
Updated 2/5/2024 v3.0 DexShare

Install Tasker App from Google Play Store

NOTE: You will need the full paid version

Install AutoApps from google play store.

Purchase the AutoInput plug-in within AutoApps

Purchase the AutoNotification plug-in within AutoApps

Purchase the AutoTools plug-in within AutoApps

Purchase the AutoWear plug-in within AutoApps

Install AutoWear from Google Play Store on Your Watch

Install WatchMaker from Google Play Store 

NOTE:  You will need to Full Paid ($11.99) Version

 In the Dexcom G6 app, be sure that QUICK GLANCE is turned on under settings.  

****You MUST have Dexcom Share working with at least one person.

Download the latest WearPump Project file from the Facebook WearPump group Files Section

Watchmaker needs to run in the background all the time in order to transfer the data to the watch.  To do this (on my S23 anyway) open Watchmaker. Go to the Open Apps carrousel (Scroll up from the Bottom on S23) swipe to watchmaker and click on the icon at the top of the watchmaker app.  Click on KEEP OPEN.

Watchmaker needs the following permissions. The 2nd picture is ADDITIONAL PERMISSIONS.

Click and Hold on the AutoInput Icon on your phone.  Goto App Info. Make sure permissions are set like the pictures

Open AutoInput on Phone and ensure that settings look like this picture.

Go to Setting>Apps>Tasker and make permissions match these.  The third picture is ADDITIONAL PERMISSIONS.

Click and Hold on the Tasker Icon on your phone.  Goto SETTINGS.  Under the MISC tab  make sure it looks like picture.

Click and Hold on the AutoWear Icon on your phone.  Goto App Info. Make sure permissions are set like the pictures The 2ns picture is ADDITIONAL PERMISSIONS.

Click and Hold on the AutoNotification Icon on your phone.  Goto App Info. Make sure permissions are set like the pictures.  The 3rd picture is ADDITIONAL PERMISSIONS.

Open AutoWear Settings on your watch.  Make sure it looks like the picture.

-Open AutoWear Settings on your watch.  Click on Launcher Apps.

Make sure COMMAND and TASK is enabled.

NOTE: The most important part of this whole process is the permissions in the steps above.  

Once these apps/plug-ins are installed, please open the Tasker App and import the WearPump project .xml file by clicking on the HOME button and then IMPORT PROJECT.

Browse to wherever the Project file was saved on your phone.  Typically it is saved in the DOWNLOADS folder.

WearPump will run TSlimComplication whenever the Dexcom app is updated with a new CGM value (every 5 minutes).  The phone will unlock and turn on for 3 seconds every 5 minutes to get the pump data from the TConnect app and then shut the screen off.  It will ONLY run when the phone screen is off.  I chose to do it this way as to not interrupt you while you were using your phone for other things.  

Go to the Watchmaker app and search for WearPump.  It should bring up some watch faces.  

You must have Smart Lock setup on the phone so that this task can Turn On the screen without needing a password.  Click the button below for the steps to Turn on Smart Lock.  

NOTE:  I have had better luck with using routines on my S23 phone to keep phone unlocked.  It is similar to SmartLock, but SmartLock is very finicky on the S23.

I also have set my screen to shutoff in 30 seconds but only lock in 10 minutes if no activity.  The phone updates WearPump every 5 minutes so it should remain unlocked indefinitely.  This is the method I use.

Open Tasker app and click on TASKS at the top

Open the CONSTANTS task in Tasker.  Click on Step 1 and change to your Dexcom Account Username.  Click on Step 2 and change to your Dexcom Account Password.

If you are outside the US please change Step 3 to true.  This will change the server that WearPump uses to access Dexcom Share data.

Click the PLAY button on the bottom left. This initializes all of the data for Dexcom Share access.

In order to use the Mobile Bolus feature from the Watchface your phone will need to be setup with a PIN.  If you have a PIN or just set one up then you will need to go into the Tasker App and click on TASKS at the top.  Then click on the BOLUS task.

Click on STEP 1  and change the 05152004 to your phone's PIN number

DO NOT CLICK THE PLAY BUTTON.  This will be activated from the watchface in a future step.

Open Tasker App and click on TASKS.  Click on AUTHENTICATE.  This task authenticates your account on the Dexcom Server.  Click the play button on the bottom left of screen.  This will run the AUTHENTICATE task. 

Hit the back arrow on hte top left and then click the VARS tab.  Make sure your %AccountID looks similar to the one in the picture.

Open Tasker App and click on TASKS.  Click on SESSIONID  This task requests a SessionID based on your AccountID from the previous step.

Click the play button on the bottom left of screen.  This will run the SESSIONID task. 

Hit the back arrow on hte top left and then click the VARS tab.  Make sure your %SessionID looks similar to the one in the picture.

Open Tasker App and click on TASKS.  Click on GETBGVALUES task.  Click the run button in the bottom left.  This will get the last 6 hours of Glucose values from the Dexcom Share server and should show up on the watchface.

You can also check the variables under the VARS tab in Tasker App.   

%dexcombgValue should contain the current glucose value from Dexcom

%dexcombgArray should contain a ; delimited list of the last 6 hours of glucose values

If you are able to see your glucose values then you are done.  Final step is to turn on the Profiles AUTOWEAR and DexNotification.  Once the phone is off and the Dexcom recieves an update it will also update the TSLIM values.

If you want to notify anyone in the event of a low blood sugar you will need to open Tasker app and go to the VARS tab.  Update %SMSnubers variable with a comma delimeted list of phone numbers. (Eaxmple..  5551234567,5551234568,5551234569....)

It will send a SMS message to these numbers from your phone when the Dexcom value is below 60, that says..

"My Blood sugar is XX.  Please check on me.  Thanks!"