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Water Bottom Video Challenge 2018

What's new

  • November 19, Top-three team names are disclosed in the Final Ranking page. Congratulations, folks!
  • November 7, hereby the Secretariat confirms that all the submission results passed the validation via reproduction experiments.
  • November 3, feedback form is created. Please send us your valuable comments (preferably by Nov. 19)!
  • November 1, final ranking is compiled. Team-names will be disclosed on November 19.
  • October 28 (3 days before the deadline), two teams submitted their final results. Thank you!
  • October 6, Interim Ranking is created. Please send the Secretariat your results!
  • September 25, 2018 Total 20 registrations received. Registration is still open, submission due is Oct. 31.
  • August 3, 2018 Total 17 registrations received
  • July 26, 2018 Important notice: Set SEIDecodedPictureHash to 1 in the configuration file. see Important notice (do not use July 25 version but use July 26 version) --- already consolidated now
  • July 20, 2018 IEEE Tokyo Section approved Technical Co-Sponsorship for WBVC2018 (Web in Japanese)
  • July 19, 2018 Total ten(10) registrations received
  • July 17, 2018 Some missing materials are now all ready
  • July 15, 2018 Video samples uploaded
  • July 10, 2018 Materials are ready. Please register to get on board!
  • June 28, 2018 First registration received
  • June 19, 2018 The Agreement form uploaded
  • June 12, 2018 WBVC web page open