Graduate/Undergraduate Mentoring Program

Welcome to the Warnell Graduate/Undergraduate Mentoring Program! This program is in its seventh year and is designed to foster a greater community in Warnell and to provide mutually beneficial opportunities to graduate and undergraduate students. The goal of this program is to match mentors with mentees based on similar interests and desired outcomes from participating. Examples of what this program does are as follows: developing proposals, conducting research, and writing of senior projects; gaining experience doing field/lab work; learning more about statistical analyses and data manipulation; discussing natural resource/ecology topics to enhance your knowledge; applying for jobs and grad school; improving resumes; generally navigating college life, etc. This program will be what you make of it, but we are here to facilitate the process and help you achieve your goals. If you are interested in participating in this program as a mentor or mentee, please complete an application form below. We will be actively reviewing applications to match students and will contact you to discuss our proposed matches. We are excited to see how this program develops and are looking forward to engaging with the larger Warnell/UGA community! Thank you for your interest.

Please submit applications by Friday, October 7th.

If you have any questions please contact Jack Derochers.