GED Prep

The GED is a rigorous exam based in core content curriculum. Students need to know economics, government, biology, chemistry, algebra, geometry, grammar, and writing. The GED® is no longer a comprehension-based pen-and-paper multiple-choice test; rather, it is delivered solely by computer with less than half of the entire test as multiple choice. Therefore, in addition to content, you must now also possess strong digital literacy/computer skills.

Reasoning in Language Arts: 155 minutes

Science: 95 minutes

Mathematical Reasoning: 120 minutes

Social Studies: 75 minutes

Cottage Grove & Woodbury

South Washington County Schools GED Prep Classes | Website | 651.425.6634


School District 622 GED Prep Classes | Website | 651.748.6208

Forest Lake

School District 831 GED Prep Classes | Website | 651.982.8302


School District 834 GED Prep Classes | Website | 651.351.4031