Wasilla Boys' Soccer Homepage 

Head Coach - Allen Bair

Cell Phone : (907) 982-6644

Email : WHS.Boys.Soccer2022@gmail.com



Tryouts are on March 5th from 3:45-5:30 PM at the Menard Center. Be sure to complete everything under "Tryout Info". Contact Coach Allen if you have any questions. 

Social Media 

 Facebook : Wasilla Warriors Boy's Soccer

Instagram : @wasillawarriorboyssoccer

Tryout Info 

Please complete these before tryouts

Any questions - Contact Coach Allen 

Wasilla Warrior Soccer Booster Club, Inc is a 501c3 dedicated to supporting Wasilla Warrior Nation Soccer. Each year we work to raise funds to cover equipment, uniforms, turf rental, and coaching gear. This helps keep costs passed on to our players at a minimum. Booster meetings are open to all, come and see how you can be a part of Warrior Soccer Nation. Parent involvement is key to helping the team have a successful year. Email: wasillawarriorsoccer@gmail.com