Subraa, freelance web designer in Singapore who is in the web design industry for almost 12+ years and has completed 1150+ projects. With affordable web design and logo design solutions Subraa has helped setup digital presence for businesses of all sizes and sectors. Contact Subraa, Call or whatsapp now at 97957890 or info@subraa.com.

You can now read more articles on website design in Subraa.com and also know more about the color schemes from this article on Essential tips to pick a color scheme for website designing.

Learn more about Right time to invest in Web Design : https://bit.ly/2X3k9u1

Minimalist Web Design - A Guide To The 4 Essential Features

Websites can be designed by heavy graphics, medium graphics or minimalist. When you hire a freelance web designer Singapore, your design preferences are considered before kickstarting the website layouts. When I say minimalist web design then I am referring to the Less is more design methodology. Minimalism is not just reducing the usage of graphics and using text, it is not easier to achieve the desired output even if it looks simpler. Minimalism is everywhere and it is gaining popularity in design and will create a high wave in designs. In this article I have shared the essential features of a minimalist website design.

What is minimalist design?

Less is more, this is what minimalist design is known as and you would have heard many of the creative designers or web designers or logo designers say this. Minimalistic also refers to creating design around the content, usage of more white spaces and a limited color palette sticking to your brand. A better compatibility of the design among different screen sizes and better speedy websites are some of the advantages of minimalist website design. In other words, you convey the message directly to your users without too many elements that are distracting the visualisation.

Get a free quote now from Subraa, freelance web designer in Singapore who is in the web design industry for almost 12+ years and has completed 1150+ projects. With affordable web design and logo design solutions Subraa has helped setup digital presence for businesses of all sizes and sectors. Contact Subraa, Call or whatsapp now at 97957890 or info@subraa.com. Get your business online now with promotional offers from Subraa!!

You Can Now Read Minimalist Web Design 4 Essential Features Visit: https://www.subraa.com/minimalist-web-design-a-guide-to-the-4-essential-features/

The Top 10 Most Essential Website Design Tips You Need To Know in 2020

Website Design ideas are everywhere over the web. As a freelance web designer Singapore you need to be aware of the most essential website design techniques/tips before you start designing any website.

1.Sketch your Layout

Website layouts are first sketched by a professional web designer and then coded. Not all websites start with coding. Making a plunge directly into the middle of a web design process is really not advisable to the final product! What you need to do is begin wireframing your page layouts.

Use any wireframe software available over the web for free or start designing using a pen and paper. Planning is essential for any web design projects to have a great UI UX.

2.Website Loading Speed

When a website takes above 4sec to load then you are probably losing your potential customers. No visitors are ready to wait until your website loads. Great web composition incorporates serving information to your guests quickly. No one is going to stay if each picture takes three minutes to stack.

Next, ensure you limit enormous things in your web architecture. The quantity of pictures or recordings you show (particularly at higher goals) can intensely affect to what extent it takes clients to download that information for each client of your website.

3.Responsive Web Design

Making your website device friendly is essential and mandatory, a few years back responsive web design was optional, however now it is mandatory not only for your users but also for Google. A responsive, portable prepared page is obligatory with regards to current web architecture. Maximum visitor traffic comes from mobile phones. As a freelance website designer Singapore it is must to make each page and component of your website responsive. You additionally should make a point to pick a stage that upgrades your pictures for portable.

There's significantly more to it than this, however we'll leave it to you to investigate the numerous manners by which portable plan can be effectively utilized on your page.

4.UI/UX Factors

Websites draw attention and retain visitors if and only if you have a good user experience. Freelance web designers need to learn more about the user experience factors that would help the visitors browse through the website. On the off chance that clients feel that your site is anything but difficult to utilize and explore around, and appealing to see, at that point you're well en route to huge amounts of conversion.

5. Hierarchy

Content hierarchy or the component hierarchy is a must to learn technique. Where you place things on your web page is crucial. Visual psychology plays an important role, introducing people to data in a way they can undoubtedly process is basic in standing out enough to be noticed and guaranteeing they hold the information you are giving them.

A good image slider in the top followed by irrelevant information may not feel the flow. Images followed by your services, a little about you will work with contact information.

6.Catchy Headers

Relevant headers based on the information can catch the attention of your visitors. An inadequately worded feature or subhead is a botched chance to produce intrigue. In addition to the fact that it is all the more obvious to the client what the territory is talking about, however it can radically improve your SEO score. Trim down the quantity of objectives on each page to one. Make structures as straightforward as could reasonably be expected.

7. Top section

Your top header section is important, when your visitor lands on your web page, as a website designer you only have 1 sec either to impress them and continue browsing or bounce back.

