Voor consumenten gaan de download- en uploadsnelheden omhoog in het Basic-, Start-, Start XXL- en Complete-pakket. Klanten met het Max-pakket behouden hun huidige snelheden van 600 Mbit/s download- en 40 Mbit/s uploadsnelheid. Het Giga-pakket blijft eveneens onveranderd met 1 Gbit/s download- en 50 Mbit/s uploadsnelheid.

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 Gedurende de hele maand juli worden de nieuwe internetsnelheden beschikbaar gemaakt. Klanten ontvangen een bevestiging van Ziggo wanneer de nieuwe snelheid beschikbaar is. Om gebruik te maken van de nieuwe snelheid dient het modem gereset te worden. Dat kan eenvoudig door de stekker van het modem gedurende 1 minuut uit het stopcontact te halen. Als het modem weer is opgestart, is de nieuwe download- en upload-snelheid gelijk beschikbaar. Modems die klanten niet zelf resetten, zal Ziggo gedurende de maand juli 's nachts op afstand resetten.

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Sommige internetproviders beperken de hoeveelheid data die je per maand kunt gebruiken. Of ze rekenen extra kosten als je over de limiet heen gaat. Dit is iets anders dan de upload- en downloadbandbreedte die in de bovenstaande gedeelten is besproken.

De internetsnelheid is de snelheid of capaciteit van je internetaansluiting uitgedrukt in Mbps of Mbit/s. De internetsnelheid bepaalt hoe snel je bestanden kunt downloaden of uploaden. Dit wordt de download- en uploadsnelheid genoemd. Welke snelheid je nodig hebt, hangt af van je verbruik. We vertellen je graag wat een goede internetsnelheid is.


De uploadsnelheid geeft aan hoe snel je gegevens naar het internet kunt versturen. Dit doe je bijvoorbeeld als je videobelt of een foto op social media plaatst. De uploadsnelheid is lager dan de downloadsnelheid, tenzij je glasvezel internet hebt.

De download- en uploadsnelheid worden uitgedrukt in Mbit/s of Megabit per seconde (Mbps). Een Megabit is iets anders dan een Megabyte (MB) die je kent van de computer. Een MB is 8 keer groter dan een Mbit. Een bestand van 20 MB downloaden met 20 Mbit/s duurt dus geen 1 seconde, maar 8 seconden.

Providers bieden verschillende internetsnelheden aan. Hoe hoger de internetsnelheid, hoe duurder het pakket is. Naast de prijs is ook het type verbinding van invloed op de snelheid die je kunt krijgen. Hieronder vind je een overzicht met de internetsnelheden per type verbinding.

Een goede internetsnelheid verschilt per situatie. Voor iemand die alleen woont en internet beperkt gebruikt, bijvoorbeeld voor e-mail en wat browsen, is een lage internetsnelheid van 30 Mbit voldoende. Wie samenwoont en tegelijkertijd internet gebruikt, is beter af met 50 Mbit. Voor wie veel downloadt, video streamt of met meer dan 2 personen tegelijkertijd internet gebruikt, is een internetsnelheid van 100 Mbit/s goed.

Network upload: Upload the PST files over the network to a temporary Azure Storage location in the Microsoft cloud. Then you use the Microsoft 365 Import service to import the PST data to mailboxes in your organization.

Drive shipping: Copy the PST files to a BitLocker-encrypted hard drive and then physically ship the drive to Microsoft. When Microsoft receives the hard drive, data center personnel upload the data to a temporary Azure Storage location in the Microsoft cloud. Then you use the Microsoft 365 Import service to import the data to mailboxes in your organization.

Here's an illustration and description of the complete PST import process. The illustration shows the primary workflow and highlights the differences between the network upload and drive shipping methods.

Download the PST import tools and key to private Azure Storage location: The first step is to download the tool and access key used to upload the PST files or copy them to a hard drive. You obtain these from the Import page in the compliance portal. The key provides you (or Microsoft data center personnel in the case of drive shipping) with the necessary permissions to upload PST files to a private and secure Azure Storage location. This access key is unique to your organization and helps prevent unauthorized access to your PST files after they're uploaded to the Microsoft cloud. Importing PST files to Microsoft 365 doesn't require your organization to have a separate Azure subscription.

Upload or copy the PST files: The next step depends on whether you're using network upload or drive shipping to import PST files. In both cases, you'll use the tool and secure storage key that you obtained in the previous step.

