
Amtrak has never had a stop in Washington, but for a time in the 1980s the train did pass through town.

A concept that may seem odd today, but a train with historical artifacts in it caused quite a stir in 1975.

A photo scrapbook of the infamous Jefferson Street train derailment

This article details the demise of the Santa Fe and GMO railroads that used to run through town.

Frank Borror of the East Peoria Historical Society gives us fantastic insight into the early days of the TP&W, our only remaining railroad line through town.

A railroad disaster that made national news and snuffed out the life of a Washingtonian, the Chatsworth train accident was one of the worst rail catastrophes in the U.S.in the 19th century.

The viaduct on Peoria Street has remained the same for over 100 years while a town grew up around it.

A nerve center of the city for decades

Miscommunication Spelled Disaster