welcome to the washington middle school Band website!
This website is where I will be posting all updates regarding band at WMS.
Update #5 - 1.12.25
On Saturday, January 11, 12 WMS band students traveled to Fairfield High School to audition for the Southeast Iowa Bandmasters Association (SEIBA) Honor Band. After a long day, five students were accepted for this prestigious event! Congratulations to the following students who were accepted:
Nathan Hay - 7th Grade - Alto Sax
Lovella Peiffer - 7th Grade - Clarinet
Brooklyn Charlier - 8th Grade - Clarinet
Caleb Wise - 8th Grade - Trombone
Zak Abozena - 8th Grade - Tuba
The honor band will take place on January 25 at the Voxman School of Music at the University of Iowa.
Additionally, Zak Abozena was selected to perform at the All-Iowa 8th Grade Honor Band as part of the Iowa Bandmasters Association (IBA) Conference in May in Des Moines. This band is composed of the top 8th grade band students from around the state of Iowa. Caleb Wise was also selected as an alternate for the All-Iowa 8th Grade Honor Band.
Congratulations to all the students who auditioned and to those that were selected!
Update #4 - 1.3.25
Happy New Year! I hope you all had a restful and relaxing break. I'm looking forward to seeing all the students back at school on Monday! We are jumping right back in with it being concert week, so I wanted to share some reminders as well as new information about events/dates. Please make sure you read everything and let me know if you have any questions.
6-8 Band & Choir Concert - January 9
Here are the details for our concert next Thursday. As a reminder, this is a required, graded performance for our students. Band students are also required to stay for the entire band concert. You may stay for the choir concert if you wish.
Where: Washington High School Auditorium. Drop off your child at the main auditorium entrance of the high school. Students will follow signs to the high school band room.
When: Thursday, January 9 @ 6:30 PM - Choir starts at 7:30 PM
Call Time: 5:20 PM for 8th Grade, 5:40 for 7th Grade, 5:50 for 6th Grade
What to Wear: For band concerts, our formal attire will consist primarily of black and white. This is closer to the standard for high school concerts and will also help our band look great.
Shoes: Black dress shoes (not sneakers). If that is not possible, the preference, in order, is 1) black sneakers, 2) gray shoes, 3) the nicest shoes you have.
Socks or hose/leggings: Must be black. Socks should be calf length.
Pants: Black dress pants. If that is not possible, you may wear gray pants.
Shirts: White button up, long sleeve, or white blouse.
Optional Accessories: Suit jackets, ties, belts, dresses, skirts, and accessories should be black when possible. Dresses and skirts should be mid-calf or longer.
SEIBA Honor Band Auditions - Saturday, January 11
Students auditioning for the SEIBA Honor Band will be transported to Fairfield High School on Saturday, January 11. Students will be taking a bus to/from Fairfield. Individual audition time slots have already been shared with students & parents. If accepted, students will be expected to attend the actual honor band itself on Saturday, January 25 at the University of Iowa.
Jazz Band Rehearsal - Monday, January 6
If you are involved in jazz band, please remember that we have rehearsal starting promptly at 7:30 AM. I will be at the door at the main door to let students into the building at 7:20.
Band Calendar Adds - All-School Band Concert (6th Grade) & Solo/Ensemble
At the beginning of the year I had shared that only 7th & 8th grade students would be participating in the all school band concert. I was incorrect about that information and left out the 6th grade band. All 6th grade band students will be expected to perform at this concert.
For those of you that signed up to perform at our solo/ensemble day, I have added that to the calendar as well. That event is Saturday, March 15. It will take place in the morning at WMS. More specific performance times will be shared with students as the date approaches. Family and friends are encouraged to attend and watch. Students who are still in need of a solo will get one within the next week or two.
All dates are reflected on the band calendar.
Schedule Changes - 3rd & 4th Terms
At the start of the third term, all seventh and eighth grade band students will be combined for the remainder of the school year. There are a number of factors that played into this, but it is of benefit to the band students. The Spring time is busy for seventh and eighth grade students as they perform together at both the Pella Tulip Time Festival and the State Large Group event. Students will rehearse daily during periods 4B & 4C. Lunch will take place during 4A.
Sixth grade band students will now have rehearsal during 5th block instead of 6th block.
Students will also be getting new lesson schedules for 3rd term. Schedules will be shared at the end of the week.
Update #3 - October 24th - 7/8 Band Concert
Students in 7th and 8th grade have their first concert in October! This is a required event for students and acts as our summative assessment for the quarter. Here are some details:
Where: Washington High School Auditorium. Drop off your child at the main entrance of the high school. Students will follow signs to the high school band room.
When: October 24 @ 6:30 PM - Choir starts at 7:30 PM
Price: Free! But free will donations are always accepted!
What to Wear: For band concerts, our formal attire will consist primarily of black and white. This is closer to the standard for high school concerts and will also help our band look great.
Shoes: Black dress shoes (not sneakers). If that is not possible, the preference, in order, is 1) black sneakers, 2) gray shoes, 3) the nicest shoes you have.
Socks or hose/leggings: Must be black. Socks should be calf length.
Pants: Black dress pants. If that is not possible, you may wear gray pants.
Shirts: White button up, long sleeve, or white blouse.
Optional Accessories: Suit jackets, ties, belts, dresses, skirts, and accessories should be black when possible. Dresses and skirts should be mid-calf or longer.
Call Time: 5:30 PM for 8th Grade, 6:00 PM for 7th Grade
Update #2
Thanks to all of you that came to the parent night on Thursday, August 22! It was great to see so many of you. If you were unable to attend the meeting, I have shared my slideshow presentation below.

Update #1
6th Grade Instrument Testing Night - Aug. 19 & 20 - 5 - 7 PM @ WHS
On August 19 & 20 from 5:00 - 7:00 PM, new 6th grade students will be able to test out instruments! This will be taking place in the Washington High School Band Room. It is extremely important that new 6th grade students attend this. Please enter through the main doors and follow signs leading to the band room.
In order to start thinking about which instrument you would like to play, please watch this 10-minute video of each instrument being demonstrated.
Another email will be sent out to 6th grade students/parents as the date approaches.
WMS Band Parent Night - Aug. 22 - 6:00 - 7:30 PM @ WMS
On August 22 from 6:00 - 6:45 PM, we will be having a 6-8th grade band parent meeting in the middle school auditorium. This meeting will go over a large majority of logistics regarding band as well as an opportunity for me to meet a lot of you!
From 6:45 - 7:30 PM, West Music from Iowa City will be there for new 6th grade band students to purchase/rent instruments as well as receive care kits for their new instruments. 7th & 8th grade students will be able to also purchase lesson books, reeds, valve oil, etc. from West Music at that time. All orders purchased that night will arrive at WMS the following week where I will then distribute them to students.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out! In the meantime, enjoy the rest of your summer and I'll see you soon!