Ways You Can Be There for Palestinians

(with links to action opportunities & resources)

Communicate with Decision-Makers

Show Up

Find & Help Local Orgs organizing for Palestine (via google, local protest media coverage, IG, pro-Palestine friends)

Find a Protest near your via GazaIsPalestine, USCPR, or ProtectPalestine

Find a Local Shutdown Action 

Make or Print Protest Signs: For printable signs, see sign/flier collections 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5

See the resources in USCPR's toolkit!

Speak Out



Like & Comment on pro-Palestine posts & posts that show what's happening in Palestine to help beat content suppression and algorithms 

Wear a Symbol of Solidarity

Encourage / Invite Others to Participate 

Have Conversations - these guides by AFSC and JVP may help, as may this extensive guide by Advocacy for Palestine!

Post Fliers

Chalk Public Sidewalks

Drop Banners


Find a local org that's involved with Palestine advocacy to volunteer with!  To find them, try:

Make protest signs / art to donate to local protests / advocacy groups

Help out / free up a pro-Palestine friend to enable them to participate

Donate & Fundraise

Donate to a humanitarian aid organization:

Donate to an advocacy organization:

Organize a fundraiser

Table at your congregation to fundraise

Reach out to an org you like to ask how you can help fundraise for them

Donate Protest Supplies to local orgs!

Support Just Journalists!

Use Economic Leverage


BDS Boycott List - Top Brands to Boycott

disoccupied.com - brand/company search tool, rating of complicity, AND better alternatives!

Use the No Thanks app, which has search AND barcode scan features.  Get from Google Play (or ask the App Store to include it!)

Post on complicit companies' social media why you're boycotting

Cancel complicit subscriptions & comment why

Tell candidates asking for donations that you won't consider supporting them 'til they support a ceasefire

Participate in Global Strike days

Organize More Support

Organize a Rally

Organize a Vigil

Organize a Meeting with a Decision-Maker / Elected Official

Organize a Teach-In

Organize an In-Person Power Hour (or Power Evening)

Organize a Virtual Power Hour

Organize a Fundraiser

Organize a Watch Party

Organize a Social Media Group

Have Conversations - these guides by AFSC and JVP may help!

See the relevant resources in USCPR's toolkit!

Submit More Ways to Support Palestinians!