It seems like its skipping the first line (the busybox info line you get every time you invoke the command) and not catching the rest of the data. Ive tried all variations I can think of to get this working right :/

First do adb push busybox /data/local/busyboxto copy the busybox into the android phone systemthen go to the android shell by doing adb shell.Get the superuser by typing sufrom you android phone grant superuser requestthen back to the shell and type

Busybox For Android Ndk 1.34.1 Zip


I'm running a script on android and in effort to make it as portable as possible, all commands use busybox. How I've got it set up currently, is every command has a function named the same, so it converts those commands to use busybox, like so:

As this has to be done for every command, it takes a lot of space inside the script. That's why I'm trying to figure out a way to force the shell to default to using busybox rather than /system/bin or /system/xbin.Could this be achieved by modifying the PATH variable? Or is there an environment variable build into shell I could use?

Could I start a background process that loops and when it detects a command being passed for the shell to processes, it stops this and passes it to busybox? Somehow read from stdin before shell processes it?

The shell in this buildis configured to run built-in utilities without $PATH search.You don't need to install a link to busybox for each utility.To run external program, use full path (/sbin/ip instead of ip).

Luckily, this question helped me out. Quite sceptical at first, I installed a file manager from external USB and moved busybox from /system/xbin/ to /system/bin/, and surprisingly, the problem was gone.

Well, dont know a thing about android, but I have read about other people with that problem installing Busybox.One of them said that some components of Busybox were already installed in his /system/xbin, so probably some phones comes with files in that path that Busybox overwrites, making the phone unstable or bricked.

Hi! I was excited to find that dpkg came with newer versions of busybox, so I set to work installing a package. I collected all the dependencies for apt, and ran:

dpkg -i *.debUnfortunately, there was an error!

dpkg: Unable to open /var/lib/dpkg/status: no such file or directory

Ok, I dealt with that, creating directories /var/lib/dpkg, then making empty file /var/lib/dpkg/status. Then I tried again:

dpkg -i *.debdpkg: package libtasn1-6 pre-depends on multiarch-support, which is not installed or flagged to be installed

So I tried to install multiarch-support, but it depends on libc6, which depends on libgcc, which depends on multiarch-support. I also tried to install them all on the same line, but same dependency error happened.

So I tried to install libgcc with --force-depends , but now it complains about not having /var/lib/dpkg/info/libgcc1.md5sums, so I create info directory, it gets a little farther, but then:

sh: /var/lib/dpkg/info/libgcc1.postinst: No such file or directorydpkg: postinst failed, error code 256

The toybox maintainer's previous minimal self-hosting system project,Aboriginal Linux,got a native development environment down to only seven packages inits 1.0 release (busybox, uClibc, gcc, binutils, make, bash, and linux)and then built Linux From Scratch under the result. That projectwas the reasontoybox's maintainer became busybox maintainer, having done somuch work to extend busybox to replace all the gnu tools in a Linux FromScratch build that the previous maintainer handed over the project (tospend more time on buildroot).

Despite the maintainer's history with busybox, toybox is a freshfrom-scratch implementation under anandroid-compatiblelicense. Busybox predates Android, but has nevershipped with Android due to the license. As long as we're starting over anyway,we can do a better job.

[2]The dividing line is"Is there an acceptably licensed version Android can ship, or do we haveto write one?" Since android is not "GNU/Linux" in any way, we need toclean out all traces of gnu software from its build to get a cleanself-hosting system.

My busybox source code ( located at ~/myandroid/external/busybox ) and the binary file busybox ( located at ~/myandroid/device/fsl-proprietary/test/bin/busybox ) came from android_kk4.4.2_1.0.0-ga_core_source.tar.gz which download from freescale .So , when I patch code for i.MX, I got busybox source code and binary file,but I don't kown how to make the binary file from the source code.

At first, get a copy of the existing ramdisk.img; its path can be found at ~/.android/avd/busybox-avd.avd/hardware-qemu.ini; for example, adt-bundle-linux-x86_64/sdk/system-images/android-17/armeabi-v7a/ramdisk.img.

