Events at local colleges/college visits. You can learn a lot from visiting colleges or attending events on campus. Colleges have open houses or accepted student days where department representatives answer questions and offer you their knowledge. There are also students around you can talk to about their major and class experiences in the major.

What you major in can also set the foundation for future career paths based on the knowledge and skills you gain. Certain entry-level jobs also may require or highly prefer specific degrees, such as engineering or architecture.

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Some majors have higher starting salaries than others, which can have long-lasting effects. According to the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, the top-paying college majors earn $3.4 million more than the lowest-paying majors over a lifetime.

Some majors, like pre-med, require significantly more work than others. How much time do you want to commit to your training, and how dedicated of a student will you be? Will you be able to attend school full-time and devote all your time to your classes, or will you need to work a part-time job to manage your expenses? These are questions to ask as you consider what major is right for your future lifestyle.

Online quizzes can be a fun and helpful way to guide your thoughts on which major is right for you. While you should take the results with a grain of salt, quizzes are a great way to get you thinking about the options.

You may not know your end goal when you start college. However, doing some research and due diligence is essential in choosing a major and starting on a path paved with proactivity and goals. Even if you end up changing your mind, selecting a major based on some idea of what you want to accomplish will help you be specific in setting your intentions and selecting your courses once you start college.

A double major allows you to pursue and complete two different majors simultaneously. Your two majors can be in subjects that complement each other, such as business and marketing, or in two distinct areas, such as music and psychology. Read more on the pros and cons of having a double major.

Abilities are what you are able to do, generally speaking. Understanding what areas you have skills in and which areas could use work is a great way to start the elimination process when choosing a university major.

Following your passions, whatever they may be, is one of the best ways to choose a major, and it generally has the least second-guessing later on. However, as with your interests, passions may be defined later on, even after university is over.

Speaking of personality quizzes, a popular one to take is the Myers & Briggs MBTI Personality Type Test, which separates people into 16 psychological types. These often are a great way to figure out if a particular university major, minor, or career choice is right for you.

Even if you are entering university, most schools and their advisors recommend that you wait before declaring a major. In the U.S., it is common to leave the declaration of your intended major until the end of your sophomore year.

Meeting with the university advisor will offer you more in return than just advice on which major is right for you - with their intimate knowledge of the specific university and campus, they can curate just the right course of study for each student.

Many universities (and high schools, even) have career counselors on top of their academic advisors. Meeting with these career advisors might be helpful, as they can give you a long-term view of how a particular major or degree will translate to a career down the road.

Yes, every major that you choose will ultimately have some downsides and disadvantages. The only thing you can do is to be aware of them and to make sure that you can handle when they decide to pop up.

How connected is my chosen university? You want to pick a major in a college that is well-connected to local contacts in your chosen field for that real-world experience. Any college too rural or too small may leave you at a disadvantage upon your graduation.

Do you have any questions on how to choose a major? Not sure how to describe your skills or achievements? Give us a shout in the comments below and we will answer your question. Thanks for reading!

I do know that I want a job where I can continue to be creative, and I get grossed out by the idea of the routine 9-5 office job...but on the same hand, I don't want to major in something that has poor job growth and I know that's the case with a lot of majors.

Your major in college is your specialized area of study. Beyond general college requirements, you'll also take a group of courses in a subject of your choosing such as Chemistry, Comparative Literature, or Political Science. At some schools you can even design your own major.

The major you choose will neither predict nor guarantee your future. Many graduates find jobs that have nothing to do with what they studied in college. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the average twenty-something switches jobs once every three years and the average person changes career fields two or three times in their lifetime.

If you intend to earn a professional degree (like an MD) after college, you will probably need certain courses, or prerequisites , under your belt. But many future doctors major in non-science related fields. 

Typically in your sophomore or junior year, but the answer varies across schools and programs. Some colleges ask you to list your expected major on your college application (although "undecided" is usually an option), but don't require you to declare definitively until later.

If you are interested in a major that requires a lot of classes, or classes that are limited to students in that major, then it is better to declare early. Some majors demand a strictly regimented order of courses, and if you fall behind, you may have to extend your college stay by a semester or two.

Definitely. One of the most exciting aspects of college life is that it introduces you to new subjects and fosters new passions. You might enter undergrad enjoying physics but discover a burgeoning love for political science. However, keep this mind: Every major has requisite coursework. Some require you to take introductory courses before you move into the more advanced classes. Also, some classes are offered in the fall but not in the spring, or vice-versa. If you change your major late in the game, it may take more than the traditional four years to earn a degree.

If one field of study doesn't satisfy your intellectual appetite, consider a minor. A minor is similar to a major in that it's an area of academic concentration. The only difference is that a minor does not require as many classes.

Some undergrads with a love of learning and an appetite for punishment choose to pursue two majors, often in totally different subjects. A double major provides you with an understanding of two academic fields. It allows you to become familiar with two sets of values, views and vocabularies. That said, it also requires you to fulfill two sets of requirements and take twice as many required classes. You won't have as many opportunities to experiment or take classes outside those two fields.

You can declare a major, or apply as undeclared, on your UC application form. For freshmen applying to a major in the College, your choice of major will neither help nor hurt your prospects for admission. In fact, a large number of freshman applicants apply as undeclared. The UC application allows you to choose an alternate major, but we only guarantee the review of first-choice majors.

For students who chose a major outside the College in one of our professional schools, check with the school to see if a supplemental application or any other action is required. The professional schools are:

"Native Americans are incredibly influential and have the ability to really swing those elections on the margins," said Jacqueline De Len, a senior staff attorney at the Native American Rights Fund, adding that she sees the potential for Native voters to decide elections where the population of Native Americans is bigger than the vote differentials that decide those races.

Sweet noted most Natives live in urban communities nationally. In Wisconsin, the majority are in Milwaukee. Historic barriers to voting, Sweet said, can keep Native voters out of the process regardless of where they live.

College is a balance of working toward your future goals while taking advantage of the opportunities presented to you by classes, professors and extracurricular activities. To choose the right major, keep in mind both your present interests and your future career goals.

At the same time, not all passions are potential careers. For instance, you may be passionate about animals, but if the sight of blood makes you queasy, veterinary science may not be the right major for you.

Understanding your strengths is key to determining your major. Your strengths can point you toward a career path. Strong organization skills and extroversion can indicate a career in event planning, for example. For this career path, a marketing management major may be appropriate.

If your mind is running in circles even after answering these questions, it may be helpful to turn to a trusted guidance counselor or teacher. One of the best ways to uncover which major is right for you is by asking someone who observes you in academic settings and can objectively answer questions about your academic strengths and weaknesses.

In recent years, several colleges and universities have begun offering create-your-own majors. These individualized or interdisciplinary programs suit students who have many interests and want to take courses from a variety of majors to achieve their career goals.

To design your own major, you must choose a college that offers this option. You should also make sure the school aligns with your future career and be prepared to put in some extra work. Though rewarding, designing your own major can be a rigorous process. e24fc04721

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