Hi. I’m Kate. I’m an Excel geek and a designer with a passion for creating better user experiences. I have an MBA from the Stanford GSB and a BS from the UC Berkeley Haas School of Business, but I've always secretly believed someone was going to revoke my degree one day because my personal finances were such a mess. Not a downward-spiral-of-credit-card-debt kind of mess, but really disorganized and neglected. Work kept me so busy I never had time to do the research to make well-informed decisions, but I didn't want to outsource my financial future to the planners I'd met who'd either ignore my modest accounts or try to sell me insurance.

When I left the corporate world, I decided it was time to finally get my finances together. I had a family to think about and I knew I could just do better than sticking money in a checking account and hoping the for the best. For many years I had designed and built better customer experience for large financial services companies at IDEO, and I wanted to put that experience to work to create the financial planning resource I wanted, but couldn't find. That's when I started this website.

My goal is to help people feel more confident about their finances by creating tools that are easy to use, thoroughly researched, grounded in common sense, and beautiful. Join me by trying out the Wealth Blueprint I've built and letting me know what you think or by reading through some of the research I've shared on my blog.

And just to ensure total transparency, here's my official disclaimer: I am not a professional tax, legal, accounting or financial adviser and the information here is not intended to be advice. Everyone’s situation is going to be unique so it’s a good idea to speak with a professional if you do need advice on your specific circumstances. I try my best to make sure that the information I present here is well-researched, but I can’t guarantee that it hasn’t become outdated or inaccurate as legal and business landscapes change. I do not assume any liability or responsibility with respect to losses or damages caused or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly, by the information contained on this site.

Kate Piper. MBA. Designer. Passionate about helping others make more informed financial choices.