Dissertations / Theses

Doctoral dissertations

・Three-dimensional orientation of human medial gastrocnemius fascicles and its functional significance (Katsuki Takahashi, 2022)

・Lower extremity morphology and muscle force producing capability in early childhood: reference to gait performance (Sudarat Apibantaweesakul, 2022)

・Mechanical and morphological properties of human plantar fascia in vivo: relevance to foot arch deformability (Hiroto Shiotani, 2020)

・Morphological and mechanical properties of human fascia lata and implications for motor performance (Shun Otsuka, 2019)

Morphological and mechanical properties of the human triceps surae aponeuroses and their functional roles in motor performance (Xiyao Shan, 2019)

Investigation of methodology to improve flexibility while avoiding muscle functional loss (Naoki Ikeda, 2016)

・Muscle- and exercise-specific architectural plasticity of the quadriceps femoris (Ryoichi Ema, 2014)

・Factors influencing frontal plane knee joint kinematics and kinetics during running (Masanori Sakaguchi, 2012)

・Increase in the maximal voluntary torque induced by postactivation potentiation (Atsuki Fukutani, 2012)

Evaluation of body dimensions based on three-dimensional photonic image scanning technique (Kayo Shitara, 2011)

Elastic component of ankle plantar flexor muscles (Soichiro Iwanuma, 2010)

Factors influencing performance of elite sprinters: focusing on the acceleration phase of running (Kai Kobayashi, 2010)

Movement dependency of the muscle-tendon behavior of the triceps surae muscles during dynamic ankle bending exercises (Jun Sakuma, 2010)

Performance enhancement of muscle-tendon unit by counter-movement: variability and trainability (Kuniaki Hirayama, 2010)

Muscle fatigue changes in fascicle-tendon behavior and neuromuscular activity of synergistic muscles (Naotoshi Mitsukawa, 2009)

・Contributing factors to flexibility and their plasticity (Emika Kato, 2008)

・Feasibility of resistance training employing daily physical actions (Yohei Takai, 2008)

Master's theses

減量期におけるボディビルダーの部位別組成変化に関する研究 (山田雄基, 2023)

・超音波画像テクスチャ解析を用いた筋内の非収縮要素定量化法の確立と応用 (渡真利知輝, 2023)

下腿三頭筋への筋膜マニュピレーション: 剪断刺激と圧迫刺激が筋形態・筋膜滑走特性にもたらす影響 (祁答院久史, 2023) 

・Kinematic and neuromuscular activity of sprinters in acceleration and sprinting phases and their relevance to Achilles tendon properties (Shoma Muraki, 2022)

Effect of fatigue on muscle tendon dynamics during repeated stretch-shortening cycle exercise (Hidetaka Hayashi, 2022)

・Efficacy of a wearable elastic device providing resistance or assistance to lower limb joints performance and muscle activities during walking (Jiayi Wu, 2021)

・Characteristics of the cyclists in the pull and push actions of pedaling and development of intervention measures to improve performance  (Soya Iwata, 2020)

・子どもにおける垂直跳びと立ち幅跳びの発達様相およびその個人差 (大村志穂, 2020)

・女子ショートトラックスピードスケート競技者における滑走スピード向上を目指した取組事例 (菊池萌水, 2020)

・着地・ジャンプ動作の遂行能力を最適化するミッドソールの材質特性に関する研究 (胡桃沢啓介, 2020)

・前腕筋群の形態と機能に顕れる弓道の競技特性 (相澤岳, 2019)

・大腿中央部に存在する収縮要素と非収縮要素の定量評価:個人差と身体機能との関係 (一瀬星空, 2018)

・Tensiomyographyの決定因子に関する方法論の探求 (原有心, 2018)

・高齢者の体幹筋群の形態的特徴と歩行パフォーマンスとの関係 (大崎諒, 2017)