Among the web architecture tips you have to recall, this one is super-significant. The crease is the primary look at a site before a guest must parchment. It could be the absolute most significant piece of your whole website design.

Ensure your key services or key information or any important factor to take action (CTAs) are inside this part, since this is the primary spot you'll have the option to truly create clicks (and in this manner, traffic) so you have to make the most of it!

8.Clear CTAs

Website designs which help to convert have clear CTAs. You will likely convince them to settle on a decision, and this frequently occurs past the overlay. When in doubt, on the off chance that you have a catch in the region over the overlay for them to follow up on, you ought to give that equivalent activity in at any rate one other territory on the page after the overlap. Some of the website designers stuff all possible designs near the CTA area, this makes the CTA less visible.


You need clients to adore your key services or products. Be that as it may, you have to abstain from suffocating them in an excessive amount of write ups. Some portion of how to structure a website is comprehending what to show to guests. Concentrating on toning it down would be the best methodology and give them each detail in turn. More white spaces in the website design helps your visitors to focus on the key points.

10.Use Realtime Photos

An original photograph of your product or your service rather than any stock images will really click. This is particularly obvious when you include individuals as opposed to articles or places. Get some quality pictures taken for you (or take them yourself) and use them as full-screen foundation pictures to include clean and you'll locate a huge increment in snaps (and buys!) before long. If you are concerned about budget then use HD images from royalty free stock websites.

Website design is an art, it cannot be expertised overnight and it is also not difficult to learn. Subraa, freelance web designer in Singapore, has over 12+ years of experience in the web design and logo design industry with proven track records that help in website conversion. Subraa offers one stop solution for all digital marketing needs.

Top Website Design Ideas in 2020 - A Beginners Guide

Starting a website in 2020 is a good idea, though the pandemic is prevailing businesses have started to move online. If you really want to start your career as a freelance web designer Singapore then you must know what are the best design ideas that have to be implemented for a website in 2020. Thinking about what sort of site would it be advisable for you to design and develop? This post brings some of the proven website design ideas that really work.

Choose a Reliable Local Web Hosting

Web Hosting services are everywhere, but choosing a reliable hosting service provider is important. A local hosting provider is good to have your website load fast. Regardless of whether you have the world's most noteworthy thought for making a site, it won't work in case your site isn't accessible to your crowd. Accessibility and speed significantly rely upon the nature of the web server your site is facilitated on.

Accordingly, it is prudent that you make enough examination before finishing a web facilitating accomplice. You can begin scanning for a solid host by perusing an facilitating audit article that looks at the top suppliers of the business. Along these lines, you won't have to check the administrations and estimating of each facilitating supplier independently.

Choose the best Platform

There are many platforms which offer features to build your website. WordPress CMS website design is gaining popularity and is also the most used CMS across the web.

WordPress is easier to catch through, develop and design. Many free plugins are available to cater to your website needs. WordPress websites are popular among Freelance website designers Singapore. WordPress website designs are easier for your clients to maintain the backend system.

eCommerce Websites, Sell Online

Many of you would be interested to start a business in this pandemic but not sure what sort of business you need to put up online and sell. There are many eCommerce platforms available which could help to set up online.

Online Fashion Store - You can set up an online store for selling dress materials, custom t shirts etc.

Art Online - Sell your hand drawn arts or if you are well good in crafts sell it over

Set up a corporate gift shop - Corporate gifts are gaining popularity as many businesses help in gifting the employees during occasions.

Individual Services Website Ideas

When you are good at providing significant service like cleaning, floral decoration etc. then suggest to go for some of the few website developments which could help to boost your personal business.

Cleaning Service:

If you have related knowledge in cleaning administrations, through an essential site you can set up your cleaning business. You can specify your specializations on your site like you offer home cleaning, business cleaning, cover cleaning or pool cleaning.


If you love cooking, you can fabricate a site and get contracts for cooking and providing food administrations for occasions, associations, and gatherings.


Whether you are a handyman, circuit repairman or a specialist, you can find a great deal of line of work by making a site. Your site will go about as a business card and portfolio that territories will use to contact you and recruit you for the administrations.

Business Website Ideas

There are few business ideas which you can start for business.

Online Affiliate Sites:

For the individuals who are inexperienced with the term, associate showcasing is one of the types of advertising in which you allude somebody to an online item. What's more, when that individual purchases that item based on your suggestion, you get a commission from the vendor. Hiring a freelance web developer in Singapore.

Stock Trading:

If you have an enthusiasm for the securities exchange and involvement with working in forex exchanging, you can make a fair measure of cash by beginning a stock exchange administration by means of your own site.

