
Speaker: Naoyuki Shibata (U Tokyo)

Date & Time: June 11, 2-3pm (JST) via Zoom.

Title: Onsager’s scars in disordered spin chains

Abstract: Thermalization was believed to be a ubiquitous phenomenon seen in macroscopic systems. However, special states called quantum many-body scar (QMBS) states that do not thermalize for an anomalously long time have been recently found in an experiment, which stimulated further theoretical studies on QMBS. Despite intensive studies on QMBS, its general framework and origin remain unclear. In order to gain a better understanding, analytically tractable QMBS models are much appreciated.

We constructed an infinite number of new QMBS models by making full use of the so-called Onsager algebra. Remarkably, we do not impose a translational invariance on our model, which was usually assumed in previous works on QMBS. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first explicit example of disordered QMBS models.