・大腿部の圧迫が軟組織の形状と単関節運動パフォーマンスに及ぼす影響 (河越勇紀, 2017)

・足底腱膜の形態的・力学的特性に関する研究: 定量評価方法の確立と可塑性の検討 (塩谷彦人, 2017)

・高齢者における歩容の相違が腓腹筋筋束と腱組織の相互作用に与える影響 (西田和正, 2017)

・大腿部深筋膜の形態的・力学的特性の定量評価 (大塚俊, 2016)

・インソールの屈曲剛性が歩行中のキネティクス、足部キネマティクスおよび下腿の筋活動に及ぼす影響 (塙真太郎, 2014)

・ペダリング動作時の足部固定の有無が大腿部の筋群の活動およびパフォーマンスに及ぼす影響 (福田渉, 2014)

・月経周期が足関節の可動性およびトルクと軟組織の形態的・力学的特性に及ぼす影響 (吉川亜有美, 2013)

・弓道競技選手の動作、および筋特性と的中率に関する研究 (杉本圭, 2012)

・等尺性足関節底屈トルクと腓腹筋筋放電量の関係に及ぼすトルク増加率の影響:収縮中の筋束動態の実測を通じた検討 (秦野純一, 2012)

・大腿部の圧迫が膝関節伸展トルクに及ぼす影響 (松本奈々, 2012)

・大腿四頭筋の筋形状とレジスタンストレーニングによる変化 (江間諒一, 2011)

・股関節運動に伴う仙腸関節可動性の計測 (小川はるな, 2011)

・青年男女の体脂肪分布:性差と個人差に着目して (松岡由子, 2011)

・一輪車競技100mスプリントにおけるスタートイメージがパフォーマンスに及ぼす影響―一流競技者を対象とした事例研究― (安藤勇太, 2010)

・安静立位姿勢とクラシックバレエ基本姿勢の評価の試み (石川早帆, 2010)

・ランニングにおける脚バネの利用度の評価とトレーニングレベルの影響 (志水宣文, 2010)

・膝関節伸展動作が腓腹筋内側頭およびヒラメ筋の腱組織動態に及ぼす影響 (平田浩祐, 2010)

・身体への長軸方向の負荷に対して腰部を支える機能 ―体幹筋群の活動と呼吸様式に着目して― (丸山祐丞, 2010)

・異なる衝撃緩衝性を有するシューズがランニング中の下肢キネティクス・キネマティクスに及ぼす影響 (阪口正律, 2008)

・静的および動的筋力発揮中の腱組織の動態 (清水美奈, 2008)

・筋腱複合体長および筋収縮レベルの変化によるアキレス腱の変形 (岩沼聡一朗, 2007)

・バスケットボール競技の3ポイントシュートの正確性に関する研究 (越山裕成, 2007)

・反動動作によるパフォーマンス増強効果の個人差を決定する要因〜筋腱複合体のStretch-shortening cycleに着目して (平山邦明, 2007)

・肩外転機能の評価法に関する研究〜肩障害の予防に向けて (吉村達彦, 2007)

・ボート競技のパフォーマンスの規定因子〜ローイングの効率に着目して (四谷高広, 2007)

Graduation theses

Lower limb muscle morphology and strength, and jump performance in childhood: sex- and age-specific differences (Ruri Araki, 2022)

Three-dimensional morphological change of human gastrocnemius during isometric contraction (Kazuma Goto, 2022)

・Effect of compression on the distal lower leg on repetitive hopping performance (Daichi Homma, 2022)

・Towards improving performance in middle- and long-distance speed skating: a literature review (Seigo Ito, 2022)

Myofascial manipulation to the triceps surae: comparison of effects on flexibility between shear and compression (Risei Kinezuka, 2022)

Effects of throwing experience on the motion of shoulder and elbow joints and shoulder muscle during pitching (Teruki Nomoto, 2022)

Vertical jump performance in children aged 3-12 years (Rina Saito, 2022)

