Clean up audio files and remove unwanted background noise easily with WavePad. Use the Noise Removal Wizard to automatically perform noise reduction. Easily remove echo, reverb, clicks, pops, hums and other background sounds to produce perfect audio for your listeners.

Clean up your audio by removing various types of noise. Remove clicks, popping sounds, hums and other background noises that lowers the quality of your sound file. Use the wizard and WavePad will perform the noise reduction automatically.

Wavepad Sound Editor Free Download Old Version

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Get it Free. A free version of WavePad audio editing software is available for non-commercial use only. The free version does not expire and includes most of the features of the normal version. If you are using it at home, you can download the free version here. You can always upgrade to the master's edition at a later time, which has additional effects and features for the serious sound engineer.

^ Glad to hear (wait that doesn't sound right) it's not just me/my system. I've been thinking that it had something to do with upgrading to windows 10, or something to do with the display of my new computer.

In my case I got the message that I could not save a file (MP3) as this action is only possible with the Master's Edition. (Fortunately I did not loose any work because I had installed WavePad only in order to test it, but the problem is identic.)

There is such a lot of terrible confusion about WavePad. I will mention the most important issues I discovered:

1. There is no clear distinction between "demo version" and "free version". The expression "demo version" (or" trial version") does not even exist on your site.

2. On your page about WavePad* there is at least four times a download link: a) "Download Now" (in the red field), b ) "Download in seconds ..." (beside the Windows symbol), c) "download the free music editing software here" (within the text), d) in the column on the right side ("Sound Editor - Download now").

*) this one: / respectively the German version of the site I had used: 

That's already an overkill of links. But things get even more confusing: As I found out after a lot of experiments, all the links lead to the download of a file with the same name ("wpsetup.exe") but behind this name almost in every link is hidden the demo version - and only in one link (I don't remember which one) the "wpsetup.exe" installs the free version (as a user expects when reading your site).

Even after installing you will not detect easily which version (demo or free) you have on your machine now. Finally I realized that you can see (?) the difference in the bar where the demo version has a button "Purchase" and the free version a button "Upgrade".

3. There is no information at which point (days, weeks, savings transactions ...) the full usability of the non-paid versions is ending.

My experience was:

- The one version (obviously the demo) suddenly did not allow me any longer to save an edited file as MP3 (see above).

- The other version (obviously the free one) suddenly did not allow me any longer to make a certain cleanup procedure (see below).

4. The next problem:

Both non-paid versions (either free or demo) want to push the user to buy the Master's Edition. But what's with the (cheaper) Standard Edition?

On your page for ordering/buying ** you mention that the Standard Edition has "All Master's Edition features without VST plugins support nor SFX Library".

**) -bin/register.exe?software=wavepad 

In case that this is the correct information about the difference, something is wrong with your free/demo software:

As mentioned above, with one of it suddenly I got the message that I cannot (longer) perform a certain cleanup procedure (I think it was "Auto Click/Pop Removal") in my file as this feature is available only in the Master's (!) Edition.

So it is not available in the Standard Edition? How would this be in harmony with the information on your buying page that only VST plugin support and SFX Library are missing in the Standard Edition (whereas all other features of the Master's Edition are available in the Standard Edition too)?

As potential buyer of a software I would like to know exactly what a software - and a certain edition of a software - offers me (concerning its features). For this purpose usually every software company presents on its website a comparison table showing in a clear way which feature (and other properties) can be found in which edition of a certain software.

Why is the company NCH not willing (or not able) to present such a comparison table (or at least another clear description of the differences) which concern obviously at least three editions/versions:

- the free version / - the Standard Edition / - the Master's Edition (with which apparently is connected the demo version)?

5. If the above assumptions are correct: Why is there no demo version for the Standard Edition too? Personally I would be possibly interested to buy the Standard Edition and surely not the Master's Edition. But it seems that there is no possibility to test specifically the Standard Edition.

