Preserve Funding for Washoe County Libraries

For 30 years, the Washoe County Library System relied on a guaranteed $5 million in annual funding through a small portion of property tax revenue. The ballot question to renew this existing funding was worded in a way that confused many voters. Some believed it introduced a new tax or increased their taxes, when in reality, it simply sought to continue funding at current levels. When news came out that the library is at risk of losing funding after the ballot question was voted down, some residents expressed regret over how they voted. They didn’t realize this was a tax they have been paying since 1994.  Here is the full ballot question for transparency:

"Shall the Board of County Commissioners of Washoe County be allowed to levy an ad valorem tax in the amount of up to $0.02 per $100 assessed valuation for a period of 30 years to raise approximately $4,500,000 in fiscal year 2025-2026 and thereafter the amount generated by a levy of up to $0.02 per $100 assessed valuation against the then applicable assessed value of property in the County for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, improving, equipping, operating, and maintaining library facilities for the County?"

With the measure's failure, library funding will now flow into the county’s general fund, forcing the library to compete with other departments for resources. This uncertainty puts programs, hours, branches, and jobs at risk. Additionally, public criticism of libraries nationwide—and even locally—over books, events, and programming may influence commissioners’ funding decisions, despite the majority of residents valuing these services.  

This petition is our chance to show the Board of County Commissioners how much the community supports the library. By signing, you’re sending a clear message: Washoe County residents value their library system and want to see it funded at the same level as before.