Network upload: The AzCopy.exe tool (downloaded in step 1) is used to upload and store your PST files in an Azure Storage location in the Microsoft cloud. The Azure Storage location that you upload your PST files to is located in the same regional Microsoft datacenter as your organization.

Drive shipping: The WAImportExport.exe tool (downloaded in step 1) is used to copy your PST files to the hard drive. This tool encrypts the hard drive with BitLocker and then copies the PSTs to the hard drive. Like network upload, the PST files that you want to copy to the hard drive have to be located in a file share or file server in your organization.

Create a PST import mapping file: After the PST files have been uploaded to the Azure Storage location or copied to a hard drive, the next step is to create a comma-separated value (CSV) file that specifies which user mailboxes the PST files will be imported to (and a PST file can be imported to a user's primary mailbox or their archive mailbox). Download a copy of the PST Import mapping file. The Microsoft 365 Import service will use the information to import the PST files.

Create a PST import job: The next step is to create a PST import job on the Import PST files page in the compliance portal and submit the PST import mapping file created in the previous step. For network upload (because the PST files have been uploaded to Azure) Microsoft 365 analyzes the data in the PST files and then gives you an opportunity to set filters that control what data actually gets imported to the mailboxes specified in the PST import mapping file.

When Microsoft receives the hard drive, data center personnel will upload the PST files on the hard drive to the Azure Storage location for your organization. As previously explained, your PST files are uploaded to an Azure Storage location that resides in the same regional Microsoft datacenter where your organization is located.

Like the network upload process, Microsoft 365 then analyzes the data in the PST files and gives you an opportunity to set filters that control what data actually gets imported to the mailboxes specified in the PST import mapping file.

Filter the PST data that will be imported to mailboxes: After the import job is created (and after the PST files from a drive shipping job are uploaded to the Azure Storage location) Microsoft 365 analyzes the data in the PST files (safely and securely) by identifying the age of the items and the different message types included in the PST files. When the analysis is completed and the data is ready to import, you have the option to import all the data contained in the PST files or you can trim the data that's imported by setting filters that control what data gets imported.

Network upload is currently available in these regions: United States, Canada, Brazil, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Switzerland, Norway, Europe (excluding Sweden), India, East Asia, Southeast Asia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Australia, and United Arab Emirates (UAE). Network upload will be available in more regions in the future.

There are two versions of the PST file format: ANSI and Unicode. We recommend importing files that use the Unicode PST file format. However, files that use the ANSI PST file format, such as those for languages that use a double-byte character set (DBCS), can also be imported to Microsoft 365. For more information about importing ANSI PST files, see Step 4 in Use network upload to import PST files to Microsoft 365.

When you use the network upload method to import PST files, you upload them to an Azure blob container named ingestiondata. If there are no import jobs in progress on the Import PST files page in the compliance portal), then all PST files in the ingestiondata container in Azure are deleted 30 days after the most recent import job was created in the compliance portal. That also means you have to create a new import job in the compliance portal (described in Step 5 in the network upload instructions) within 30 days of uploading PST files to Azure.

It depends on the capacity of your network, but it typically takes several hours for each terabyte (TB) of data to be uploaded to the Azure Storage area for your organization. After the PST files are copied to the Azure Storage area, a PST file is imported to a Microsoft 365 mailbox at a rate of approximately 24 GB per day*. If this rate doesn't meet your needs, you might consider other methods to get email data into Microsoft 365. For more information, see Ways to migrate multiple email accounts to Microsoft 365.

After your hard drive is received at the Microsoft data center, it will take between 7 to 10 business days to upload the PST files to the Azure Storage location for your organization. The PST files will be uploaded to an Azure blob container named ingestiondata.

After the PST files are uploaded to the Azure Storage area, Microsoft 365 analyzes the data in the PST files (in a safe and secure manner) to identify the age of the items and the different message types included in the PST files. When this analysis is complete, you'll have the option to import all the data in the PST files or set filters to that control what data gets imported. After you start the import job, a PST file is imported to a Microsoft 365 mailbox at a rate of approximately 24 GB per day.* If this rate doesn't meet your needs, you might consider other methods to get email data into Microsoft 365. For more information, see Ways to migrate multiple email accounts to Microsoft 365. 17dc91bb1f

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