Contributions of joint spring property and muscular positive work to rebound jumping performance (Haruki Tasaka, 2022)

・Trunk rotation and activity of left and right external abdominal oblique muscles during throwing: influence of pitching experience (Hiroto Toyama, 2022)

・Regional difference in quadriceps muscle hypertrophy and its association with walking ability in the elderly following exercise intervention with self-weight load (Yuki Yoshida, 2022)

・Influence of walking speed on lower limb muscle activity and spatiotemporal parameters (Ryuhei Aoki, 2021)

・Physiological responses of regional skeletal muscles to sprint interval running (Masaki Kanda, 2021)

・Biomechanical analysis of broad jump in children aged 6 -12 years (Ryongsu Kim, 2021)

・Acute effects of repeated single-leg hopping exercise on foot arch kinematics and MRI-T2 mapping of extrinsic and intrinsic foot muscles (Kazuki Tomari, 2021)

・Effect of muscle fatigue during repeated stretch shortening cycle exercise on triceps surae muscle activity and muscle - tendon dynamics (Koki Noro, 2021)

・Sex differences in the human Achilles tendon and plantar fascia elongations upon passive ankle joint angle displacement (Yuki Honma, 2021)

・The relationship between right thumb movement and hit rate in Kyudo (Koya Miyakawa, 2021)

・Effect of self-weight exercise intervention for 12 weeks on the cross-sectional area and strength, power of thigh muscles in the elderly (Ryuhei Yamaguchi, 2021)

・Changes in the shape of the muscle / subcutaneous fat tissues and muscle strength in the lower leg by wearing compression garments (Nanoka Ishikawa, 2020)

・The influence of shoe characteristics on running-related injuries (Seira Okushima, 2020)

・Effect of midfoot and rearfoot alignment on the microdamage of the posterior lower leg muscles by running (Haruna Kurihara, 2020)

・Factors of speed acquisition in V2 skating in cross-country skiing (Chika Kobayashi, 2020)

・Evaluation of exercise induced muscle damage by B-mode ultrasonography (Toshiyuki Saito, 2020)

・Influencing factors of standing long jump ~from the perspective of lower limb power exertion ability and trunk control~ (Haruka Serino, 2020)

・Time course change of the transverse arch shape by long distance running (Shin Nakagawa, 2020)

・Competitive characteristics of morphology and body composition among top athletes in Japan (Tomoki Minami, 2020)

・The effect of compression garments on the shape of the muscle-tendon unit in the lower leg (Kota Fukuda, 2020)

・Characteristics of sprinters in terms of ankle kinematics and ground reaction forces during the start and acceleration phases (Shoma Muraki, 2020)

・Relationship between pull back motion and gross efficiency on cyclists and non-cyclists (Kazuhiko Tajima, 2019)

・Changes in thigh musculature over the fat-reducing phase of competitive bodybuilders (Yoshitaka Nagase, 2019)

・Comparison of elite and novice cyclists in pedaling force and lower limb muscle activities during the pulling back phase in pedaling (Yuki Fukuda, 2019)

・Evaluation of muscular power development and articulated exercise strategy through vertical jump and standing long jump tests (Shiho Omura, 2018)

・The effect of mechanical characteristics of the shoe midsole material on the ground reaction force profiles during landing (Keisuke Kurumisawa, 2018)

・The relationship between morphological characteristics of forearm muscles

 and hit rate of Japanese archers (Chihiro Komyo, 2018)

・The effect of locally-braked crank rotation during pedaling on joint angles and muscle activities of the lower limb (Kihei Kondo, 2018)

 ・Trunk musculature of elite athletes and event-related characteristics (Toyoshi Sakata, 2018)

Joint kinematics and muscles’ activity during walking with varied gait patterns (Hidetaka Sawada, 2018)

Effects of compression garment on knee extension torque and cross-sectional shape of the rectus femoris during contraction (Ibuki Seki, 2018)

