You can learn to imitate the sound of a water droplet hitting a lake, using only your mouth and hands. This can take a lot of practice to pull off, but since you won't need any tools you can put in the effort in bits and pieces, whenever you have a couple minutes free and you don't have anything to do.

Blue Box - State-of-the-Art sound effects SFX Set mixed mode WAV/Audio. With an incredible variety of sounds, Blue Box represents one of the world's most impressive sound libraries. Diversity with authentic Sound FX distinguishes this Box from all others. Made for film and multimedia production this library is a treasure trove for Ambient Music and Commercials.

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This Multi Format Library (included format(s) listed in product description) does not include any playback software. A suitable software is required to load and play the sounds included with this product.

Alexander Lauterwasser, water researcher and musician, has participated successful in our water exhibition "World in a drop" several times. He is very interested in the effects of sound and frequencies on the surface of water and the forms, that this is creating. In his live concerts he creates magic sound and light installations with water projections. In his new book "Vibrancy - resonance - life" (only in German language) he publishs his new water-sound-photos related to the forms of life.

In the ideal case, the Cellofoam noise specialists are already called in during the planning and construction phase of a new product or plant. We can carry out even complex sound measurements right on site and carefully analyze the results to arrive at the optimum acoustic solution. e24fc04721

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