Washington Surgeon - Dr William Portuese

Are you looking for a facial plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Seattle, Washington? Look no further! Dr. William Portuese is a renowned specialist with years of experience in providing excellent surgical services and patient care. He is passionate about helping his patients look and feel their best through the highest quality treatments and procedures available. With his commitment to excellence, Dr. William Portuese stands out from other surgeons in the area, making him one of the most sought-after specialists for facial plastic surgery in Seattle.

In this article, we will explore why Dr. William Portuese is such a well-respected surgeon, what services he offers, and why he stands out from other surgeons in the area. We will also discuss his commitment to patient safety and satisfaction as well as what sets him apart from other surgeons in Seattle Washington. Additionally, we will look at how you can benefit from Dr. Smith's expertise when considering facial plastic or cosmetic surgery.

Dr. William Portuese has earned a reputation as one of the top facial plastic surgeons in Seattle because of his dedication to superior patient care, advanced technology, and precision techniques used during procedures. His commitment to excellence ensures that patients get the best results possible while enjoying a safe and comfortable experience throughout their treatment process. So don't wait any longer - if you're looking for a knowledgeable surgeon who puts your safety first, then contact Dr. William Portuese today!

Overview Of Facial Plastic Surgery

Facial plastic surgery is a specialized type of plastic surgery that focuses on improving the appearance of the face. It involves procedures to improve the shape, size, and symmetry of facial features such as the nose, chin, cheeks, and ears. Facial plastic surgery can also be used to correct birth defects or injuries caused by trauma or disease. The goal of facial plastic surgery is to restore balance and harmony to the face while preserving its natural beauty.

Patients may opt for facial plastic surgery for many reasons including improving their appearance, addressing signs of aging, correcting birth defects or deformities, restoring self-esteem after an injury or illness, or achieving symmetry. During a consultation with a board certified facial plastic surgeon, patients can discuss their cosmetic goals and expectations in order to determine which procedure will be best suited for their needs.

The facial plastic surgeon will assess any underlying medical conditions and provide detailed information about possible treatments and risks associated with them. They will also review recovery timeframes and what kind of scarring may result from the procedure. Patients should feel comfortable asking questions throughout the process so they can make fully informed decisions about their care plan.

Benefits Of Facial Plastic Surgery

Facial plastic surgery can provide a number of benefits to those who seek it. It can improve the overall look and feel of the face, providing a more youthful and confident appearance. It can also help correct physical issues such as drooping eyelids or a crooked nose. The results are often dramatic and long-lasting, making facial plastic surgery an attractive option for many people.

The most common types of facial plastic surgery are rhinoplasty, facelift, brow lift, and otoplasty. Each procedure has its own set of benefits that can be tailored to meet individual needs. Rhinoplasty is a procedure used to reshape the nose and may improve breathing problems as well as the appearance of the nose. A facelift can reduce wrinkles around the eyes or mouth and create a more youthful look. A brow lift can reduce wrinkles on the forehead, while an otoplasty helps reshape ears that stick out too far from the head.

Facial plastic surgery offers many advantages beyond just improving appearance. It can boost self-confidence, improve quality of life, and even be beneficial for people suffering from certain medical conditions such as sleep apnea or hearing loss due to ear deformities. For these reasons, many people seek out facial plastic surgeons in Seattle Washington for their cosmetic needs.

Procedures Offered By Seattle Surgeons

Seattle plastic and cosmetic surgeons offer a variety of procedures to help patients reach their desired look. These can range from simple treatments such as laser hair removal or dermal fillers, to more complex operations like facelifts and rhinoplasty. Among the surgeries offered are eyelid lifts, lip augmentation, ear reshaping, chin augmentation, brow lifts, and more. Non-surgical treatments such as botox injections and chemical peels are also available.

