
I offer a range of basic drawings, illustrations, and designs. Most of my work is geared towards use in research publications and presentations, as well as for academic working groups and laboratories. My illustration work predominantly consists of such themes as paleoanthropology, archaeology, paleontology, and evolutionary biology. My design work has included, e.g., logos for conferences and research projects and covers for journals (e.g., for the journal PaleoAnthropology).

I will take on art and design commissions on a case-by-case basis, depending on my current overall workload and my desire to complete the requested project. That means I reserve the right to reject any commission proposals and also cancel commissions (before completion) without explicit grounds.

Unless otherwise negotiated, commissions are completed with the expectation of attribution wherever the illustration/design is used (that means, it is attributed to me, William D. Snyder in some form).

Rates, fees, and discounts

For works commissioned (and accepted by me) less than 48 hours before the required deadline, there will be an addition last-minute fee of 25% on the final commission value.

Requesting a commission

Please submit commission requests to the following email account: Also, only submit seriouss requests that fit what you can see in my portfolio here or on my instagram (wdspaleo). I am unlikely to accept and fulfill requests that go far beyond that which is covered in my portfolio (thematically, stylistically, or otherwise). 

Payment for commissions is expected upon completion, at which time I will send an invoice requesting said payment. Payment is possible through bank transfer or PayPal. Alternative payment options will not be accepted or open to negotiation.