I think sometimes I can read your mind

When you make things up I can tell you lie 

I see the things that your man can-t see

And I wonder what kind of man is he

The one who you say is your lover 

Who you insist takes care of you under the covers

And who is there for you and loves you like no other 

Then you kiss and tell me that you love me like a brother


If I didn-t know better

I-d think that you were mine, you-re with me all the time 

If I didn-t know better 

I-d swear we-re more than friends, you-re touching me again 

If I didn-t know better 

I-d think we were in love 

Girl, do you wanna tell me something

Oh, oh, oh

I could be wrong about the things you say 

But I don-t rub up on my friends that way

You tell me that you-ve always been a flirt 

But if it goes wrong, I could get hurt

But no, you insist it-s harmless playin-

It-s just a part of who you are, that it-s just your nature 

And that it-s fine 

You know I-m a friend, it-s really nothing

You say that I-m just like a-

That I-m just like a brother


My idea of a friend is when you

Do a lotta things together and have a lotta fun 

But my definition of love is different

You touch and hold each other 

And you only want to be alone clinging to each other 

Like you and he should be, but like you and I are

Well, I know it sounds crazy but-


Interview of First Lady Laura Bush by Rachael Ray

New York, New York

3:56 P.M. ESTQ I don't know if it's appropriate to say this or not, but I'mjust going to:You are very beautiful in person. (Applause.)MRS. BUSH: Oh, thank you.Q And you're all dressed in red and it's very appropriate.MRS. BUSH: I'm dressed in red because this month, February, is Americanheart month, and I've been a part of the Red Dress project, a project ofthe National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, to let women know thatheart disease is the number one killer of American women. Women don'trealize that -- they think heart disease is a man's disease.Q Yes, we all have this stereotype in our head of men sitting aroundwith big steaks, you know, and it's a common problem for men, but notfor women. It's the number one killer, right?MRS. BUSH: That's right. More women then men die of heart disease.And the really good news, though, is that heart disease is oftenpreventable.Q And in simple ways -- healthy foods.MRS. BUSH: Simple ways: healthy food, really good healthy food,exercise.Q And it can be as simple as walking, right?MRS. BUSH: Going for a walk -- I really think that's the most importantthing to do, is get up and go for a walk, get your kids up off the couchand have them go for a walk, and then come home and have healthy foods.(Applause.)Q Then have a good healthy burger here. (Applause.)MRS. BUSH: This looks great, by the way.Q Well, we don't make you eat it on camera, but over there areplates. I'd love to know what you think. I really did invent thatrecipe for you and I think that your family might enjoy it -- I readthat everybody likes spicy foods.MRS. BUSH: I think everyone will love this. It looks really terrific.Q You know, there is good news in heart disease. It used to,tragically, kill one out of three women. That rate has been broughtdown some, right?MRS. BUSH: That's right. Since the Heart, Lung and Blood Institutestarted the Red Dress Project, women have really learned around ourcountry that heart disease affects women. So deaths are declining fromheart disease for women.One reason that more women than men died is because women didn't takeheart disease personally or seriously.They would send their husband ortheir boyfriend to the emergency room immediately, but they wouldn't gothemselves. A lot of the symptoms, the symptoms of fatigue or jaw painor neck pain, a lot of pains that are a little bit different in womenthan men, women would discount, they wouldn't go to the hospital -- andwhen they got there it would be too late or they would have suffered alot more damage than if they'd gone right away.Q Just since 2003 these numbers have really dropped.MRS. BUSH: That's right. Now more than 55 percent of women know thatheart disease affects women, they know what the symptoms are, they knowto go immediately to the emergency room if they have any of thesymptoms. And then they also know what they can do to prevent it, allthe good ways you can prevent it -- by exercise. Obesity is one of thehigh risks of heart disease; diabetes is a risk. If you see your doctorand always know what your blood pressure and your cholesterol are, thenyou'll know if you have high blood pressure and that that's a riskfactor for you, or high cholesterol is a risk factor. So there's a lotof things women know.Q Well, that's why this has low cholesterol, an EVOO, no animal fat.You do this work in honor of your mother, right? She's a breast cancersurvivor.MRS. BUSH: She's a breast cancer survivor. I don't have heart diseasein my family, but when I learned that heart disease was the number onekiller of women, I was surprised. I had no idea.Q Me, either.MRS. BUSH: And I knew if I didn't know, that most people, most womenprobably didn't know. I assumed that cancer was the number one killerof women. But, in fact, heart disease kills more women than all cancerscombined.Q That's frightening, it's so frightening. But it's not all bad news-- it's good news, the rate is coming down.MRS. BUSH: It's not bad news, it's good news.Q And our good news is that Mrs. Bush is going to stay with us.We're going to talk more with the First Lady. She even let us insidethe White House kitchen. We're going to see that in a few. (Applause.)