Choose the right roll-on waxes matching the skin type

Choose the right roll-on waxes matching the skin type

Their appeal also stems from the fact that they are simple to use; in order to get started, all that is required is a wax heater, some wax strips, and some after waxing oil. However, because different types of skin and hair require waxes of varying strengths and viscosities, it can be challenging to identify the product that best meets your needs among the extensive selection that is available.  

We have included all of the roll-on waxes available for you so that you can make an informed decision. The following cartridges are the most appropriate for use in the salon, taking into account both the nature of the client's skin and the density of their hair.

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Guide to Roll-On Waxing

Skin and hair of a regular texture:

Normal skin, robust hair:

Sensitive skin and typical hair texture:

 Sensitive skin, strong hair:

Skin that is especially sensitive, hair that is not dark:

Extra sensitive skin, strong hair:

The roll on wax or the regular wax—which one is better?

Waxing with a roll-on is significantly more effective and quick in the process of removing unwanted hair, however waxing with hair strips is not likely to be as convincing to assist you in removing unwanted hair. No skin type will be harmed by the roll-on wax, but only those with normal or dry skin should choose to wax their hair with strips.

Is it worthwhile to roll on wax?

Waxing with a roll-on is significantly more effective and quick in the process of removing unwanted hair, however waxing with hair strips is not likely to be as convincing to assist you in removing unwanted hair. The roll-on wax will not affect any type of skin, while the hair strip waxing method is the best option only for people with normal or dry skin.

Choose the right roll-on waxes matching the skin type
roll on wax kit
Choose the right roll-on waxes matching the skin type