Organization Website:

If you as of now have a physical organization, you can make a site for it. It will give your client a helpful method to contact you. On your site, you can give your contact subtleties, tributes, and client surveys.

Internet Learning Sites:

Everyone needs to get the best information and in case you're skilled to give incredible information to individuals, you can make it your full-time business. Regardless of whether you are a specialist in the programming language or school courses, by sharing your insight you can gain a good measure of cash.

Website design is an art, it cannot be expertised overnight and it is also not difficult to learn. Subraa, freelance web designer in Singapore, has over 12+ years of experience in the web design and logo design Singapore with proven track records that help in website conversion. Subraa offers one stop solution for all digital marketing needs.

Get a free quote now from Subraa, freelance web designer and logo designer Singapore with affordable web design and logo design solutions Subraa has helped setup digital presence for businesses of all sizes and sectors.

How to choose the best WordPress Themes or Website Templates

for your Website

Few times it is difficult to find a freelance web designer Singapore who understands your needs and designs a website that helps in conversion. Maybe you have not approached the right web designer. During this point of time, you can consider using the WordPress themes that are easily available over the web. However you must consider the fact that premium templates are good at providing support service for the templates and for the free themes you cannot expect the free support for the themes.

There are such a large number of choices that the errand of choosing as well as can be expected to be overpowering, particularly on the off chance that you are a learner.

1. Nature of Website

The first and most evident thought in choosing your first layout is you should be sure about the kind of site that you need to design and develop. Is it a business website, a personal blogging website, a portfolio website or a news website. In any case, there are such huge numbers of brilliant, stand-apart formats out there that on the off chance that you are a beginner building up a site for your item, it tends to be troublesome not to be enticed to choose an attractive topic for its outwardly engaging structure, rather than a topic that is fitting for your site.

A business webpage can't be built in the shape of an individual blog, regardless of how satisfying and straightforward an individual blog may show up. Your business domain helps to pick up the right template for your website.

2. Consider Premium Templates over Free themes

There are no inadequacies of configurations in the market: free versus paid, custom versus premium and some more. There are a couple of intriguing focuses and cost is reasonably a critical concern for a few. Appreciate that it isn't just your money that you are contributing, you are contributing your time and effort as well. Ask yourself this: would I rather invest my energy and exertion redoing my site or would my time be better spent working more on my item? In the last case, you should search for off-the-rack layouts, these formats might be increasingly costly however will incredibly lessen the measure of time you have to spend making your sites.

You can consider free templates as well, in which case you are good at customising without any support or need this website as a temporary fix.

3. Flexibility to Customise

You have 2 options to use the website templates either you use it as such or customise the template based on your needs. You should change your layout here and there so as to carry a customized feel to your site. Contingent upon layouts just, without your very own lot unique info, will never make your site stand apart among a large number of site contenders utilizing a similar format. It is in light of this that layout designers give alternatives to customization. Some furnish clients with incalculable customization choices, while others don't permit you numerous choices to change explicit components of your site. Over the long haul, you may need to add non-default components to your site and just adaptable customization alternatives will make it conceivable to do as such.

5. Responsive Website Design Templates

Do not compromise on responsive website design feature, your freelance website designer singapore would guide you on the importance of responsive website design if you are not aware of what the feature is. Responsive formats make it conceivable to change the design of your destinations across various screen sizes and gadgets.

A momentous bit of web traffic is produced from versatile and other hand-held gadgets. Phones are presently generally used to ride the web and this pattern will just increment. You have to take advantage of this market. It doesn't make a difference which segment or specialty your site takes into account, regardless of whether it is web based business or a news channel site, on the off chance that you don't make your site accessible to handheld gadgets this is continually going to hurt your business.

6. Choose a good template website

There are numerous websites which offer templates however I would recommend to go for a good service provider where the support is good without much. Few out of every thousand templates are developed with all technical specifications. An inadequately composed layout will just make more issues and won't assist you with building your site. In this way, regardless of whether you pay for a format or get it for nothing, ensure you get your layout from a respectable, dependable provider.

Research how exceptionally appraised the provider is and perused tributes from past purchasers to assist you with settling on your choice. Client assistance is another significant thought for choosing a layout provider. Indeed, even the best composed formats can have defects and on the off chance that you at any point run over one, your provider must focus on it to fix the issue.