* * * * *Q We are honored to have in our kitchen today the First Lady,Mrs. Laura Bush. (Applause.) And we're both wearing red because it'sFebruary and it's Heart Disease Awareness Month. And the first Fridayof every February we're all supposed to wear red.MRS. BUSH: Wear red day.Q And we wore red together then, too, at the Red Dress event.MRS. BUSH: That's right.Q I love this red dress idea, because the red dress representswomen as being aware of what's going on inside their body as well astheir clothes and what goes on, on the outside of their body.MRS. BUSH: Everyone knows that women love red dresses. In fact,recently at the White House, the night of the Kennedy Center Honors, Ihad a red dress on -- and three other people had the exact red same reddress on. (Laughter.)It was a major fashion faux pas. (Laughter.)But we know women love red dresses, and it's a greatattention-caller to heart disease. During the Red Dress Month atFashion Week, and really all year, the red dresses travel around theUnited States.Q They're really becoming --MRS. BUSH: Fashion designers do red dresses. And when they're inyour city -- in Kansas City once, when I was there, the red dresses werethere, and there was a big fair where you could come get your bloodpressure taken and your cholesterol checked and find out what your riskfactors were for heart disease. So it's a great way to call attentionto heart health.Q It is. And it's pretty, too. (Applause.) Now, we were alsotalking about food. I wrote a recipe for you and your family to enjoyat the White House, a heart healthy burger. You brought some hearthealthy muffins from Chef Cris from White House. These are your carrotmuffins, right?MRS. BUSH: That's right, carrot muffins.Q And she even allowed us, if you could imagine it, inside theWhite House kitchen. So we wanted to show you what fun we had there.Please take a look.* * * * *Q You know, it's so fun to see inside that kitchen because it'snot at all formal, she's got all of her cookbooks up there and there'all those little mugs -- everybody has their own mug. It's fun.MRS. BUSH: You can also see how sweet and cute Cris is. She'sjust a wonderful cook, but really fun to work with, too.Q She seems like such a warm person.MRS. BUSH: She is.Q Do you love to cook? Do you ever get down to the kitchen?MRS. BUSH: I do love to cook, but I don't -- no, I don't get downinto the kitchen. (Laughter.)Q You're a little busy. A little busy.MRS. BUSH: I like food, I love to read cookbooks, and I used to bea cook, but not any more.Q Were you a good baker? I'm a lousy baker.MRS. BUSH: No, not a very good baker.(Laughter.)Q You see how much we have in common? We're bonding.(Applause.) Now, what about the girls? Were your girls -- you havebeautiful girls, by the way, because their mom is so pretty.MRS. BUSH: Thanks.Q That wasn't a slam to dad, sorry.(Laughter.) But yourgirls, were they picky eaters?MRS. BUSH: They weren't picky eaters.They inherited a reallygood appetite from their dad and me. But they like foods, they like allfoods, but they're very careful about what they eat. Neither one ofthem eat a lot of meat.Q Oh, yes, well, that can be dangerous too, right? Too much redmeat. But all things in moderation.MRS. BUSH: All things in moderation. But they mainly have fishand vegetables.Q They're probably figure conscious.MRS. BUSH: And beans, they love beans.Q Green beans or baked beans or --MRS. BUSH: No, beans, like black beans, Cuban black beans or pintobeans.Q I love beans, too. Well, they can come over anytime theywant, I'll whip them up a little black beans, no problem. (Laughter.)So we were talking about how important exercise is, of course, forheart health and general health. Do you -- how often do you work out?Do you use equipment? Do you just do aerobic exercise?MRS. BUSH: I work out about three days a week. My sister-in-lawlives in Alexandria, Virginia, and she drives in to work out with me atthe gym in the White House, which is really fun, a good chance to get tobe with her when we are too busy to see each other a lot.Q I'm trying to picture you -- on the treadmill?MRS. BUSH: We lift weights and I get on the treadmill, on theelliptical.Q Are you girls listening to the Ipod?MRS. BUSH: No, we have a very loud -- just the regular CD playerQ Oh, what's in the CD player?MRS. BUSH: Lots of different things. Let me think what was justin. I have a Luther Vandross album -- (applause.)Q That is so cool.MRS. BUSH: -- that just came out, with a lot of other peoplesinging his -- that's a new one.Q Oh, it's a tribute album.I like that, because you get alittle of everything all mixed up.MRS. BUSH: A lot of B.B. King, we like that. (Applause.)Q Good taste. See?We could work out together, too -- I'm justsaying, that's another -- (laughter.)Okay, we have to take a break, because they're flailing their armsabout.Go get a snack. We're going to have some muffins and we'll beright back with more. (Applause.)