No matter what the desired outcome is for each individual patient, the doctors will work with them to develop a plan that makes sense for their needs and budget. The doctors specialize in facial plastic surgery procedures; they use the latest techniques to ensure that every patient looks their best after treatment. The surgeons will assess each patient's unique features before beginning any procedure.

Not only do Seattle surgeons have extensive experience performing cosmetic procedures, but they also take great care in providing excellent customer service throughout the entire process. They prioritize patient safety above all else and strive to make sure their clients feel comfortable throughout every step of care. Each doctor understands that every case is unique, so they provide personalized treatment plans tailored specifically for each client’s goals and lifestyle.

Qualifications Of A Facial Plastic And Cosmetic Surgeon

When selecting a facial plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Seattle, Washington, it is important to consider the qualifications of the provider. An experienced and highly qualified professional should have completed a plastic surgery residency program as well as additional training or certification in facial plastic surgery. They should also be board certified by the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ABFPRS).

The ABFPRS certifies surgeons who are trained and experienced in facial plastic surgery. This includes procedures such as face lifts, rhinoplasty, eyelid surgery, brow lifts, chin augmentation, laser skin treatments, scar revision and hair restoration. To become an ABFPRS certified surgeon requires a rigorous examination process that includes both written and oral components. Additionally, surgeons must demonstrate competency in all aspects of facial plastic surgery through documented case studies of patients they have treated.

When considering any type of surgical procedure, it is important to find a highly qualified surgeon with experience in the particular area you are seeking treatment for. A consultation with your potential surgeon can help provide you with an understanding of their credentials and how they will approach your procedure. Ask questions about the expected outcomes from the procedure as well as any risks or complications associated with it. By taking these steps you can ensure that you are choosing a safe and reliable provider for your facial plastic and cosmetic needs.

Costs And Insurance Coverage For Cosmetic Surgery

The cost of cosmetic surgery can vary widely depending on the procedure. Generally speaking, it can range from several hundred dollars to thousands of dollars. It's important to be aware that not all procedures may be covered by insurance, or only partially covered. Therefore, it's essential to discuss your options with your surgeon and understand what is and isn't covered before making a decision.

When considering cosmetic surgery, patients must also factor in any associated costs for medications, hospital fees, and lab work that may be necessary before or after the surgery. In addition, some procedures may require multiple visits for follow-up care or additional treatments over time.

It's always best to do research ahead of time so you know what to expect. Speak to your insurance provider about what is and isn't covered prior to making a decision about a specific procedure. This will help you plan accordingly and determine whether cosmetic surgery is right for you financially.

Pre- And Post-Surgery Care

At Seattle Washington's famous facial plastic and cosmetic surgery practice, our team of experienced surgeons is committed to providing the highest quality of care before, during, and after all procedures. We understand that each patient's needs are unique and we strive to provide individualized attention and support throughout your journey.

Prior to any procedure, we will ensure that you have a thorough understanding of the entire process, including potential risks and complications. During this time, our staff will also be on hand to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Once you are ready to move forward with the procedure, we will do our best to ensure that you feel as comfortable as possible throughout the process.

Post-surgery care is equally important in helping patients achieve their desired results. Our team will work closely with you to help manage any discomfort associated with healing from your procedure. We can also provide advice on how best to take care of yourself throughout recovery so that you can enjoy the full benefits of your surgery for years to come.

Types Of Anesthesia Used In Surgeries

Famouse facial plastic and cosmetic surgeons in Seattle, Washington use a variety of anesthesia options for their surgeries. The type of anesthesia selected depends on the specifics of the surgery and patient's individual needs.

Local anesthetics are usually administered through injection directly into the area being operated on. This numbs only the targeted area, allowing for a more focused procedure with minimal discomfort for the patient. Local anesthesia is often combined with sedation to help keep patients comfortable throughout the surgery.

General anesthesia is administered either orally or intravenously before surgery. It is used when the surgery requires that a patient be completely unconscious. Patients undergoing general anesthesia may experience some side effects such as nausea, sore throat and dry mouth after they wake up from surgery.