The relationships between muscular strength, power and maximal exercise tolerance in athletes (Yutaka Niidome, 2018)

The effect of passive ankle dorsiflexion and metatarsophalangeal joint extension on morphological and mechanical properties of the plantar fascia (Nana Maruyama, 2018)

The effect of knee and hip joint angle changes on the stiffness of iliotibial band (Kyoka Yoshida, 2018)

The relationship between post-activation potentiation and the rate of torque development of the plantar flexors: comparison between athletes and non-athletes (Takemori Watanabe, 2018)

The effect of local braking crank rotation during pedaling on pedaling force and activity of lower limb muscles (Soya Iwata, 2017)

Effects of exercise intervention on walking ability and cognitive functions of the elderly (Sara Ogata, 2017)

Effect of exercise and nutritional intervention on muscle size and function of the elderly (Yu Goto, 2017)

The relationship between jump performance and force generating abilities in elite athletes (Noriyuki Sasaki, 2017)

Effects of lower-body exercise on lower limb muscles’ mass, strength, and walking ability of the elderly (Maki Funahashi, 2017)

Acute effects of distance running on morphological and mechanical properties of the soft tissues supporting the foot arch (Tomohiro Mizokuchi, 2017)

Effects of exercise intervention on walking performance of the elderly (Taisei Murai, 2017)

Quantitative evaluation of foot dimensions and morphological and mechanical properties of plantar fascia and intrinsic & extrinsic foot muscles in male distance runners: left-right differences (Ryo Yamashita, 2017)

Localization of muscle damage induced by downhill running (Yukino Ando, 2016)

Changes in dual-task performance over 12-week "taiso" class in the elderly: effect of different clock-times of exercise (Yutaka Ebara, 2016)

The effect of Graston Technique on ankle joint flexibility (Naoya Ebi, 2016)

The effect of elastic shoe insoles on leg spring and energy efficiency during running (Suguru Oikawa, 2016)

Structural and mechanical properties of the Achilles tendon of athletes (Yudai Kanemoto, 2016)

Effect of riding posture on muscle oxygen dynamics of the quadriceps femoris during incremental bicycle pedaling (Mitsuki Goda, 2016)

The relationship between jumping ability and Achilles tendon stiffness: with special reference to sporting event (Eri Susaki, 2016)

Effect of changing gait parameters during walking on muscle activities and joint angles in the lower limb (Koji Tagami, 2016)

12週間の運動介入とHMB摂取が大腿部筋群の形状・機能に与える影響 (Ikumi Toda, 2016)

Relationship between the cross-sectional area of trunk muscles and walking ability in elderly people (Taishi Nagasaki, 2016)

Effects of exercise intervention at different clock times on walking ability of the elderly (Yuki Baba, 2016)

Changes in strength and size of lower limb muscles of the elderly after completing exercise “taiso” class with special reference to exercise clock time (Erika Bunden, 2016)

The relationship between contraction time and sporting characteristics of athletes (Hirotoshi Horikawa, 2016)

Effect of local vibration of plantar flexor muscles on the maximal plantar flexion strength and ankle joint flexibility (Toshihiro Maemichi, 2016)

Estimation of visceral fat cross-sectional area by measurement of abdominal circumference (Hoshizora Ichinose, 2015)

Effect of rectus femoris muscle fatigue on alternate muscle activity of quadriceps femoris during isometric low-level sustained contraction (Ken Izumi, 2015)

Non-uniformity of measured interface pressure in thigh compression clothing: Effect of body posture and muscle contraction on the interface pressure (Yuki Kawagoe, 2015)

The relationships between joint angles and torque at the hip, and muscle length and hardness of hamstrings during straight leg raise test (Masato Komiya, 2015)

The effect of shoe insole bending elasticity on muscles activity of lower limb during walking and running (Keigo Saito, 2015)

