課程/课程                 Programs

Language Program

Integrated K to G9 curriculum with the options of emphasis on Traditional or Simplified Chinese characters with either Zhuyin or Pinyin phonetic systems. Our new textbook, 美洲華語課本 (MeiZhou Chinese), specifically designed for children in the U.S. education system. Our program is fully integrated with AP Chinese and well positioned for AP exam, so your children may continue with their public school Chinese classes. 

For more details, see class description with prerequisite and syllabus.  For cost of language class and culture class, please refer to our current registration form

The school offers Chinese language course every Sunday from 2:00pm to 4:00pm.  There is an optional culture class afterward for an hour from 4:00pm to 5:00pm.  The school year is divided into 2 semesters.  The first semester starts in September and ends in Mid January.  The second semester starts afterward and continues into June.  Every semester there are 15 classes. 

Please refer to our calendar for details.  

Culture Class

We offer optional culture class after each language class.  It runs from 4:00pm to 5:00pm each week.  Every semester we offer different classes, including traditional Chinese dancing, Chinese brush writing, arts and other interesting extra-curriculum topics that allows the students to experience the Chinese cultures.   For what cultures classes we offer now and its fee, please refer to our current registration form



 詳細請見語文課程簡述和課程大綱.  收費請見新生註冊表格.




文化課為志願性選修性質,每週上課一小時,每學期所開設課程視師資狀況及學生興趣有所不同,包括民俗舞蹈、書法國畫、手工藝、及各類運動活動以提昇學生興趣並認識中華藝術文化為旨,詳見文化課課程表。  詳細和收費請見新生註冊表格 



 详细请见语文课程简述和课程大纲. 收费请见新生注册表格.



