Survey instructions

For participants

I appreciate your interest in participating in this survey. Before you decide, it is important that you understand why the research is being done and what it would involve for you. Please take time to read the participant information sheet and other enclosed documents in advance, and discuss it with others if you wish. If there is anything that is not clear, or if you would like more information, please ask to Dr Won Do Lee (wondo.lee [at] without hesitation.

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Participation Information Sheet

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Written Consent Form Instruction

Written Consent Form

Dear Participants,

I appreciate your interest in participating in this survey. You have been invited because you expressed your interest in this project. Please read through these terms before agreeing to participate by ticking the box below. This project seeks to develop methods to accurately estimate an individual’s exposure to air pollution during their daily activities and travel.

You will be asked to carry a GPS tracker and an air quality monitor at all times on the days you participate in the study. You are also expected to complete a web-based prompted recall travel diary survey website at the end of each day.

You will also download two smartphone apps (Vodafone Smart by Vodafone© and Flow by plume labs©) in advance and keep it running in the background during the survey. The apps are used to save information on where you have been and on the air pollution to which you have been exposed during the study days on a secured web server through communication.

Your answers will be completely anonymous, and I will use all reasonable endeavours to keep them confidential. Please note that your participation is voluntary. You may withdraw at any point during the questionnaire and for any reason. The University of Oxford is the data controller for the Data Protection Act 1998 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Data collected by smart sensing devices and will be stored on servers, which owned by a third party. No information that will identify individuals will be collected using the software and device, and study participants will remain anonymous. Although every reasonable effort has been taken, complete confidentiality during actual online data communication procedures cannot be guaranteed.

If you have a concern about any aspect of this project, please speak to the researcher, Dr Won Do Lee (wondo.lee [at] who will do his best to answer your query.