The three boxes on Android are toolbox, busybox, and toybox. These boxes provide implementations for various basic unix commands - similar to those GNU Core Utils provides on various Linux distributions.

toolbox was until recently the standard Android implementation. busybox is pretty much the standard box outside of Android, GPL-licensed, and has been ported to Android by many. toybox is a BSD-licensed alternative to busybox created by a former busybox maintainer. toybox first appeared on Android in M, and is slowly replacing the toolbox implementation for various commands.

Of course, a developer can call toolbox explicitly, and work around a user using an overriding install of busybox. Exact toolbox implementation can be matched with currently running Android version, and is thus easier to work with for developers. Apps with special needs usually come with their own copy of busybox so they can predict exactly what a command does - but this is overkill for most apps.

Unlike toolbox though, toybox provides a list of supported commands, so there was still a way to avoid the dreaded busybox, and get to a more predictable (even if not generally consistent) implementation, be it toolbox or toybox.

Brilliant Composition! The timings cool because, I've actually just finished reinstalling busybox a few hours ago and wondering, why doesn't Google simply include the binaries by default like nearly every other Unix based system? This also goes along with my feeling that the ability to run commands as the root user should be included in developer options and bundled with improved security developed directly by Google with an access manager. Failsafe bootloaders are yet another thing that should have happened years ago. It seems the large companies have forgotten all they've learned creating standard computers for nearly 50 years and started over completely with mobile devices. Anybody who owns a Windows PC can run commands with system level privileges easily without any modification. Why can't one do the same on a mobile device I own? I've spend quite a bit of time modding my Nexus's software to obtain what I should have the first time I turn it on. Now I'm not mad or anything because I love computers and enjoy it but, my point stands.

Just curious. You say you don't like busybox because it isn't consistent or reliable on how it is applied. Also I have been reading it must now be installed to /su/xbin. The only one that I know of that does that (I'm a convenient recovery flashable package) is osm0sis's version found here . .

+Chase K I think because like most embedded devices, /system space is at a premium, sometimes with only ~100-200M remaining even as delivered. Each discrete component (ls, ps, top, ifconfig, etc) takes space requiring a binary (compiled/linked) so that something like busybox starts to look pretty brilliant where all you have is a single binary that has basic (and I do mean basic) functionality included, but that allows you to use commands like mount, ls etc, that are just soft-links to the busybox binary and no extra space is required.

adb is the android debugger - it also doubles as file transfer agent.The setup consists of an adbd on the target in the /sbin directory. On the host two programs are run: the adb application (in the SDK's tools directory) and an adb server, started by the adb application.

toolbox is the equivalent of busybox on an Android system. That is, it is a multi-functionprogram that provides many difference commands from a single binary.this includes things like: ps, ls, top, stop, start - commands to stop and start services on an Android system

Busybox is arguably the most litigated piece of GPL software in the world. Unfortunately, it is unclear what the remedy should be when a GPL violation occurs with busybox. Litigants have sometimes requested remedies outside the scope of busybox itself, such as review authority over unrelated products, or right of refusal over non-busybox modules. This causes concern among chip vendors and suppliers.

The purpose of this project is to produce a program that is as capable and useful as busybox for a large majority of embedded Linux projects, such that busybox is easy to replace in existing products and can be supplanted as the default choice for a multi-tool program in most new projects.

The scope of the project is dependent on the target use cases that are envisioned for the replacement tool. Busybox is currently used in a very large number of places, and it is impractical to replace it's full functionality in a short time. However, busybox as it currently stands includes very many non-essential programs and features. The overall goal would be to provide essential busybox functionality (e.g. with that contained in busybox version 1.0).

One additional area of commands which is outside the traditional busybox coverage area, is Android tools provided by toolbox. Toolbox is a non-GPL multi-tool program provided as part of the Android Open Source Project, and used in Android devices. It is limited in functionality, however, compared to busybox, and so many developers install busybox in their Android devices to supplement the command set. Google has a goal of reducing the amount of GPL software in user-space for Android devices. A busybox replacement that implemented the toolbox commands could useful to avoid having Android developer adopt busybox by default. But more importantly, a replacement that just focused on the weaknesses of toolbox could serve this tool supplementation role that busybox fills, with very little effort. ff782bc1db

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