Domain Registration Nepal

For any domain registration in Nepal, Weblink provides different prices for .com registration in Nepal it costs 1,356/- NRS per year, for .org registration in Nepal it costs 1,469/- NRS per year and for .np registration in Nepal the cost is free, but some company documents are required. Many business owners struggle with questions such as: the Domain registration price in Nepal, how to register a domain name in Nepal or how to check domain availability in Nepal.

We offers one of the best domain registrations in Nepal for businesses and personal websites alike. To successfully register a domain in Nepal some things should be considered. First of all is the domain name available, second is it search friendly or at least including the companies name and last which option is best for your website, should you go for .com, .org. np, etc  to reach full reachability?

At We our expert domain consultants are always ready to advise and register the perfect domain name for your business or personal website.

Here are the prices to register a domain name in Nepal using the Weblink domain registration in Nepal service:

All prices are included of 13% VAT as required by the Nepalese law.

But how to know which type of domain is best for your business? It’s actually more logical then you think. For example .com stands for .commercial, .org stand for .organization and .np stands for Nepal, so as a travel or tourism business or an e-commerce .com will be more beneficial as it will target more search related. A local finance or bank should go for .np as their targeted audience will domestic. Any type of organization such as a charity or a NGO can use .org for the best results!

If you want to know how to check the availability of a domain name in Nepal we suggest you to contact our office and let our experts help you, searching for domain name availability, register a domain name, or advise you on the best possible name suitable for you.