There is an easy workaround for the example above. If you accidentally set the incorrect region for the ISS you must go back into the initial setup app and DELETE the device (simply changing the location will not work). The deletion of the device puts the 6100 back into a factory default mode. Once the device is deleted in the app you must add a new device. When asked for the location of your country you must initially set it to the country designator that matches your ISS even if that is NOT the country you are in. Once a matching country designator is selected that matches your ISS you will be able to detect and setup your station. Once you have completed the setup, then you can go back and change your address to the correct country and address at The country location correction will NOT change the regional designator of the 6100 and it will continue to seek frequencies of the INITIAL setup location.

hello looking for weatherlink software for windows 11 on new computerTHe file i downloaded from davis website does not work !have logged a call with Davis but have not heard backIs there an alternative that i can use that will migrated my 12 years of dataKarl

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Where do you want to migrate it from? I was using WeatherLink on Windows 10 that now works with Windows 11 too. Just back up your wx data or weatherlink to a USB flash drive to transfer everything to a new computer, or at least that's how I did it if I remember correctly. There might be better ways to do it?

In brief, Weatherlink Live is a standalone indoor unit that receives data direct from a Vue/VP2 wireless transmitter (eg an ISS) and uploads that data directly to the Davis online weather network.

WLL therefore combines, in a single unit, features from both the WeatherlinkIP logger (direct uploads to the Davis via a network connection) and VP2 Envoy consoles (as a pure data receiver with no built-in display). It also adds some important extra features like multi-transmitter reception, WiFi connectivity and built-in data backup.

In order to satisfy the demands of our private and professional customers, we have developed a complementary data consultation platform to MtoData. It allows you to store your weather station archives in an unlimited way and to export them in spreadsheet format.'s Pro or Pro+ subscription is not necessary for archiving your data. However, in the event of an internet outage and the absence of data communication on, we are only able to complete your archive for owners of Pro or Pro+ subscriptions.

Use Windows Explorer to locate and look in the Weatherlink installation folder on your previous PC to transfer the weatherlink data. This WeatherLink folder is usually found in the program files directory (c:/Program Files) or at the root (c:).

In WeatherLink, there will be a folder titled after the name you picked for your station (e.g. C:weatherlinkbrettsWX). Copy this complete folder, which is titled after your station, to your new PC's Weatherlink folder. The data should be available when you open that station on the new PC.

I have had a Vantage Vue station and console for a number of years connected to via a WeatherlinkIP dongle. This has worked very well until recently when I've had problems with the WeatherlinkIP dongle. Although I managed to fix the problem after 2 weeks offline, by clearing the memory and resetting very carefully, I decided to move to a Weatherlink Live because it's better supported nowadays by Davis. This has all gone smoothly and I've retired my WeatherlinkIP and moved my Pro subscription to the Weatherlink Live.

However, overnight the battery ran out on my station - it started giving warnings a couple of days ago. Unfortunately, the final two entries that were transmitted to the Weatherlink Live and then on to were corrupt and contained a low temperature of -67.8C. While it's cold in Scotland where I live, it's not that cold

I've spent all evening trying to work out how I can edit the incorrect data on I cannot work out how to do it. I've even tried re-importing an edited 2020 to but this hasn't worked either. Does anyone have any idea if this is possible and if so how to do it? ff782bc1db

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