Trouble Shooting

Very Important - Please print off and keep Handy!



Do not “reset” your router which has been especially configured by WCCT for your specific installation. Reverting to a factory setting may incur a $50 (plus HST) service call. (Some routers have a red sticker applied over the reset button to warn against touching this reset button.)


Try power cycling (turning power off and on) to “reboot” (i.e., “restart”, NOT “reset”) your modem, router or modem/router. Then, if you have wireless WCCT internet service from your house to a WCCT tower, you should also power cycle the Power Over Ethernet (POE) power supply device to reboot the outside radio – the little black or white box with a power cord and two ethernet ports. This is done from inside the house. Finally, customers with WCCT phone service will also need to power cycle to rebootthe telephone adapter. You should power cycle all your devices. Instructions for power cycling each device are as follows:

Modem, Router, or Modem/Router: Unplug your labelled modem, router or modem/router from the house power, wait 30 seconds, and then plug it in. Ensure the power plug is fully inserted. It will take a couple of minutes to restart.

Radio: Note here where your POE power supply has been installed. The POE is typically a little black or white box with a single white or green light on it. One end of the box has two (network) cables. Do not remove them but ensure they are firmly connected to the box. The other end of the POE black box has the usual house electrical cord and power plug. Unplug this electrical power plug from the house power, wait 30 seconds and plug it back in. Ensure the power plug is fully inserted.

Telephone Adapter: If you are having phone problems and subscribe to the WCCT phone service, you have a separate small box labelled “telephone adapter”. This adapter connects to your router to provide telephone service. This phone adapter has its own power supply. Reboot the phone adapter by unplugging its power supply from the house power wall socket, wait 30 seconds, and then plug it back in. Ensure the power plug is fully inserted.


If power cycling to “reboot” fails, contact WCCT – see Step Four below

Please note that if a service call is required and the problem is not due to service provided by WCCT there will be a $50.00 service charge.

STEP FOUR – How to contact WCCT

If you have internet service, either go to our website ( and under the “Support “ tab complete the Submit Trouble Report form or send an email to Include your name, address and a telephone number where you can be reached.

If you have no internet service please call 1-855-640-8202 and press “1” for “Technical Support”. If no one answers, please leave a message, including your name, address and a telephone number where you can be reached so we can follow up.

2022 January 18