Wasswa Shafik

The Team Lead at the Dig Connectivity Research Laboratory (DCRLab), Kampala, Uganda, and sometimes called Abu Asmaah (Kunya), IEEE member. He received Master in Information Technology Engineering (minor: Computer and Communication Networks), advised by Prof. Seyed Mojtaba Matinkhah and Prof. Mohammad Ghasemzadeh from the Computer Engineering Department at Yazd University, Islamic Republic of Iran. Before that, he joined the Faculty of Science & Computing, Ndejje University, Kampala, Uganda, and obtained a Bachelor in Information Technology. In a distant and happy land, he received additional training from, among others, the National Institutes of Health, the US Department of Health and Human Services, and the Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA, such as Data Quality, Monitoring and Evaluation Fundamentals, and Protecting Human Research Participants. Prior to starting his PhD, he worked a few years as a community data officer at Pace-Uganda, a research associate at TechnoServe and Mercy Corps, a research assistant and data clerk at PSI-Uganda, a research lead at the Socio-economic Data Centre (SEDC-Uganda), and a former ag. managing director at Asmaah Charity Organisation. His research broadly focuses on the designing and developing lightweight, computationally and statistically efficient models to address complex and pressing concerns of our time, including health, agriculture, and ecology specific to: Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Neural Networks, Internet of Things with application  to Smart Agriculture, Digital Health and Ecological Informatics.

Warning: The doors to DCRLab is always open for visiting researchers, engineers, permanent researchers. Do not hesitate to reach out, just in case! Please note that I receives a huge amount of requests. If I do not reply to your email, don't feel bad, I try the best.

— Don’t compare yourself to anyone else because we all have our unique journey and story that we should be proud of.