
Submission Guidelines

When you have a bit of writing ready to submit for feedback...

Submission Schedule

This schedule is to keep track of whose submission will be discussed and when.

Submission - Schedule

Submissions (folder)

Critique Guidelines

When you are providing feedback to someone else's submission...

Critiques (folder)

Cover Page

Copy the following text and append it as the first page of a submission.




 What if I do not have something to submit? Should I bother going to the meetings?

Absolutely! When feedback is discussed as a group, everyone can learn from other people's opinions and experience, whether it is your story or someone else's.

What if I am unfamiliar or uncomfortable with someone else's submission?

If you are uncomfortable with a subject matter, no one is forcing you to read the submission.

However, even if a genre is "not your cup of tea", try giving it a read anyway. You can can let the writer know your limited experience with the subject matter, and you can offer whatever feedback you are able to provide. All constructive criticism is good feedback, no matter how much or how little.

Side note: I do not typically read romance, but I beta read a friend's romance story and learned quite a bit about how to create characters, especially how they withhold information from other characters.

What if I have never shared my writing (outside a graded assignment)? What if people hate my story?

Sharing your writing, especially with strangers, is an incredibly difficult thing to do. But, when other people give you feedback, it can really improve your writing skills. 

Remember, any feedback you receive from others, you can do whatever you'd like with it. If most everyone is making the same suggestions, maybe you should accept the feedback. If the feedback is all over the place, maybe you don't need to change a thing. What you do with the feedback is entirely up to you.

Also, we are all there to help each other improve our writing. And, we all start somewhere deciding whether or not to share what we have created with the world.

Can I print out a submission and provide written feedback?

We encourage guild members to provide submissions and critiques digitally, but if that is what it takes, why not?

The library has a printer available. It is not free, but it is there for the public to use.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact wbauthors@gmail.com.

Or, you can always bring up an issue with the staff at the Wells Branch Library.