WAMS is a globally focused Association that invites representation from the largest marine stations in high income countries through to the smallest stations in low income countries. We have therefore sought to keep fees for the Congress as small as possible in order to facilitate in person engagement.

In order to facilitate keeping the cost low we would also invite you to consider sponsoring the congress.


There are over 800 marine stations worldwide where scientific, educational, and citizen activities have been conducted since the mid-19th century to enhance our understanding of oceans and marine life. The World Association of Marine Stations (WAMS; https://worldmarinestations.com) was established in 2008 following a meeting between a small delegation and representatives from IOC-UNESCO. WAMS aims to enhance the identification of global capacity and facilitate coordination on various issues, such as education and training, citizen science, public outreach, interdisciplinary research, as well as survey, monitoring, and long-term observations. WAMS submitted a voluntary commitment at the 2022 United Nations Conference to support the implementation of SDG14. In November 2021, the inaugural World Congress of Marine Stations took place, during which key members from marine stations worldwide signed a joint communiqué, formalizing their commitment to establishing WAMS. Representatives from a diverse array of marine stations and networks convened on-line at the 1st World Congress of Marine Stations (WCMS) in November 2021. The 2nd WCMS2024, held in Shizuoka, Japan, marks the first in-person congress after the COVID pandemic.

Congress Audience

The estimated number of attendees exceeds 150 in person, including scientists and students affiliated with marine stations from approximately 15 countries. Additionally, government officials, representatives from NGOs and IGOs, as well as individuals from the public and private sectors, are expected to participate.

Congress Sponsorship Offer 

We extends sincere gratitude for the invaluable support received from numerous organizations. Our commitment is to ensure the event's accessibility and inclusivity, featuring reduced registration fees and financial assistance for young colleagues. We cordially invite you to join our support network by becoming a Congress Sponsor, thereby contributing to the realization of these objectives. The procedure for sponsorship is available above.

DEADLINE October 31, 2024 


Principal Sponsor \500,000 yen

Prominent logo placement on website, congress materials, and abstract book.

Acknowledgment in opening ceremony and abstract book.

Promotional talk in the program (10 min), dedicated booth or exhibition space in the congress venue.

Premier Sponsor \200,000 yen

Prominent logo placement on website, congress materials, and abstract book.

Acknowledgment in opening ceremony and abstract book.

General Sponsor \100,000 yen

Logo placement on website, and abstract book.

Acknowledgment in the abstract book.

Session Sponsor \20,000 yen

Acknowledgment in the abstract book.