No matter which type of anesthesia is used, safety should always be the number one priority when undergoing any kind of surgical procedure. Famouse facial plastic and cosmetic surgeons in Seattle, Washington take this responsibility seriously and strive to provide their patients with the highest quality care possible.

Recovery Time After Surgery

Moving on from anesthesia used in surgeries, recovery time after surgery is another important factor to consider. Recovery time is the period of time it takes for a patient's body to heal and repair itself following an operation. Generally, recovery times vary depending on the type of surgery performed and the individual patient's health history.

The amount of time that a person spends recovering may range from a few days to several weeks or months, depending on the nature of their procedure and their physical health. After any type of surgery, it is essential for patients to follow all postoperative instructions given by their surgeon in order to ensure a safe and successful recovery. This typically includes getting plenty of rest, following a healthy diet, taking prescribed medications as directed, avoiding strenuous activities, and attending regular checkups with their doctor.

It is also important for patients to be aware that some complications may arise during the healing process which can potentially delay recovery time. Such complications may include infection, bleeding, swelling or bruising that can cause discomfort or pain after surgery. If any signs of complications occur, patients should contact their doctor right away for proper treatment and guidance.

Risks Associated With Facial Plastic Surgery

Facial plastic surgery is not without risks. Patients should be aware of potential complications that may occur as a result of having facial plastic surgery. Potential complications can include infection, bleeding, nerve damage, scarring, and skin discoloration.

Infections are the most common complication associated with facial plastic surgery. While most infections can be treated with antibiotics, in some cases more serious infections can occur and require additional treatment. Additionally, there are some risk factors that may increase the chances of developing an infection after facial surgery such as smoking or having diabetes.

Another possible complication is nerve damage. Nerve damage can cause numbness or tingling in the affected area and can sometimes lead to permanent paralysis of certain muscles on the face. Scarring is also a potential risk associated with facial plastic surgery, as well as skin discoloration which may require additional treatments to correct.

It is important for patients to understand all the risks associated with facial plastic surgery before undergoing the procedure so they can make an informed decision about their options. Patients should also consult with a qualified surgeon who specializes in facial plastic surgery to ensure they receive safe and effective treatment.

Popular Surgeons In Seattle, Washington

Seattle, Washington is home to some of the best and most experienced facial plastic and cosmetic surgeons in the country. These surgeons have decades of experience and training in performing a variety of procedures that can help you look and feel your best. Dr. William Portuese is one of the most popular surgeons in Seattle, having been featured on television shows such as “Dr. 90210” and “The Doctors.” He has performed thousands of procedures over his career, from facelifts to Botox injections to laser treatments. Dr. William Portuese specializes in facial reconstruction surgery for those who have suffered traumatic injuries or birth defects, as well as cosmetic procedures for those looking to improve their appearance.

Another popular surgeon in Seattle is Dr. William Portuese, who opened her practice in 2009 after completing her residency at the University of Washington Medical Center. She specializes in rhinoplasty (nose jobs), facelifts, eyelid lifts, dermal fillers, and laser skin resurfacing treatments. Her passion for artistry shines through her work; she takes a holistic approach to patient care so that each individual receives the personalized results they desire. Dr. William Portuese also offers non-surgical options such as chemical peels and injectables such as Botox and Juvederm to reduce wrinkles or add volume to certain areas of the face without going under the knife.

For those looking for a more natural approach to facial plastic surgery, Seattle offers a few well-known doctors known for their holistic techniques such as Dr. William Portuese specialize in minimally invasive techniques like endoscopic brow lifts or liposuction using laser technology instead of traditional scalpels or needles. They also offer services such as fat transfer to add volume where desired for a more youthful look with minimal scarring or downtime involved with recovery time afterwards. Both doctors are highly trained professionals with years of experience delivering natural-looking results that make their patients look their best without sacrificing safety or quality care during any procedure ..and helping them achieve their desired outcome.


