So I purchased a Lilygo RTL it came with paxcounter. I uploaded OMG and it worked fine

Then I decided I wanted to play with paxcounter so I used VSCode and Platformino to load it.

Now I am trying to go back to OMG. In VS code I did clean as will as pio erase

I have loaded OMG 3 times and it seems to load. I see it in devices.

But my LCD no longer shows anything nr does it appear to be getting my weather station anymore.

yea the wind is wrong also but this weather station has been outside a long time and the vanes do not spin freely so I have not been using it for that. I have another ambient weather that does wind but stinks on rain lol

Weather Station Wh1080 Software Download

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easyweather_viewer.m creates a graphical user interface for viewing graphs of all relevant weather variables, such as temperature, pressure, rain etc.

If you want to work with the data yourself, you may use read_easyweather.m to import the data from the history file. It will read both old and new file formats.

My local sailing club has a Buienradar BR-1800 weather station with its indoor unit in the start/finish venue. There it is inaccessible to the sailors. I have some past experience in weather stations. I was the first to receive FSK signals from a WH1080 weather station. Before that time OOK was the modulation of choice. As sailor I actually want to be able to read the local wind and direction, preferable also from home. So I set out to make this weather station internet connected.

So I went to the sailing club (sailed a bit first), opened my laptop and after a few minutes I had received the raw data of several packets. Back home! After studying a bit and comparing to the expected protocol I noticed that the payload was too short and I actually recognized it. I hooked up the WH1080 packet decoder and indeed, WH1080 / WS400 signals. There is another station at the club, maybe on a boat. But I should have received Buienradar BR-1800 signals as well. Same frequency and bitrate.

The Fine Offset weather station switched over to a new RF transmission protocol somewhere in 2012. While the old protocol was a On-Off-Keying (OOK) protocol, the V2 protocol used Frequency-Shift-Keying (FSK). This is natural transmision mode of the RFM02 transmitters and their RFM01 receivers. The RFM12B modules can also receive the same FSK signals. Most of the reverse engineering happened on the Raspberry Pi forum: WH1080 V2 protocol decoded

I have a low cost WH1080 USB Weather station, connected by USB to an intel NUC running docker (x86). These weather stations have a bug in that they occasionally lock up and stop sending data. I implemented an automated way to reset it.

The weatherstation receiver is connected and powered by USB. I had a couple of Sinilink USB XY-WFUSB (ESP8266) devices, flashed with Tasmota. I put one inline in the USB cable. Power is interrupted on command and the USB data passes though it fine.

Eliminate the USB receiver/display for more reliability

Remove the USB Main display which may not be that reliable (hopefully my current model is more reliable than the last) and build a 433MHz receiver.


The WH-1080 was widely available in Australia from a number of different locations and undermultiple names, for example Jaycar (currently $199 + postage), or eBay (prices from about $120 including postage). The photo below is the best guideto see if the station you're looking at is a WH-1080.

I've also recently seen a station on sale at similar prices called a WH-1091. I have noexperience of it, but from the number and the external unit, it appears that it's made bythe same company. I've been told that the same software works on it, but it remains to beproven if that applies to my software too.

The inside unit has a display with all parameters, along with a forecast image showingimages of rain, clouds or sun. All home weather stations seem to do this, and sometimes theforecast is correct. Communication with the unit is via touch screen, which makes thecontrast very poor. It interfaces to the computer via USB interface, and to the externalunit via wireless. It also measures barometric pressure, internal temperature and humidity:

At top left are the interior and exterior temperatures and relative humidities. Top rightis wind speed shown graphically and numerically (5.0 km/h) and rainfall (0). Centre left isan attempt at a weather forecast (rainfall in this case). Centre right is the barometricpressure (this device is has a defective display) and a toy relative pressure bar chartbelow. At the bottom are time, date, and an indicator showing how much memory is in use.

Click on the photo for progressively largerversions. This photo shows the temperature sensor at the left, which also containsthe transmitter. To the right are, in sequence, weather speed detector behind, the weathervane and the rain gauge. All are connected with the ridiculously long cables supplied withthe unit.

