Legislative Updates

Legislative Updates

Staying up-to-date on the Republic Party's stance is extremely important. Understanding where our representatives fall on each topic and staying informed means each of us can make a better more informed decision at the polls!

Republican Party Updates

Jan 2024: Republican Representative, Kevin Petersen, voted to allow abortion up to 14 weeks (Assembly Bill 975). He is sending emails out to try and spin his position that he is reducing the ability to perform an abortion from 20 weeks down to 14 weeks, which he says is current law. In reality once the Supreme Court overturned Roe vs. Wade in Wisconsin abortion was outlawed in our state. 

Fast forward to last year a liberal judge in Wisconsin overturned the 1849 ban. Now Kevin Petersen and Robin Vos just validated the liberal Judges opinion on the 1849 ban, which was being appealed. If Kevin would have just let the appeal process work through the court system we wouldn't have had any abortions in our State. Folks, Kevin has not been truthful with us about recent legislation from voter fraud to abortion. We in Waupaca County are strong conservatives and stand for strong values, and we have a standing resolution against abortion. It is my job as chairman to inform our Caucus of elected officials who are not doing what the Caucus wants. Kevin has sold out to Madison and Robin Vos! 

Right to Life Wisconsin pulls any Endorsement for Waupaca County Republican Kevin Petersen