In conclusion, facial plastic surgery is a great option for many people looking to improve their appearance. It can provide a range of benefits and can be tailored to fit each individual’s needs. For those considering facial plastic surgery in Seattle, Washington, there are some great surgeons available. It’s important to research the qualifications and experience of any surgeon you are considering for your procedure, as well as the costs and insurance coverage. Make sure to discuss any risks associated with the procedure with your surgeon prior to surgery so that you can plan accordingly. With a qualified and experienced facial plastic and cosmetic surgeon, you can be confident that you will receive excellent care and results from your facial plastic surgery in Seattle, Washington.

Are you looking for a facial plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Seattle, Washington? Look no further! Dr. William Portuese is a renowned specialist with years of experience in providing excellent surgical services and patient care. He is passionate about helping his patients look and feel their best through the highest quality treatments and procedures available. With his commitment to excellence, Dr. William Portuese stands out from other surgeons in the area, making him one of the most sought-after specialists for facial plastic surgery in Seattle.

In this article, we will explore why Dr. William Portuese is such a well-respected surgeon, what services he offers, and why he stands out from other surgeons in the area. We will also discuss his commitment to patient safety and satisfaction as well as what sets him apart from other surgeons in Seattle Washington. Additionally, we will look at how you can benefit from Dr. Smith's expertise when considering facial plastic or cosmetic surgery.

Dr. William Portuese has earned a reputation as one of the top facial plastic surgeons in Seattle because of his dedication to superior patient care, advanced technology, and precision techniques used during procedures. His commitment to excellence ensures that patients get the best results possible while enjoying a safe and comfortable experience throughout their treatment process. So don't wait any longer - if you're looking for a knowledgeable surgeon who puts your safety first, then contact Dr. William Portuese today!

Overview Of Facial Plastic Surgery

Facial plastic surgery is a specialized type of plastic surgery that focuses on improving the appearance of the face. It involves procedures to improve the shape, size, and symmetry of facial features such as the nose, chin, cheeks, and ears. Facial plastic surgery can also be used to correct birth defects or injuries caused by trauma or disease. The goal of facial plastic surgery is to restore balance and harmony to the face while preserving its natural beauty.

Patients may opt for facial plastic surgery for many reasons including improving their appearance, addressing signs of aging, correcting birth defects or deformities, restoring self-esteem after an injury or illness, or achieving symmetry. During a consultation with a board certified facial plastic surgeon, patients can discuss their cosmetic goals and expectations in order to determine which procedure will be best suited for their needs.

The facial plastic surgeon will assess any underlying medical conditions and provide detailed information about possible treatments and risks associated with them. They will also review recovery timeframes and what kind of scarring may result from the procedure. Patients should feel comfortable asking questions throughout the process so they can make fully informed decisions about their care plan.

Benefits Of Facial Plastic Surgery

Facial plastic surgery can provide a number of benefits to those who seek it. It can improve the overall look and feel of the face, providing a more youthful and confident appearance. It can also help correct physical issues such as drooping eyelids or a crooked nose. The results are often dramatic and long-lasting, making facial plastic surgery an attractive option for many people.

The most common types of facial plastic surgery are rhinoplasty, facelift, brow lift, and otoplasty. Each procedure has its own set of benefits that can be tailored to meet individual needs. Rhinoplasty is a procedure used to reshape the nose and may improve breathing problems as well as the appearance of the nose. A facelift can reduce wrinkles around the eyes or mouth and create a more youthful look. A brow lift can reduce wrinkles on the forehead, while an otoplasty helps reshape ears that stick out too far from the head.

Facial plastic surgery offers many advantages beyond just improving appearance. It can boost self-confidence, improve quality of life, and even be beneficial for people suffering from certain medical conditions such as sleep apnea or hearing loss due to ear deformities. For these reasons, many people seek out facial plastic surgeons in Seattle Washington for their cosmetic needs.