The effect of shoe insole bending elasticity on lower limb kinematics and kinetics during walking and running (Hiroto Shiotani, 2015)

The relationship between muscle strength and size of upper and lower limb muscles in elderly population (Masahiro Takeda, 2015)

Effect of static stretching after high-intensity exercise on muscle hardness and muscle damage indices of the gastrocnemii (Sho Deguchi, 2015)

The relationship between leg strength and joint angles during walking in elderly people (Yuki Nomoto, 2015)

The relationship between trunk and thigh muscle cross-sectional areas and running performance in sprinters (Kazuma Honda, 2015)

Association of lower limb flexibility and lower limb kinematics during walking in the elderly (Kaede Magarimichi, 2015)

Effect of running training on Achilles tendon stiffness of long distance runners (Hiroya Yamashita, 2015)

Effect of aging on the change in thigh shape upon postural change (Mari Yokota, 2015)

The change of muscle thickness and hardness after maintaining spine posture for 30 min (Sho Yoshitome, 2015)

Effect of local vibration stretching of plantar flexor muscles on the maximal strength and ankle joint flexibility -Influence of vibration frequencies- (Kohei Akase, 2014)

Effects of thigh compression on ground reaction force profiles and physiological parameters during jumping (Shun Otsuka, 2014)

Muscle activity during fatiguing leg extension exercise: Comparison between monoarticular and biarticular thigh muscles (Keisuke Katagiri, 2014)

Influence of exercise regimens and intensities on activation of mono- and bi-articular muscles (Takuro Kanazawa, 2014)

Changes in neuromuscular activity and muscle-tendon behavior during drop jump after plyometric training (Fumiya Kitazaki, 2014)

Estimation of quadriceps femoris cross-sectional area of middle-aged and elderly women based on sit-to-stand test score (Daiki Koyama, 2014)

The effect of Graston technique on ankle mobility and deformation of medial longitudinal arch of foot (Takuya Sato, 2014)

Evaluation of rowing performance based on a critical power test for varsity rowers (Tomoya Suzuki, 2014)

The influence of elastic insole on the fatigue of lower leg muscles during and after prolonged walking (Yusuke Tanaka, 2014)

Effect of combination of static stretching and running at varying intensities on jump performance and flexibility (Hayato Nakamura, 2014)

Influence of plyometric training on strength and tendon elasticity of plantar-flexor muscle-tendon unit (Hiroki Hanaoka, 2014)

The effect of the controlling foot deformation by insole elasticity for walking performance (Shouichi Hamamatsu, 2014)

Composition and shape of the thigh and its deformability upon postural changes: Comparison between different age groups (Rika Matsui, 2014)

Activation of the rectus femoris under knee extension decreases with additional hip extension (Junki Ogawa, 2013)

Quantification of Aikido technique in the case of Sumiotoshi (Shunsuke Nakamura, 2013)

The relationship between risk factors of metabolic syndrome and morphological and functional characteristics of adult Japanese females and males (Eriko Odaka, 2013)

The relationship among physical, new fitness test and throw skills in rubber baseball players during maturation (Makoto Kumai, 2013)

Effect of warm-up combining stretching and running on the jump height (Ryo Kosaka, 2013)

Comparison of the leg shapes between different age groups (Mei Kobayashi, 2013)

Effect of ankle joint angular velocity and range of motion on the maximal voluntary eccentric dorsiflexion torque (Kenta Shimamoto, 2013)

Effect of compression of the thigh on the fatigue of the knee extensor muscles (Kotaro Tofuku, 2013)

The role of arm swing during running as evident in chest and pelvis movement (Masahiro Niwano, 2013)

Position dependence of thigh muscularity in university American football players (Junya Masuda, 2013)

The relationship between 100-m sprint running time and psoas major and thigh muscularity in sprinters (Hikaru Miura, 2013)

The relationship between compression intensity to the thigh and force generation capability to of the knee extensors (Masashi Onishi, 2012)