7. Search Engine Optimised Templates

Few of the online website templates offer website layouts that are search engine friendly. You certainly need your site to contact more individuals, and you can't do that without viable Search Engine Optimization (SEO). In spite of the fact that you might have the option to assemble an outwardly dazzling site with great substance you should utilize SEO strategies to show signs of improvement in web indexes. Use structures that are incredible just to give a solid level of leadership and straightforward course. Additionally, swear off changing your organization in every order. The more layouts you use in your site, the more troublesome it is for clients to explore your site.

But do you know that when you hire a freelance web developer in Singapore you could get a custom website designed for your business. Though 1000’s of templates are available and are ready to use, custom designs always win in conversion and stand as a unique identity for your business.

Website design is an art, it cannot be expertised overnight and it is also not difficult to learn. Subraa, freelance web designer in Singapore, has over 12+ years of experience in the web design and logo design Singapore with proven track records that help in website conversion. Subraa offers one stop solution for all digital marketing needs.

Get a free quote now from Subraa, freelance web designer and logo designer Singapore with affordable web design and logo design solutions Subraa has helped setup digital presence for businesses of all sizes and sectors.

Hari Raya promotions are on and running for logo design and web design services. Get a FLAT 10% off on logo design packages from Subraa. Get your unique identity designed at a discounted price now!!

Visit: https://www.subraa.com/

Understanding Color Theory - Why Designers Should Care

Understanding the basics of color and the influence it has on people is important for any freelance web designer Singapore or logo designer in Singapore. Brands built over understanding colors wins, colors may help to boost your brand or it can also cause a negative impact on your brand. Colors do not have a consistent reaction on every person, a color which creates an impact on a certain set of people may not cause any reaction in another group of people. Color science is subjective in general.

Usage of colors is an art, not every designer can achieve the best results with the colors. Humans perceive colors differently, the mix of colors and creating a different shades of contrasting colors are of designers' expertise. Colors are of 3 categories, normally identified as primary colors, secondary colors and tertiary colors.

Websites are built for conversion and generating leads, likewise logos are designed for brand awareness and creating a long lasting impression among customers. When the purpose of design is to create emotional influence on visitors isn't it necessary to pay attention to the colors which would help in targeting your potential customers. A recent study shows choosing the colors and adjusting according to the audience needs helps to increase conversion.

Color Psychology, What is it?

Color psychology, as the term suggests is the science of how colors influence humans. Colors are powerful in creating behavioural factors of how people feel or react. The topic of color psychology is too broad to be discussed as a web designer, hence let’s stop here by giving a brief definition of color psychology. There is no specific definition for a winning color, it is the mix and match of the colors that determines the output.

Using Colors in the right way

Colors are tricky to use, usage of colors requires much understanding and an artistic eye. Combination of colors can either create a positive impact or a negative impact on your business. What is considered as the right way of using colors. A red color usage in the organic products website or a brown or shades of green in a women cosmetics website may not be appropriate. Websites which concentrate on selling women products must focus on the colors which women feel appealing for example a shade of pink, purple works and helps to grab attention. Analyse the purpose, audience, to use the colors in the right way. Hiring a freelance web developer in Singapore.

Colors that helps in conversion

If you have not noticed the colors of the most popular websites which you visit often then revisit the famous social networking websites, you can find all are developed in blue. Website designs or popular networking websites which have blue themes have some influence on the visitors, that doesn’t mean only the color blue helps in conversion and it is only the preferred choice for designing your website. The colors used in the website should be an added advantage to your website and should not turn against your website motive. The psychological usage of colors and the preferences are a vast subject and we are not going in depth in this blog article.

As colors influence your customers it is important to avoid too sentimental colors in your website. As said in the above, as a freelance web designer Singapore it is important to use the colors in the right way and at the right place. But if your company already has a branding color which you feel is not associated with your business then I suggest you revisit the colors that could help reflect your business. But if the colors for your logo are chosen on purpose when you started the business, you are now not more associated with the color brands but with a restriction that you cannot change the colors now then you could introduce some neutral colors for your website or introduce some colors for your new campaigns. Usage of strategic color themes for your promotional ad designs, print materials also helps. Before you do all these changes, you must speak to a freelance web designer or a professional logo designer for understanding the colors that could complement your existing logo colors. Your logo designer or web designer helps to provide color options after testing several color schemes and would suggest the website color schemes which help to win hearts over the web. You can also read more about minimalist web design in my previous article.

Get a free quote now from Subraa, freelance web designer in Singapore who is in the web design industry for almost 12+ years and has completed 1150+ projects. With affordable web design and logo design solutions Subraa has helped setup digital presence for businesses of all sizes and sectors. Contact Subraa, Call or whatsapp now at 97957890 or info@subraa.com. Get your business online now with promotional offers from Subraa!!

Learn more about website design color theory click here: Color theory why designers should care