Procedures Offered By Seattle Surgeons

Seattle plastic and cosmetic surgeons offer a variety of procedures to help patients reach their desired look. These can range from simple treatments such as laser hair removal or dermal fillers, to more complex operations like facelifts and rhinoplasty. Among the surgeries offered are eyelid lifts, lip augmentation, ear reshaping, chin augmentation, brow lifts, and more. Non-surgical treatments such as botox injections and chemical peels are also available.

No matter what the desired outcome is for each individual patient, the doctors will work with them to develop a plan that makes sense for their needs and budget. The doctors specialize in facial plastic surgery procedures; they use the latest techniques to ensure that every patient looks their best after treatment. The surgeons will assess each patient's unique features before beginning any procedure.

Not only do Seattle surgeons have extensive experience performing cosmetic procedures, but they also take great care in providing excellent customer service throughout the entire process. They prioritize patient safety above all else and strive to make sure their clients feel comfortable throughout every step of care. Each doctor understands that every case is unique, so they provide personalized treatment plans tailored specifically for each client’s goals and lifestyle.

Qualifications Of A Facial Plastic And Cosmetic Surgeon

When selecting a facial plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Seattle, Washington, it is important to consider the qualifications of the provider. An experienced and highly qualified professional should have completed a plastic surgery residency program as well as additional training or certification in facial plastic surgery. They should also be board certified by the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ABFPRS).

The ABFPRS certifies surgeons who are trained and experienced in facial plastic surgery. This includes procedures such as face lifts, rhinoplasty, eyelid surgery, brow lifts, chin augmentation, laser skin treatments, scar revision and hair restoration. To become an ABFPRS certified surgeon requires a rigorous examination process that includes both written and oral components. Additionally, surgeons must demonstrate competency in all aspects of facial plastic surgery through documented case studies of patients they have treated.

When considering any type of surgical procedure, it is important to find a highly qualified surgeon with experience in the particular area you are seeking treatment for. A consultation with your potential surgeon can help provide you with an understanding of their credentials and how they will approach your procedure. Ask questions about the expected outcomes from the procedure as well as any risks or complications associated with it. By taking these steps you can ensure that you are choosing a safe and reliable provider for your facial plastic and cosmetic needs.

Costs And Insurance Coverage For Cosmetic Surgery

The cost of cosmetic surgery can vary widely depending on the procedure. Generally speaking, it can range from several hundred dollars to thousands of dollars. It's important to be aware that not all procedures may be covered by insurance, or only partially covered. Therefore, it's essential to discuss your options with your surgeon and understand what is and isn't covered before making a decision.

When considering cosmetic surgery, patients must also factor in any associated costs for medications, hospital fees, and lab work that may be necessary before or after the surgery. In addition, some procedures may require multiple visits for follow-up care or additional treatments over time.

It's always best to do research ahead of time so you know what to expect. Speak to your insurance provider about what is and isn't covered prior to making a decision about a specific procedure. This will help you plan accordingly and determine whether cosmetic surgery is right for you financially.

Pre- And Post-Surgery Care

At Seattle Washington's famous facial plastic and cosmetic surgery practice, our team of experienced surgeons is committed to providing the highest quality of care before, during, and after all procedures. We understand that each patient's needs are unique and we strive to provide individualized attention and support throughout your journey.

Prior to any procedure, we will ensure that you have a thorough understanding of the entire process, including potential risks and complications. During this time, our staff will also be on hand to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Once you are ready to move forward with the procedure, we will do our best to ensure that you feel as comfortable as possible throughout the process.

Post-surgery care is equally important in helping patients achieve their desired results. Our team will work closely with you to help manage any discomfort associated with healing from your procedure. We can also provide advice on how best to take care of yourself throughout recovery so that you can enjoy the full benefits of your surgery for years to come.