Side-to-side difference in the iliopsoas muscle side in collegiate sepak takraw players (Rikuma Sasaki, 2012)

The relationship between electromyographic activity and rate of torque development (Yutaro Shinohara, 2012)

Profiles of thigh muscularity in varsity male rowers and lacrosse players (Shunichi Taguchi, 2012)

The effects of surface properties on the foot deformation during forefoot landing (Shintaro Hanawa, 2012)

Changes on thigh circumference and thicknesses of muscle and subcutaneous fat by compression garments (Shusei Hara, 2012)

Effect of pressure intensity of graduated elastic compression stocking on muscle fatigue during running: evaluation with MR-T2 imaging (Yuki Masuda, 2012)

Influence of surface properties on the fascicle behavior of the medial gastrocnemius and performance in jumping (Shogo Matsui, 2012)

Effects of surface properties on muscle fascicle behavior of the mesial gastrocnemius during hopping (Hideyuki Miyake, 2012)

The effect of surface properties on drop jump performance (Nobukazu Yano, 2012)

Intramuscular differences in fascicle length, sarcomere length and series sarcomere number and regional difference in sarcomere length within each fiber of the human quadriceps femoris (Kanae Yamada, 2012)

The relationship between jump performance and muscle activity of the lower limb and ground reaction force (Masayuki Yamane, 2012)

Influence of resilient properties of the surface on drop jump performance -gender differences- (Yui Wakizaka, 2012)

Deformation characteristics of the foot arch in collegiate basketball players (Etsuko Iino, 2011)

Influence of the intensity of conditioning contraction on the extent of postactivation potentiation in adductor pollicis and planter flexors muscles (Tomoya Uchida, 2011)

Comparison of dominant– and non-dominant–hand sides for thigh circumference and size of quadriceps femoris muscles in collegiate badminton players (Takuto Oikawa, 2011)

Foot deformation after jogging: a comparison between different surfaces (Taichi Oshita, 2011)

Measurement of anterior talofibular ligament length and its sex differences (Mana Kanno, 2011)

Effect of hip joint angles on the maximal concentric knee extension torque (Yasutaka Kubota, 2011)

Influence of compression garments on soft tissue oscillation during running (Hirofumi Sato, 2011)

The relationship between muscle and fat thickness of the thigh, knee extension torque and jumping performance in expert and non-expert of volleyball (Aya Takano, 2011)

The effect of heavy load squat exercises on the performance of subsequently executed vertical jump (Seiichiro Takei, 2011)

Influence of angular velocity of the background joint movement on the extent of postactivation twitch potentiation in planter flexor muscle (Keita Hishikawa, 2011)

Regionally specific electromyographic activity of rectus femoris muscle during hip flexion (Akira Nagamori, 2011)

Relationship between race performance and pitch/stride characteristics of diagonal and double pole techniques in cross-country skiing focusing on the race of 10km classic style(Kazutoshi Matsumura, 2011)

Morphological and functional change of the ruptured Achilles tendon (Go Miyasaka, 2011)

Characteristics of body spring determining the performance of stretch-shortening cycle exercise Inter-individual variability in storage and utilization of elastic energy and leg stiffness(Koh Yamaguchi, 2011)

Factors affecting performance of a straight jump in trampoline (Yuho Yokota, 2011)

Deformation characteristics of medial longitudinal arch of the foot: relevance to athletic and past injury experiences (Yuka Yokoyama, 2011)

・Changes in muscle-tendon behavior during repetitive hopping with maximal effort (Yoshitake Arai, 2010)

・Influence of wearing compression garment on batting performance (Hiroshi Imoto, 2010)

・Characteristics of behavior of tennis racket and ball after impact in different types of service (Tsubasa Kato, 2010)

・Changes of the trajectory and the velocity of bounce in three types of tennis service (Masayuki Kato, 2010)

・Verification of effect of more efficient jumping training to ski jumping for top players (Yu Koyama, 2010)

