
CompStat, composite statistics (of watersheds)

Running Google Flu, distributed search quires (of water attributes)

Making a Snow's Cholera Map (for geographic relation)

Flint Michigan, Data Mining for Forecasting

waterforecast © relies on you to notice changes in water and post about it.    

sentiment by watershed © is copyrighted by watercoin0@gmail.com 

The learning machines networks scan what people are saying on many social media 

platforms, measuring symptoms of water issues and mapping spikes by water geography drainage vector.

waterforecast © is the copyrighted name of a processing network that projects social 

media sentiment magnitude by watershed drainage vector to forecast water quality issues.   

Austin Texas Zebra Mussels February 2019

Request services at watercoin0@gmail.com

Water quality alerts (list serve) from area sentiment magnitude: $10 a month automated (false positives), $60 a month human-reviewed (time delay).  Specify area, time, threshold and service in request.  

The Live Water Sentiment of Twitter:

By 48,000 Keywords

With Watershed Numerical Values

(Contiguous U.S.)


The Live Water Sentiment of Youtube:

By 48,000 Keywords

With Watershed Numerical Values

(Contiguous U.S.)


Sentiment By Watershed ©: Projection

What people are saying about water, by direction of water flow, equals what's up stream, headed your way.


5 Social Media Platforms, 

Referenced by 48,000  Keywords

Projecting 5 Populated Areas Downstream

(Contiguous U.S.)


waterforecast.net reserves the right to refuse service to any person or organization without explanation.

- email for business inquiries only. 

Brought to you by Infoprocessed.com 

Interesting Links

Water quality, tastes, smells, textures, only detected by end users of interactive water systems.  

Remote sensing, topical geographic data, measured in frequency and magnitude, collected over time.    


The web traffic of pseudo-live water complaints for the digital footprint of real-time water to calculate what is going where, mixing with what and when.  

Calculating system interaction byproducts.


Quantify events by measuring magnitudes before and after.

Leverage interconnectivity mapping water systems by relying on the human nose and tongue with social media. 

Quantitative measurements of qualitative water attributes.  

Mapping water systems crowdsourced, ubiquitous, water quality remote sensing.  

What your tap water will taste like tomorrow.

Taste like tomorrow.

Pseudo-live water quality monitoring,  social media management, vectored hydrology.

Pseudo-live crowd sourced remote sensing water mapping.  

Comp Stat running Google Flu for a real-time Snow's map.  

The digital footprint of today's water.  Where, when and what for where's it's going and what it's mixing with.

What the water upstream of you looks, tastes and smells like, headed your way right now. 

Where it's going and what it's mixing with. Snow's Cholera map everywhere, all the time.

Remote Sensing Web Scraping Hydro Epidemiology .

The digital footprint of water As It Happens.
























































































#Pseudo-Live Geo Referencing 





