Call For Submissions (PDF)

The ACM Workshop on wearable systems and applications (WearSys) is focused on wearable technologies that can shape mobile computing, systems and applications research. WearSys will provide a venue for presenting current research and technology trends, and debating future research agendas of wearable technology. It will provide a forum for discussing innovative and/or ideas that have potential for significant impact.

We solicit papers of six or fewer pages that present preliminary research in prototyping a wearable system, experience in designing a novel wearable technology, or survey of useful tools for designing inter-disciplinary wearable systems and applications. We also encourage position papers that propose new directions for research or advocate disruptive design ideas and project applications. We also encourage submissions that can help bootstrap exploration of the wearable design space by the broader mobile systems community. The focus areas include, but not limited to,


Submission deadline (paper, demo, poster): Apr 24, 2020

Notification of acceptance: May 5, 2020

Camera-ready workshop papers due: May 15, 2020

Workshop date: June 19, 2020

  • Smart Glass, wearable imaging, projection and low-power displays
  • Wearable fashion (Smart watch, wristbands, amulets, body suits)
  • Capacitive sensing and On-body communication
  • Wearable health and fitness activity tracking
  • Ubiquitous Input Devices
  • Novel energy management solutions (eg. swappable batteries, solar harvesting)
  • Context sensitive notification delivery
  • Wearable biometrics for payment and authentication
  • Haptics and cognitive prosthetics
  • Body energy harnessing
  • Brain-interfaces
  • Electromyography (EMG) interfaces
  • Wearable fashion (eg. smart jackets, body suits, amulets)
  • Novel combinations of 3D printing and Wearables (eg. integration with custom 3D printed sensors/encl.)
  • Wearable infrastructure and toolkits (hardware/software, custom/open source)
  • Security concerns and solutions for wearable systems.

Workshop papers will be included with the MobiSys proceedings and posted in the ACM Digital Library. Detailed formatting guidelines and access to the submission portal can be found in the Submission page.