・Effects of static stretching of quadrices muscle on isokinetic knee extension and its time course changes (Masanori Shimodozono, 2010)

・Behavior of center of mass and ground reaction force during race walking among groups with different  training status (Tomoki Tanimura, 2010)

・Evaluation of mechanical power in vertical jump and the relationship between evaluation index and jump performance (Hiroshi Tezuka, 2010)

・The effect if clenching and mouthpiece on isometric elbow flexion strength (Masashi Shingo, 2010)

・Muscle strength and running skills of top level female junior high school sprinters (Masahiro Hatakeyama, 2010)

・Influence of delayed onset muscle soreness to maximum muscular strength (Junichi Hatano, 2010)

・Longitudinal analysis of physical fitness of collegiate athletes: a case study of rowing (Yasuko Harada, 2010)

・Efficacy of an exercise program in the elderly (Yuma Hori, 2010)

・Influence of a lower-body compression garment on hip and knee joint kinematics during landing (Nana Matsumoto, 2010)

・Three-dimensional kinematic analysis of inside kick in soccer -comparison of the dominant foot and non-dominant foot- (Takuya Murayama, 2010)

・Effect of initial posture on squat jump performance (Yusuke Yoshioka, 2010)

・Effect of adductor's fatigue on vertical jump performance (Shinnosuke Arai, 2009)

・Influence of hip and knee joint angles on knee extension torque and quadriceps femoris electromyographic activities during isometric contraction (Ryoichi Ema, 2009)

・Changes in joint kinematics and electromyographic activities during walking with high-heeled and normal shoes (Saiko Okada, 2009)

・A comparison of lower extremity joint kinematics and kinetics during running between men and women (Haruna Ogawa, 2009)

・Spine motion during rowing in male rower with and without a history of low back pain (Yusuke Katamachi, 2009)

・Effect of muscle fatigue on ankle joint movement and EMG activity during calf raise exercises (Hideaki Kori, 2009)

・Self-monitoring methods for evaluating physical condition for a top level female cross-country skier (Yuki Kobayashi, 2009)

・The relationship between stiffness of lumbar segment and ground reaction force during hopping jumps (Koya Sato, 2009)

・Three-dimensional kinematic analysis of instep and infront kicks in soccer (Masahiro Seue, 2009)

・Analysis of movement of GK in soccer: Comparison of top- and bottom-hand saving (Ryota Takahashi, 2009)

・Kinematic and kinetic comparison between high-heeled and running shoes during walking (Yoshiko Matsuoka, 2009)

・Effects of menstrual cycle on joint flexibility and muscle strength (Ayumi Yoshikawa, 2009)

・A biomechanical study on body movements during unicycle riding (Yuta Ando, 2008)

・The study on body dimensions and composition of dancers (Saho Ichikawa, 2008)

・The effects of stretching on kinematics and kinetics during single leg landing (Takashi Iwai, 2008)

・The influence of shock absorbing capacities of running shoes on body kinetics and kinematics during running (Keitaro Orishimo, 2008)

・Kinematic analysis of ballet dancers' balance ability in développé (Kumiyo Kai, 2008)

・A cross-sectional study on thigh musculature in soccer players (Hirohisa Kato, 2008)

・Motion analysis of a straight jump in trampoline (Keiko Kojima, 2008)

・Effect of training for improvement of sprint motion on sprint performance in baseball players (Kyohei Kobayashi, 2008)

・Effects of repetitive maximal hopping on jump performance and maximal voluntary contraction strength -comparison of long distance runners and untrained individuals- (Norifumi Shimizu, 2008)

・Age- and gender-related differences in muscle strength of knee extensors and ability of daily physical task (Ryotaro Takehara, 2008)

・Effect of postactivation potentiation on maximal voluntary concentric contraction (Masayuki Naoi, 2008)

