To Register for class - Year 2023-24

To avoid a late fee of $50 PER STUDENT, you MUST submit the payment by FIRST class !

Registration confirmation email will ADD $50 to each student total starting FIRST class

Read the registration first page for many new changes for 2023-24

The tuition is listed per year.  You are paying for the full year = year tuition listed +  material fees with this registration.  Please refer to the refund policy.  

*Please discuss with the Principal if you have questions or concerns about paying full-year tuition at the beginning of the school year. 

For classes cost, information, click on registration link below

2) Get a confirmation email   = your registration part went through successfully


收到确认电子邮件 = 您的注册部分成功通过

EACH student will have ONE registration number in confirmation email. If you register 2 students, you will receive 2 registration numbers in confirmation email.

每一位註冊學生會有一個註冊號碼. 如果你註冊兩個學生, 你將會在確認電子郵件收到兩個不同的註冊號碼.

3) Pay using Zelle 付款

Pay registration fee through Zelle. Please set up as your contact recipient. One payment/student -  Add each student's registration number in memo.


利用Zelle 線上付費. 請設定電子信箱 為收款人.  

每一位學生zelle 付款一次 (有兩位學生就分兩次付款), 在付款備註 (memo) 填入該學生的註冊號碼.

利用Zelle 线上付费. 请设定电子信箱 为收款人.

每一位学生zelle 付款一次 (有两位学生就分两次付款), 在付款备注 (memo) 填入该学生的注册号码.

If  you receive #2 and pay for using #3, your registration process is COMPLETE, you registered and paid.  Thank you! 

如果您收到步驟#2 確認電子郵件完成步驟#3的線上付款 ,您的註冊過()程已完成。 謝謝! 

如果您收到步骤#2 确认电子邮件和 完成步骤#3的线上付款 ,您的注册过(过)程已完成。谢谢!

  Email to if you have any question, changes, etc.