Types Of Anesthesia Used In Surgeries

Famouse facial plastic and cosmetic surgeons in Seattle, Washington use a variety of anesthesia options for their surgeries. The type of anesthesia selected depends on the specifics of the surgery and patient's individual needs.

Local anesthetics are usually administered through injection directly into the area being operated on. This numbs only the targeted area, allowing for a more focused procedure with minimal discomfort for the patient. Local anesthesia is often combined with sedation to help keep patients comfortable throughout the surgery.

General anesthesia is administered either orally or intravenously before surgery. It is used when the surgery requires that a patient be completely unconscious. Patients undergoing general anesthesia may experience some side effects such as nausea, sore throat and dry mouth after they wake up from surgery.

No matter which type of anesthesia is used, safety should always be the number one priority when undergoing any kind of surgical procedure. Famouse facial plastic and cosmetic surgeons in Seattle, Washington take this responsibility seriously and strive to provide their patients with the highest quality care possible.

Recovery Time After Surgery

Moving on from anesthesia used in surgeries, recovery time after surgery is another important factor to consider. Recovery time is the period of time it takes for a patient's body to heal and repair itself following an operation. Generally, recovery times vary depending on the type of surgery performed and the individual patient's health history.

The amount of time that a person spends recovering may range from a few days to several weeks or months, depending on the nature of their procedure and their physical health. After any type of surgery, it is essential for patients to follow all postoperative instructions given by their surgeon in order to ensure a safe and successful recovery. This typically includes getting plenty of rest, following a healthy diet, taking prescribed medications as directed, avoiding strenuous activities, and attending regular checkups with their doctor.

It is also important for patients to be aware that some complications may arise during the healing process which can potentially delay recovery time. Such complications may include infection, bleeding, swelling or bruising that can cause discomfort or pain after surgery. If any signs of complications occur, patients should contact their doctor right away for proper treatment and guidance.

Risks Associated With Facial Plastic Surgery

Facial plastic surgery is not without risks. Patients should be aware of potential complications that may occur as a result of having facial plastic surgery. Potential complications can include infection, bleeding, nerve damage, scarring, and skin discoloration.

Infections are the most common complication associated with facial plastic surgery. While most infections can be treated with antibiotics, in some cases more serious infections can occur and require additional treatment. Additionally, there are some risk factors that may increase the chances of developing an infection after facial surgery such as smoking or having diabetes.

Another possible complication is nerve damage. Nerve damage can cause numbness or tingling in the affected area and can sometimes lead to permanent paralysis of certain muscles on the face. Scarring is also a potential risk associated with facial plastic surgery, as well as skin discoloration which may require additional treatments to correct.

It is important for patients to understand all the risks associated with facial plastic surgery before undergoing the procedure so they can make an informed decision about their options. Patients should also consult with a qualified surgeon who specializes in facial plastic surgery to ensure they receive safe and effective treatment.

Popular Surgeons In Seattle, Washington

Seattle, Washington is home to some of the best and most experienced facial plastic and cosmetic surgeons in the country. These surgeons have decades of experience and training in performing a variety of procedures that can help you look and feel your best. Dr. William Portuese is one of the most popular surgeons in Seattle, having been featured on television shows such as “Dr. 90210” and “The Doctors.” He has performed thousands of procedures over his career, from facelifts to Botox injections to laser treatments. Dr. William Portuese specializes in facial reconstruction surgery for those who have suffered traumatic injuries or birth defects, as well as cosmetic procedures for those looking to improve their appearance.

Another popular surgeon in Seattle is Dr. William Portuese, who opened her practice in 2009 after completing her residency at the University of Washington Medical Center. She specializes in rhinoplasty (nose jobs), facelifts, eyelid lifts, dermal fillers, and laser skin resurfacing treatments. Her passion for artistry shines through her work; she takes a holistic approach to patient care so that each individual receives the personalized results they desire. Dr. William Portuese also offers non-surgical options such as chemical peels and injectables such as Botox and Juvederm to reduce wrinkles or add volume to certain areas of the face without going under the knife.

