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The purpose of this package is to provide a lightweight and unified Future API for sequential and parallel processing of R expression via futures. The simplest way to evaluate an expression in parallel is to use 'x %

To perform an asynchronous computation, you use an async functionwhich always produces a future.Inside such an asynchronous function, you can use the await operationto delay execution until another asynchronous computation has a result.While execution of the awaiting function is delayed,the program is not blocked, and can continue doing other things.

Here the File.readAsString method from dart:io is an asynchronousfunction returning a Future.The fileContains function is marked with async right before its body,which means that you can use await inside it,and that it must return a future.The call to File(path).readAsString() initiates reading the file intoa string and produces a Future which will eventually contain theresult.The await then waits for that future to complete with a string(or an error, if reading the file fails).While waiting, the program can do other things.When the future completes with a string, the fileContains functioncomputes a boolean and returns it, which then completes the originalfuture that it returned when first called.

In general, when writing asynchronous code, you should always await afuture when it is produced, and not wait until after another asynchronousdelay. That ensures that you are ready to receive any error that thefuture might produce, which is important because an asynchronous errorthat no-one is awaiting is an uncaught error and may terminatethe running program.

The Future class also provides a more direct, low-level functionalityfor accessing the result that it completes with.The async and await language features are built on top of thisfunctionality, and it sometimes makes sense to use it directly.There are things that you cannot do by just awaiting one future ata time.

In some cases we say that a future is completed with another future.This is a short way of stating that the future is completed in the same way,with the same value or error,as the other future once that other future itself completes.Most functions in the platform libraries that complete a future(for example Completer.complete or Future.value),also accepts another future, and automatically handles forwardingthe result to the future being completed.

The result of registering callbacks is itself a Future,which in turn is completed with the result of invoking thecorresponding callback with the original future's result.The new future is completed with an error if the invoked callback throws.For example:

If a future does not have any registered handler when it completeswith an error, it forwards the error to an "uncaught-error handler".This behavior ensures that no error is silently dropped.However, it also means that error handlers should be installed early,so that they are present as soon as a future is completed with an error.The following example demonstrates this potential bug:

The Future of Jobs Report 2023 explores how jobs and skills will evolve over the next five years. This fourth edition of the series continues the analysis of employer expectations to provide new insights on how socio-economic and technology trends will shape the workplace of the future.

The goal of this Future of Semiconductors (FuSe2) solicitation is to cultivate holistic, co-design approaches to fundamental research and workforce education and training in order to enable rapid progress in new semiconductor technologies. The future of semiconductor manufacturing will require the design and deployment of diverse new technologies in materials, chemical and materials processes, devices, and architectures through the development of application-driven systems. Partnerships between industry and academic institutions are essential to spurring this innovation, enabling technology transfer, informing research infrastructure needs, and training the future workforce.

The U.S. DOT sees AV 3.0 as the beginning of a national discussion about the future of our on-road surface transportation system. The U.S. DOT is seeking public comments on the AV 3.0 (Federal Register Notice, DOT-OST-2018-0149 - comment period closed on December 3, 2018), Preparing for the Future of Transportation: Automated Vehicles 3.0 [ISBN 978-0-16-094944-9].

Forum harnesses futures for sustainability - using trends, visions and scenarios to challenge our assumptions about the world and help map out pathways to a more sustainable future. Our work on futures is captured on the Futures Centre, a global platform tracking and making sense of change, and in our annual Future of Sustainability report. Read more

We are leaders in applied futures for sustainability, using trends, visions and scenarios to challenge out partners' assumptions about the world and help them create concrete, practical and visionary solutions to current challenges. Read more

The rule of thumb is to never expose Future objects in user-facingAPIs, and the recommended way to create a Future object is to callloop.create_future(). This way alternative event loopimplementations can inject their own optimized implementationsof a Future object.

This codelab teaches you how to write asynchronous code usingfutures and the async and await keywords. Using embedded DartPad editors, you can test your knowledge by running example codeand completing exercises.

In programming, a future is an abstraction for a value that may be available at some point in the future. The state of a future can either be unresolved or resolved. As soon as it is resolved, the value is available instantaneously. If the value is queried while the future is still unresolved, the current process is blocked until the future is resolved. It is possible to check whether a future is resolved or not without blocking. Exactly how and when futures are resolved depends on what strategy is used to evaluate them. For instance, a future can be resolved using a sequential strategy, which means it is resolved in the current R session. Other strategies may be to resolve futures asynchronously, for instance, by evaluating expressions in parallel on the current machine or concurrently on a compute cluster.

With asynchronous futures, the current/main R process does not block, which means it is available for further processing while the futures are being resolved in separate processes running in the background. In other words, futures provide a simple but yet powerful construct for parallel and / or distributed processing in R.

Now, if you cannot be bothered to read all the nitty-gritty details about futures, but just want to try them out, then skip to the end to play with the Mandelbrot demo using both parallel and non-parallel evaluation.

Before going through each of the different future strategies, it is probably helpful to clarify the objectives of the Future API (as defined by the future package). When programming with futures, it should not really matter what future strategy is used for executing code. This is because we cannot really know what computational resources the user has access to so the choice of evaluation strategy should be in the hands of the user and not the developer. In other words, the code should not make any assumptions on the type of futures used, e.g. synchronous or asynchronous.

One of the designs of the Future API was to encapsulate any differences such that all types of futures will appear to work the same. This despite expressions may be evaluated locally in the current R session or across the world in remote R sessions. Another obvious advantage of having a consistent API and behavior among different types of futures is that it helps while prototyping. Typically one would use sequential evaluation while building up a script and, later, when the script is fully developed, one may turn on asynchronous processing.

Because of this, the defaults of the different strategies are such that the results and side effects of evaluating a future expression are as similar as possible. More specifically, the following is true for all futures:

Sequential futures are the default unless otherwise specified. They were designed to behave as similar as possible to regular R evaluation while still fulfilling the Future API and its behaviors. Here is an example illustrating their properties:

Since eager sequential evaluation is taking place, each of the three futures is resolved instantaneously in the moment it is created. Note also how pid in the calling environment, which was assigned the process ID of the current process, is neither overwritten nor removed. This is because futures are evaluated in a local environment. Since synchronous (uni-)processing is used, future b is resolved by the main R process (still in a local environment), which is why the value of b and pid are the same.

Next, we will turn to asynchronous futures, which are futures that are resolved in the background. By design, these futures are non-blocking, that is, after being created the calling process is available for other tasks including creating additional futures. It is only when the calling process tries to access the value of a future that is not yet resolved, or trying to create another asynchronous future when all available R processes are busy serving other futures, that it blocks. 2351a5e196

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