The Important of Website Maintenace

Your website, just like your car needs regular maintenance. Without it, you run a lot of risks.

One of the main reasons you need to have an experienced website engineer check your website is for security. Do you have the latest SSL certificate for your websites?

Has anyone hacked into your system and actually made your website a danger to your customers? Are their viruses and trojan horses lying in wait?

In addition, if you use a service like WordPress for example, make sure it is the latest version. There is a reason that updates are continually made on sites like WordPress. Hackers keep finding existing holes.

Another reason you need website maintenance is to fix broken links and 404 errors. If the link is essential for a customer, say a link to your check out cart, that's the surest way to lose a customer. Ideally, a customer should never encounter a broken link.

Another reason for website maintenance and often a major concern for companies is loading speed.

Forty-seven percent of customers expect a website to load in 3 seconds or less, and 40 percent will only wait for two seconds.

Your website should be tested for speed via a number of devices, and if its slow, it needs to be reworked entirely.

Another reason for website maintenance is how your website performs on mobile devices. Over 50 percent of the internet's traffic is on mobile phones, and Google will punish you severely for not having your website easily accessed by mobile phones.

There are dozens of other touches of website maintenance, such as getting rid of outdated technology not supported by the current generation of browsers.

See web design brisbane for more information.