For those looking for a more natural approach to facial plastic surgery, Seattle offers a few well-known doctors known for their holistic techniques such as Dr. William Portuese specialize in minimally invasive techniques like endoscopic brow lifts or liposuction using laser technology instead of traditional scalpels or needles. They also offer services such as fat transfer to add volume where desired for a more youthful look with minimal scarring or downtime involved with recovery time afterwards. Both doctors are highly trained professionals with years of experience delivering natural-looking results that make their patients look their best without sacrificing safety or quality care during any procedure ..and helping them achieve their desired outcome.


In conclusion, facial plastic surgery is a great option for many people looking to improve their appearance. It can provide a range of benefits and can be tailored to fit each individual’s needs. For those considering facial plastic surgery in Seattle, Washington, there are some great surgeons available. It’s important to research the qualifications and experience of any surgeon you are considering for your procedure, as well as the costs and insurance coverage. Make sure to discuss any risks associated with the procedure with your surgeon prior to surgery so that you can plan accordingly. With a qualified and experienced facial plastic and cosmetic surgeon, you can be confident that you will receive excellent care and results from your facial plastic surgery in Seattle, Washington.

Check Out These Great Cosmetic Surgery Tips

Everyone strives to look perfect. Today, there are more choices than before to change the way you look. If you have chosen to get a cosmetic procedure, this article contains tips to make your surgery go as well as possible.

You need to find out more about your surgeon's malpractice insurance. In case there are problems with your procedure, you will be covered so that you can get it corrected. Beware of surgeons without proper insurance. Chances are high that they do not have coverage because a policy would be expensive due to past mistakes.

You need to be aware that scars and pain often accompany cosmetic surgery. A lot of people aren't aware of the painful effects associated with cosmetic surgical procedures. By having a positive mentality, you will be more prepared for the upcoming pain.

Make sure you do your homework on your surgeon. Many surgeries are not dangerous, but choosing the wrong doctor can be very risky. Talk to your friends and colleagues to find out if they know of a good plastic surgeon.

Learn everything you can about the kind of plastic surgery you want. You should know the details about this procedure when you talk to your surgeon. Then, you can ask the important questions and see if your surgeon is being consistent and honest in his answers.

Make sure you know how often your surgeon performs your specific procedure. As a surgeon performs procedures, his or her skill increases. Performing more surgeries, increases the pool of past patients. If any of those individuals had negative experiences, they probably filed a malpractice suit.

There are many reasons to undergo plastic surgery including increasing your sense of self-esteem. Plastic surgery is great for those who have had accidents, like burns. When someone has a horrible burn, they might not feel confident with their appearance; plastic surgery is a great option for their self esteem.

When you are looking at pictures of their work, you should know that these pictures are probably of the best surgeries that they have done. A trustworthy surgeon might even be able to provide you with photographs of a patient who needed to come in for a correction or revision after the initial surgery. If none of the pictures the surgeon shows you are acceptable, and their best work doesn't meet your standards, pick someone else.

Before opting for cosmetic surgery, try to fix any issue that makes you unhappy. While most procedures are not overly dangerous, complications can always arise. Many body issues can be remedied with less drastic measures.

If you are having emotional problems right now, don't go for cosmetic surgery until you are feeling better. Recovering from a surgery takes some energy and you need to think clearly before taking your decision. Also, slower recoveries may harm your mental state.

Make sure you understand how long it takes to recover from a cosmetic surgery procedure before agreeing to it. It is important to give yourself ample time to recover before any events you have planned. There could be complications if you do not allow your body to rest and recover.

Consider overseas surgery options. For most people, this is not a decision to be made without careful thought, but the benefits are undeniable. The possible savings can be immense; some patients report paying costs that are no more than half of those they would pay at home. It is essential to do some heavy research if you decide to try it, in order to find a reputable clinic for your Eyelid Surgery.

