

The badly degraded parts of the track have now been replaced with elevated timber planks for a distance of 870 metres, thereby protecting the plants and avoiding further damage to the soil. A bonus is that visitors now have a more pleasurable experience crossing this special area.

This project has been made possible by a grant from the Tasmanian Community Fund as the primary funding source. The Friends of Mount Field also received vital contributions, as listed below, enabling the work to proceed.

For over 18 years the Friends of Mount Field have worked on maintaining and repairing the walking tracks that form part of the Newdegate Pass Circuit Walk. Repairing and rehabilitating the part of the K Col Track between The Watcher and its junction with the Mount Field West Track has always been an ambition of the group as well as a high priority for the Parks and Wildlife Service, but until the Tasmanian Community Fund provided a substantial grant it was not possible.

The main funding source was from the Tasmanian Community Fund

Donations to the project were received from the following , listed alphabetically.

Australian Plants Society

Gregory Kidd

Hobart Walking Club

Pandani Bushwalking Club

Parks & Wildlife Service

Phyl and Bob Wyatt

Wildcare Inc.

Image of the sign