Social Justice Narrative Board

Welcome to our Narrative Board!

Here we offer an interactive board for sharing and learning

Why Narratives?

Narratives are a powerful way to communicate- from narratives we can share, hear and reflect on the stories of our lives and society. Narratives offer multiple perspectives, create empathy and inspire us to be the change. They hone our communication skills, while inspiring us to become critical thinkers

How to use the Narrative Board?

You can share your stories on social justice trough multiple genres including: short stories, poetry, songs or speeches. You are welcome to create artwork, audio and video creations. Your work should represent stories that can be told with as much anonymity as possible for the people or places you write about. Your published work can be anonymous if you prefer just let the administrator know.

In order to submit click anywhere on the Padlet and upload your work - when your work is approved it will appear on this Padlet. Please let the board administrators know if you would like to keep your work anonymous