Try Sugaring, This Summer!

For many women, getting a bikini wax or full body hair removal is a must before leaving for the summer. Waxing is a good technique to remove stray hairs that otherwise can make the experience to wear trending clothes and bikini an ordeal. Hair Removal Services Panama City have numerous techniques that can give satisfactory and painless results. There is an emerging likeness for the sugaring method that happens to have numerous benefits to the skin besides giving smooth skin after the process. Sugaring Panama City is claimed to have terrific after-effects and this summer might as well give this method a shot.

A substance that is sticky and gel-like is used to remove hair during sugaring. Lemon, sugar, and water are the only ingredients in the paste, which is safe, all-natural, and free of chemical additives. Any place with unwelcome hair is treated with it, and the undesirable hair is then pulled out in the same direction. Sugaring does not adhere to the epidermis or tug at living skin cells. Instead, it cuts the hair off at the root, making it particularly useful for curly or ingrown hair.

Pre-Sugaring Preparation:

To prepare the region for the treatment, it is suggested to exfoliate the body gently two days beforehand. On the day of the session, avoid super-hot water, body lotion, and body oil while taking a shower since the esthetician will need to clean everything off before applying the sugaring paste. Finally, dress comfortably and loosely for the session since newly sugared skin will be needing space to breathe.

Sugaring: The Process

The region of skin that will be sugared is first cleaned. The powder is next added, creating a barrier between the skin and the sugar paste. The esthetician then applies sugar paste to the skin in opposition to hair development once the skin has been prepared. Next, a flick motion is used to remove the dried paste in the direction of hair development. Also, Sugaring Panama City does not need fabric strips or sticks.

Similar to plucking, damage to the hair follicle over time and with regular maintenance may result in a decrease in hair growth. Eventually, the hair that does eventually grow could be finer, sparser, and thinner. However, it is required for the sugaring process to be able to grab the hairs, the customers need between an eighth and a quarter inch of hair growth.

What Parts Of The Body Can Be Sugared?

Sugaring may be used on any region of the body, essentially, everywhere the customers are likely on board for waxing. This method is more acceptable on every skin type due to the mild enough treatment for fragile skin. Encompasses the entire body, from the Brazilian and abdomen to the legs and toes. The most typical areas include Underarms, Arms (Sugaring the arms can take around 30 minutes, depending on how long the hair is and whether or not the customers shave that region), Brazilian/Bikini (the process can still happen in this region even when the customers are on your period; however, the skin can be more sensitive. Usually, it takes 30 to 45 minutes for this region), and Legs (sugaring procedure can take 45-minute)

Is Sugaring Possible For The Face?

Hair Removal Services Panama City accepts a sugaring session for removing facial hair. Sugaring can be used to remove unwanted hair from any part of the body, including the face. The hairs are adhered to by the gooey sugar paste, which may then be removed without harming the nearby skin. This process can be kind and tender to the skin.

Post-Session care

Sugaring is a rather simple procedure, there are a few things to keep in mind about aftercare, such as wiping away the skin with a moist cloth, preferably cold water to seal pores.

Wearing loose clothing is essential after Brazilian full body waxing to allow the skin to breathe. Avoid exercising while in a pool, Jacuzzi, sauna, or other hot environments; the region will be sensitive and more susceptible to germs. While taking a shower is acceptable, exfoliation should wait an additional 24 hours.

And things change after twenty-four hours of the treatment. To prevent ingrown hairs, it's important to exfoliate your skin daily as a skincare regime. Salicylic acid, vitamin E, and aloe are excellent choices for hydrating the skin after a treatment. It is said that maintaining skin hydration can aid in reducing inflammation and the risk of infection.


The sugaring method is gaining a fair share of attention. This hair removal process is asked less of enduring pain. Moreover, sugaring is acceptable for removing facial hair which elevates the demand for the methods by the estheticians.