Methods:  The cross probe was made by extracting and microamplifying the total RNA and mRNA of peripheral white blood cells (WBC) in healthy subjects and patients with chronic gastritis and ulcerative colitis, which were labeled by Cy3 and Cy5 respectively. Then equal quantity of the two labeled probes were mixed and hybridized with cDNA chip, fluorescent signal of the chips were scanned with scanner. Data obtained were analyzed for comparing the difference of the expressive levels of immune associated genome in peripheral WBC in healthy subjects with those in patients.

A new whole-body unidirectional moving scanner was built using a single large bar crystal, 12 photomultipliers on its top, and a delay line system to compute the X coordinate. Motion is required in only one direction on the Y-axis, and a special collimation is adapted in order to equal the X and Y performances of the detector.

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The performances of this detector (C.G.R. Scanicamera) (SC) were compared under the same conditions with those of a moving rectilinear scanner (R.S.) (Ohio Nuclear F 84 dual-head scanner, 12.5 cm crystal) and with an Anger gammacamera equipped with its whole body attachment (W.B.C.) (Nuclear Chicago Pho Gamma III H.P.).

I am a radiologist and fellowship trained nuclear radiologist. I have practiced for over two decades doing general radiology and nuclear medicine. I have reviewed the information you have provided and heard discussions at nucs mtgs I attend regularly. However, my opinion is mostly based on my clinical experience, and I want to comment only on the hip athroplasty issue. The currently used TPBS and IN-111 WBC scan are often inconclusive in my experience. Our orthopods usually order both to be done on successive days. TPBS is done day one with blood for WBC scan drawn before TcMDP injected for bone scan, pt returns that afternoon for delayed bone images, then reinjected with the labeled WBCs, and then pt returns the next morning for a dual isotope 4th phase of the TPBS and the IN-111 WBC imaging. This allows better correlation between bone scan and WBC scan. In doing FDG PET for 10yrs (the last 4 with PET/CT) for tumor imaging, I have seen the sensitivity of PET for incidental inflammatory changes in joints. I have found the CT side of the PET/CT to be CRITICAL in assessing the significance of the PET finding. Most references I have seen only comment on the PET component. Even when we do the low dose CT with the PET/CT there is enough detail to not only precisely anatomically localize the area of increased FDG uptake, but visualize some boney detail (of course beam hardening because of prothesis hinders the later). Based on my clinical experience I would definitely prefer a FDG PET/CT over the TPBS and In-111WBC scans. It would be useful to study this with PET/CT. I think it would also help to determine if the higher dose CT might help. This may take a multislice CT scanner (we use a 16 slic scanner). Since many studies are done by Nuclear Medicine doctors who don''t have CT training in imaging bone diseases, I don''t think we know the full potential of this side of the modality. Perhaps you only allow this to be done with PET/CT not with just PET imaging. Perhaps also, you should require the CT to be done in diagnostic mode, but bundle the payment as one exam. For refernce there are no sites in our area that only use PET, as all have PET/CT including the mobile vendors. I suggest you at least allow use of FDG PET/CT to further assess what combined power of both the PET and CT components may add to the existing inadequate approved studies used in the assessment of infected hip athroplasty. Thank you for reviewing my comments. 006ab0faaa

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