Hallo dear, I am new here and I just got my emonbase tx,th and so on, the whole set, in my house I also have a wh1081 weather station it seems that is possible to get the wireless data from the outdoor transmitter with the emonbase receiver and post to emoncms?

The Fine Offset WH1080 Weather Station (available at Clas Ohlson, Maplin Electronics and numerous other places) is a low-cost, easy to use wireless weather station that transmits data over

868Mhz and can easily be decoded using an RFM12B chip and an Arduino.

The weather station hardware includes sensors for temperature, humidity, rain, wind speed and wind direction. It is powered by two AA batteries and should be mounted high-up with an unobstructed view of the sky to obtain the most accurate readings. But ensure that you can access it safely for maintenance.

I have a USB weather station. If the screensaver kicks on (blank screen and lock), data from the weather station stalls out. I can lock the screen manually and I have no issues at all with the weather station data stalling out. If I run lsusb, the weather station is listed as...

Could I go to /sys/bus/usb/devices/usb13/power (assuming that is the correct location for the weather station) and edit the files to prevent data from stalling out when Ubuntu kicks on the screensaver? Thanks in advance!

When installing weewx, my favorite open source software to manage weather data derived form a personal weather station, I had to figure out that apparently there is no way to get ldconfig available on OpenWRT/LEDE.

Just for your information: I have my package of weewx running fine as well on OpenWRT/Lede! I have even built some additional documentation which describes how to fix the issue with weewx accessing weather stations through USB (the second one you reference in your last post :)).

WeatherCat version 1.1.1 and later offers support for the Fine Offset WH1080/2080 range of stations. WeatherCat version 1.1.4 adds support for WH3080 stations (solar/U.V.). These are USB based stations and do not require a USB to serial converter or driver.

Notes: It is currently not possible for WeatherCat to distinguish between these stations (they all use the same U.S.B. I.D.'s) - if you select the wrong driver the data will not be extracted properly from the data logger. Secondly, if your station did not come with a ferrite clamp on the USB cable, do install one - this can help prevent the console locking up.

A while ago I bought one of the Maplins weather stations, just for fun really no plans with it. The device came with a pole to which several sensors could be attached: temperature, humitidy, wind speed, wind direction and rain level. The other important bit in the box was the control station, which is a large LCD screen based output for the information which is gathered in the sensors, it also gives an attempt at forecasting. Areas of the screen are pressure sensitive which allows for a touchscreen style interface for changing views etc.

It was all going well, that is until the batteries in the head unit run out and the project headed back onto the todo pile. That was until I was working on a seperate project where I was trying to retrieve the RF signal on 433mHz home plugs and saw some random traffic. After thinking it must be a neighbour or a cars remote locking, i realised the data was being sent on a regular basis. It eventually dawned on me after a bit of googling that the data may be from the sensors on the weather station as the batteries were still active on that side. A small amount of googling later and I found that I was able to not only retrieve that data but also decode it into readable data.

My aforementioned googling around the weather station data led me back to a project I was already using, OOK-Decoder, OOK being the form of modulation used in many RF devices and seemingly the weather station. The OOK-Decoder project also comes with another executable wh1080, which it turns out is my weather station.

Meteoplug supports exactly the same weather stations as Meteohub. As current Meteoplug clients just have USB, weather stations with USB connector (serial and HID type) or TCP/IP connection (connected via a hub, switch or router to Meteoplug client) are directly supported. To have a RS232 connected weather station supported a Meteoplug compatible RS232-to-USB converter is needed. Attached you find a list of supported weather stations.

Internal data logger of weather stations is in general not supported. Exception is Davis Vantage/Vue. Here Meteoplug checks for data in the internal logger of the weather station before doing reading regular live data.

Definition of weather stations and sensors has to be done on the Meteohub. Meteoplug just mirrors settings you have done on your Meteohub. When you change settings on your Meteohub it might take some time until these changes are effective on Meteoplug.

TL-MR3020 has a limitation concerning USB devices. It can just handle USB 2.0 devices, low speed USB 1.x devices will not be handled correctly. This is very easy to overcome by adding a small cheap, unpowered external USB 2.0 HUB, which translates USB 1.x from your weather station to USB 2.0. Weather stations known to be impacted by this are: ff782bc1db

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