As you are visiting a surgeon for a consultation, do not become set on having a particular procedure done. A really good cosmetic surgeon will offer an assortment of procedures to help you. Consult with your doctor with an open mind and a full understanding of the risks involved as you make your decisions on how best to proceed.

Cosmetic procedures can cost a lot of money and are typically not covered in a health insurance policy. Not all procedures cost the same. Therefore, it is important to consider all payment options before undergoing any procedure. When figuring out the cost, include the charges for aftercare and corrective procedures.

When it comes to cosmetic surgery, don't be afraid to be selfish. That is to say, your feelings and opinions are the only ones that truly count in this subject. Taking the step to alter your appearance is a big deal. Only do it if you feel confident about the changes.

Don't be afraid to speak with a therapist about your desires to get plastic surgery. Perhaps you do not want surgery for the right reasons or there are other things you should do instead of getting surgery, such as treating a depression or a low self-esteem.

At least a month before your cosmetic procedure, give up smoking if you are still a smoker. You may find that your doctor will refuse to schedule a cosmetic procedure on you when you are currently smoking. When you smoke, blood does not properly flow throughout your body and the recovery time from the surgery will increase.

Everyone who wants a plastic surgery should have a good diet, and there is another overlooked fact. A fatty diet, when consumed from the right foods, can help you prepare your body for surgery. This means eating more avocado and flax oil prior to surgery.

You owe it to yourself to become a smart surgical consumer long before you go in for a cosmetic procedure. Make sure you see the license of the surgeon that will be doing the procedure, as well as reviews from prior patients. Cosmetic surgery should be treated with the same gravity as any medical procedure you may have to undergo.

If the cosmetic surgery is going to change something not visibly drastic, and you do not want others to know that you had the surgery done, consider going out of town for it. Take a week or more off of work and schedule your procedure in a different town. If someone has not seen you in two weeks and your skin tan and haircut are different. That way someone who hasn't seen you in a while might never realize you have had surgery.

Don't rush and always think it through when deciding on cosmetic surgery. This article, hopefully, gives you the knowledge you need to feel the best about your choices and make the procedure as stress-free as possible.

Google review of Dr William Portuese by Erin Gabriella★★★★★ "I'm extremely happy with the experience, and the final result!!! I'm thrilled with the result....I highly recommend Dr. Portuese and his staff...they are highly professional and he is definitely an artist in the field. I had a bump on the bridge of my nose that bothered me for many years, so finally decided to take the plunge and have Rhinoplasty surgery this past July, 2016. From the first consultation I felt that Dr. Portuese really knew his art, and that was important to me. My mother and I researched several surgeons very well, and were very choosy on who we saw. We consulted with one other surgeon in Bellevue...but Dr. Portuese won our vote hands down. The staff was very friendly and helpful, and seemed to know the routine very well. I was calm the day of surgery, because of the professionalism of him and his staff. The surgery took place right on site, which is a giant plus since Dr. Portuese is a perfectionist and has total control over the sterile atmosphere, far better than the average hospital with less control. I really liked my anesthesiologist, he was on loan from Swedish Hospital, and explained everything. I wasn't afraid, because he instilled my confidence in him. The most important aspect is that my nose came out beautiful....Dr. Portuese has the hands of an artist, have no doubt. I live overseas except for the summers, so Dr. Portuese did follow up for me to make sure I would be o.k. after traveling overseas, and gave me clear instructions on what to do if I noticed any unusual changes, which has not happened and it is nearly 4 months post op. But he wanted me to email him pics if I had any questions, showing he really cared sincerely about follow up care if needed. You cannot go wrong with Dr. Portuese. I promise. Another note: his fees are quite reasonable when compared to the general price range for Rhinoplasty, especially since he is one of the best in Seattle. And a special thanks to his assistant, Janet...she was really helpful and informative, and nice!"