I will stop here as it is very cumbersome to describe all these confusing issues I had during the last hours. 

I think it's time that finally you start to respect your potential customers by giving them correct, trustworthy and clear information about your products - both on your website and in the installation files you offer for download.

However, I recently got the update - now I cannot save anything. I registered twice, it's still saying 'register wavepad' on the File menu, and it will not let me even use the space bar to stop and start the audio. I bought the Masters version ages ago.

I keep downloading the so called free edition but it will expire after a few days.

I keep using the button (NON COMMERCIAL USE) but it still will eventually not let me back in. I am just using it for home so why is there not a direct download link to a "FREE" trial that doesn't expire? I use this software ONLY because I can actually SEE the sound wave patterns and can skip over all the dead silent areas.

I purchased the standard edition of wavepad (10.38 for windows) in March of this year for 39.95. A couple months ago I received a pop up when opening wavepad stating a new and exciting version I could download for free and try. I downloaded it thinking if I didn't like it I could always revert back to the 10.38 version I paid for in March. Well now I can't get into Wavepad unless I click on the popup for a discounted NEW version for 45.00. This is bull, I have only had this paid for software for 8 months and now you want to nick me another 45.00 no way. Anyway I saw no difference in what I originally purchased vs this NEW version, so I probably will be looking elsewhere for a company that doesn't bait and switch.

WavePad Sound Editor is a full-featured audio editing software that allows users to edit and manipulate audio files in various formats. It offers a range of features including sound effects, noise reduction, and audio restoration tools.

The powerful WavePad Audio Editor gives you the opportunity to create your own music and sound effects with very little effort. You can edit your sound at the waveform and spectrum level. You can manipulate the sound using tools such as the equalizer, delay and reverb. In addition, the audio editor can also change pitch, time stretch and change the speed. WavePad also supports many formats such as MP3, WAV, AAC, FLAC, WMA and OGG. All this is possible without the need for any special programming skills. The application provides an easy to use interface and is suitable for all Windows users. To experience the power of this audio editor, download and install this tool today. You will never have to use a separate audio editor application again.

WavePad, from NCH Software, boasts compatibility with a huge variety of platforms and formats, with useful batch functions. The attractive interface offers streamlined and customisable menus, teaching resources in the app and varied views including spectral analysis. As a multi-platform audio editor, there are more options for Windows than for Mac. WavePad does what it does well and looks and sounds great doing it.

WavePad can work with MP4 video files and supports sample rates from 6 to 192kHz. It supports 8, 16, 24 and 32-bit recordings. Basic operations like cut copy and paste, and even amplify and normalize can all be done losslessly as well. This is useful to prevent heavy amounts of encoding and re-encoding operations ending up producing sound anomalies.

WavePad Sound Editor is an audio editing program that provides several versions. Customers are wondering what it can do and how to purchase the right version. Therefore, we will tell you the introduction and review about WavePad sound editor in this post.

Step 2: Choose Open an Audio File to import a sound file or hit Start a New Recording. The latter will trigger the audio recording screen and capture sound for editing later.

Step 3: To edit the sounds, go to the Edit menu after importing. Here you can find Delete, Split, Join, Trim, Silence and other tools. Splitting the audio into two parts, for example, place your cursor to the right place and hit Split on the top ribbon.

Step 4: If you want to add sound effects, such as Amplify, Normalize, Echo, and more, go to the Levels menu and select corresponding effect. Then adjust the custom options on the popup dialog.

Wavepad is an easy to use sound recording and editing tool. I like the auto save capability, you do need to be worried when the laptop goes off in the middle of the recording. The sample rate capability is very great, you can actually convert to even a lesser bit so that you save storage. Wavepad also has available plugins from their market and they are cheaper. As a novice in 2013 I was very happy when I realize I could easily cut one old sermon and paste in another sermon. We actually used it to mix some few songs for Chorography e24fc04721

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