・Influence of elastic compression stocking on muscle activity and muscle circulation dynamics of lower leg during walking (Kosuke Hirata, 2008)

・Trunk muscle morphology and function of rowers with and without low back pain (Daisuke Matsui, 2008)

・Can the relationship between torque and elongation of tendinous tissues during concentric ankle plantar flexion reflect tendon stiffness? (Yasuaki Morimoto, 2008)

・Age-related differences in abdominal muscle thickness, strength of trunk flexors and sit up ability (Tatsuya Yamamoto, 2008)

・Changes in ankle angle range of motion and ankle joint and Achilles tendon stiffness by stretching: effect of stretching duration (Sayuri Iimori, 2007)

・Effect of functional fitnees promotion program on physical fitness in the elderly (Naoki Okuhara, 2007)

・Three dimensional motion analysis of throwing a flying disk (Shohei Kato, 2007)

・Scapulohumeral rhythm of badminton players (Naoto Kusaka, 2007)

・The effect of impact absorption capacity of shoes on mechanical efficiency of running (Takashi Kusama, 2007)

・The relationship between force generating abilities and jump performance of ankle joint (Satoshi Kuniyada, 2007)

・Study on takeoff phase of ski jumping -A comparison of ski jumping and simulation jumping- (Kohei Takao, 2007)

・Changes in fascicle length and activity of the tibialis anterior muscle during sub-maximally sustained fatiguing contraction (Atsushi Noiri, 2007)

・Influence of different shock-absorbing cpacities of running shoes on body kinetics and kinematics during running (Nao Higurashi, 2007)

・The effect of seat height on oxygen consumption during cycling (Kiwamu Matsuda, 2007)

・Relationship between strength and cross-sectional areas of the trunk and thigh muscles and performance in college female weightlifters (Moeha Matsumoto, 2007)

・Evaluation of the intensity of an exercise program developed for the elderly (Mikako Yoshihara, 2007)

・Morphological characteristics of quadriceps femoris muscles in female collegiate weightlifters (Hiroki Yamauchi, 2007)

・Factors influencing dynamic balance ability in a functional reach test (Tatsuya Ise, 2006)

・Analysis on the motion and EMG activity of the upper limb during free-throws in basketball (Yasunori Okabayashi, 2006)

・Three-dimensional analysis of lower limbs of a jump shot in basketball (Keiji Ozeki, 2006)

・Relationships between cross-sectional areas of the trunk muscles and physical functions, athletic ability (Takahiro Kubo, 2006)

・Differences in rowing performance and the changes of power during a simulated 2000m race between elite and novice rowers (Yuto Kurashiki, 2006)

・An electromyographic study of the upper extremity and the trunk during shooting of male lacrosse players (Naoya Kogure, 2006)

・Influence of static stretching on plantar flexion torque development and its time course changes (Masanori Sakaguchi, 2006)

・Effect of static stretching on submaximal isometric force production (Mina Shimizu, 2006)

・Analysis of a high kick and its relation to flexibility in elite Karate fighters (Yuzo Suzuki, 2006)

・Three dimensional analysis of roller skiing -Comparison of cross-country skiers with Nordic combined athletes- (Nobu Naruse, 2006)

・The effect of clenching on maximal voluntary isometric elbow flexion and knee extension torque (Kazumasa Nishida, 2006)

・Changes in physique and strength for the past three years of members of a rowing crew at T Univ. (Tomohiro Hayakawa, 2006)

・Evaluation of skill levels in forehand smash and drive motion of table tennis (Yushin Hara, 2006)

・The influence of trunk stabilization training on trunk muscle morphology and function, and physical performance (Koki Maeda, 2006)

・Influence of music on choice reaction movement (Shuichi Murakami, 2006)

・An electromyographic study of the lower limbs in pitching motions of baseball (Kosuke Mori, 2006)

・Ground reaction force and lower limb muscle activity in baseball pitching (Kenji Wakita, 2006)