Frequently Asked Questions

About the SDGs

How many are the sustainable development goals ?

There are seventeen SDGs.

Who set them?

The United Nations

When were they set?

In 2015

Why are SDG goals important?


What are the goals used for?

It was adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030.

Photo by _Marion/23 from Pixabay

Photo by: KasunChamara from Pixabay

What will happen in a few years if we don’t look after our planet?

Here is where you can write the answer to that question.

Photo by: Stéphane Bidouze from Adobe Stock

Photo by: Richard Carey from Adobe Stock

What can we do to improve the actual situation?

About the project and eTwinning

Who takes part in the project "We are Young, We Share Goals?"

68 students from France, Italy and Spain, aged 14-16.

What is eTwinning?

eTwinning is a digital platform where students and teachers from European countries can collaborate in projects.

What is this page used for?

We created this website for people to be concerned about the importance of the goals.