* * * * *Q I'm so honored to be at the kitchen table with the First Lady.And we have just -- you know, we've been talking about a very serioussubject, but one where there has been a lot of progress and a lot ofgood things happening, the prevention of heart disease, especially inwomen.And we've got Chef Cris's muffins here, we traded recipes. Wereally thought it might be fun, though, to ask some cocktail partyquestions before you leave. Would you mind?MRS. BUSH: Sure.Q Okay, so we want to know:What is your favorite TV show?Imean, are you at home watching "American Idol" like the rest of usAmericans, working the clicker?MRS. BUSH: No. (Laughter.) Your show is my favorite TV show.(Laughter.)Q Oh, of course. (Applause.) Here, let me give you that dollarI promised you. (Laughter.)MRS. BUSH: I do actually like to watch cooking shows a lot. Ilike those shows, those are fun.Q You loved to cook back in the day, don't get much time to dothat anymore.MRS. BUSH: That's right.Q So Food Network? I'm on that. (Laughter.)MRS. BUSH: Food Network.Q I know some of them guys over there. (Laughter.) So, yes, doyou like to watch movies or anything like that?MRS. BUSH: I like to watch movies. We watch movies at the WhiteHouse --Q Do you like chick flicks or action films?MRS. BUSH: We watch a lot of sports. You know, Super Bowl isright around this time.Q A lot of sports-watching in everybody's house.MRS. BUSH: A lot of sports-watching, a lot of baseball.Q I am a huge baseball fan.(Applause.)MRS. BUSH: You are?Q I am. I'm a Boston Red Sox fan and I threw out a pitch fromthe mound -- not halfway -- and it made it to the plate. I'm not sayingit was a speedy ball, but it made it to the plate. (Laughter.)MRS. BUSH: That's great. That's terrific.Q Now, listen, Valentine's Day is around the corner. Not thatit's any of our beeswax, but do you have any special Valentine's Dayplans?(Laughter.)MRS. BUSH: No special plans. We'll probably have a reallyromantic dinner, just like Cris talked about. We have had, one year, aValentine party in the Red Room, the perfect place for a Valentineparty.And we had six couples of people that we were in the 1st and 2ndgrade with, which was really, really fun.Q No kidding. That's sweet.MRS. BUSH: Long-time friends that have stayed really good friendsof ours over all these years.Q Did you all trade Valentine cards, like you had to when youwere in kindergarten and 1st grade? (Laughter.)MRS. BUSH: We didn't trade Valentine cards, but we had a reallywonderful time. It was great.Q How's the President at remembering it's Valentine's Day?MRS. BUSH: Not very good. (Laughter.) But, fortunately --Q You better be listening. (Laughter.)MRS. BUSH: -- there's a White House florist, so they always sendup flowers and he signs the card. (Applause.)Q They cover for him. They cover for him.MRS. BUSH: Last year one of the gardeners at the White House --they're National Park employees -- did a heart topiary for the Presidentto give me. But, of course, the President didn't think of it, thegardener did. (Laughter.)Q Boy, it sounds like you better have something planned for thisyear, is all I'm saying.You know, I said how striking you are when you meet you in person-- your eyes are very, very bright, you're a very beautiful lady.(Applause.) She said it's okay to have cocktail party questions, so I'mgoing to: Do you have any beauty tips for the rest of us girls?MRS. BUSH: No, no beauty tips.Q Just smile all the time.MRS. BUSH: Get a lot of sleep. I think a lot of sleep is healthy.(Applause.)Q Oh, if only I could take her up on that. And we know that youused to be a librarian and a teacher, of course. So I was wonderingwhat are you reading now? What can you recommend to us?MRS. BUSH: Well, I always have something that I just finished, andwhat I just finished is the "Glass Castle," have you read that?Q No.MRS. BUSH: It's by Jeannette Walls, it's very good.Q I'm going to write this down. I need a pencil.MRS. BUSH: Very good and interesting memoir.Q Okay, any others?MRS. BUSH: I read all the time; that was just the most recent oneI read, sent to me by my mother-in-law, Barbara Bush, had mailed it tome. (Applause.) I mailed it on to Sheila Martin, another friend, whosehusband was the Prime Minister of Canada.Q Name-dropper. (Laughter.) I think it's so nice you do that.I mean, that's a neat tradition, you read something you like, you passit along to another friend.MRS. BUSH: It's very nice to do it with your mother-in-law, too.Q I think that's nice. I'm going to send the next one to mymother-in-law.(Applause.)MRS. BUSH: And to your father.Q And to the gardeners that watch out for the rest of ourhusbands and boyfriends out there. (Laughter.)We just wanted to thank you so much. You bring so much heart tothe White House, and thank you for coming here and talking about it.MRS. BUSH: Thank you.(Applause.)END 4:17 P.M. EST Printer-Friendly Version Email this page to a friend 

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