Certifications to Look for From a Wastewater Management Company

An industrial plant has to comply with burdensome federal regulations on wastewater management, including treatment, handling, and disposal under the National Clean Air Agreement. Also, they must adhere to the local ordinances on protecting the environment. The company must consider its public image because it’s tough to recover from one ecological tragedy that destroyed your reputation.

Now, if you wish to hire a wastewater treatment expert, you must know if they are qualified to handle the challenge. They can brag about their track record all they want, but how do you know they are telling the truth?

However, a simple way to vet their assertion is to demand to see their ISO certification.

What is ISO Certification?

ISO stands for the International Organisation for Standardization, an independent body headquartered in Switzerland that develops the criteria for the quality and safety of systems, products, and services.

When a wastewater treatment solution company is ISO-certified, it has passed the highest standards on quality assurance in service and documentation procedures.

It makes it easier, therefore, for their clients to find service providers that can guarantee the quality of outcome without going through the process of conducting a background check.

A Wastewater Management Company Must Have The Following Certifications:

1. ISO 9001:2008

The certification refers to the quality management system. With this quality seal, you know that the company can effectively deliver customer requirements with a strong focus on customer-centric principles, proper processes and procedures, and the continuous pursuit of self-improvement.

The ISO 9001:2008 will cover:

● The distribution and manufacture of water treatment chemicals

Water treatment solutions for cooling towers, boilers, and wastewater systems

● Cleaning of cooling systems, boilers, equipment, and pipes.

2. AS/NZS 14001:2001

The standard applies to an organisation that establishes and implements an environmental management system. The company with this certification has successfully improved its performance by maximising its resources and reducing wastage. You also know it has complied with all the requirements and guidelines stipulated in ISO 14001. The scope of the application depends on the organisation’s environmental policy, location, and the services it provides. When hiring a wastewater management expert, you must ensure the service provider is certified in all states.

3. AS/NZS 4801:2001

The AS/NZS standard outlines the framework that allows an organisation to conduct an external review of its Occupational Health and Safety Management System. However, the company can also use it to conduct internal audits on its occupational health and safety policy in delivering wastewater treatment solutions to clients. For instance, it should set operational risk parameters while establishing mechanisms to measure and monitor its performance.

When you hire outside help for your wastewater treatment solution, you have to set standards so your decision won’t backfire later. When things get worse, the public will blame on your company, not the wastewater management service provider. These certifications make it easier for you to decide since they already possess the seal of quality that reinforces their qualifications.