Given your recent updates to make the metoffice uploaded work correct, should it be possible to calculate the 10 minute average values now?

Also is there any way to upload the live values weathercloud requires.ThanksRichard

Hy guys im having a little trouble posting my temperature and humidity readings on weathercloud. In the serial monitor everithing is reading fine but when i go to weathercloud account it shows that the card connected but the temperature and humidity stay on zero. Here is the code. thanks

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In tempestwx it could be implemented on the same page where the WUNDERGROUND credentials are entered, or perhaps on another page. What it needs, like wunderground, are a WEATHERCLOUD ID that is provided by weathercloud and a KEY always provided by it.

"ESP32 Weathercloud Weather Station" What is Weatherclud? Weathercloud is a large network of weather stations reporting data in real time from all over the world. It's free and there are more than 10 000 weather stations connected to it. Firstly, I had my own HTML website where all the data were sent but making your own website and graphics is hard and it's much easier to just send all the data to a big cloud platform which has nice graphics and stable servers. I searched how to send data to weathercloud and I found that you can accomplish that easily by a simple GET call. The only problem with Weathercloud is that with a free account it lets you send data only every ten minutes but that shouldn't be a problem for most uses. You'll need to make an Weathercloud account in order to make it work. Then you'll need to create a station profile on their website. When you create your weather station profile on Weathercloud, you are given the a Weathercloud ID and a Weathercloud KEY. Keep these because the Arduino will need them to know where to send data.

Dear Jakub,

I made this project, the sensors are working, I have wifi connection to my network, but unable to "upload" data to weathercloud. I have the wid and key,and if I copy the full string and put it in a browsers data is received by the site, and my page updated. With the code you provided, no. Is there any special configuration for the weathercloud api? is this correct client.print("GET ... to connect to the site?

thank you.

Luis Santos

I have built this station but am having a bit of trouble uploading data to weathercloud. All the sensors check out great while running test. Station connects to WiFi and pulls an ip address fine. But I am getting no data to WeatherCloud. Serial data just prints closing connection over and over. I have checked my WID and Key and both are correct. What should I look at next?

Hello guys, my friend just bought a Bresser 7 in 1 weather station that he mounted few days ago. But there's one problem: we couldn't connect that to Weathercloud neither Weather Underground, as we can't manage to estabilish a connection with the station access point. However, the station itself connects to the Smart Life app. The fun doesn't end here, because on the phone if you don't enable the Bluetooth it'll never connect to the app, so it means that the phone, too, doesn't connect to the access point. We need to connect to the access point in order to enter from the ip address and place in the platform the id and key given from weathercloud. His model is the Tuya ClimateConnect Bresser 7 in 1. ff782bc1db

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