
Since 1962 it has been slowly evolving into a top-notch facility and epicenter of community activity.  See how the WCHS Sports Complex evolved from farmland into its current state. 

A common refrain by Washington residents is a call to combine all of Washington’s school districts into one large unit district. The concept of consolidation is not new and has been discussed many times in our history. 

Union School was a one-room schoolhouse way out in the boonies, almost to Morton. 

One of Washington's one-room schoolhouses that stayed standing long past its useful days. 

Mike and Diana Sluder take you on a detailed journey back to a simpler time.

Read the story behind the construction of the high school on Bondurant Street. 

Compiled by Ken Holford

A yearly summary of the achievements of the WCHS band program's recent history.. 

A school in Harvard Hills that consolidated with Central in 1974.

The last one-room schoolhouse in Tazewell County resided at the corner of Dutch Lane and Main Street

Washington made a bid to be the home of Illinois State University in 1857

In the 1800s Washington was home to a large seminary school.

The history of the recently unearthed school bell

The old football field serves a new purpose

WCHS history site seen on their interactive TV display just inside main entrance.