Warmth and Weather

Merino Base Layers - Turtlenecks

Creating Warmth that Radiates to Fingers and Toes

Warmth is the foundation for health and physical well-being. Dressing in wool and wool/silk base layers supports moving from comfort in one's body to feeling comfortable in life.

Engel wool-silk blend turtlenecks are lightweight, super soft and warm. It may seem a contradiction of qualities - light yet warm, breathable yet giving a feeling of being covered and protected. Turtlenecks are one of the basics for the cooler months - great for winter sports, summer campouts, and all kinds of weather. Pair them with matching leggings for complete foundational warmth.

Buy Children's Turtlenecks Now

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How many base layers are needed?

· Three sleeveless or short sleeve undershirts can be rotated through the days of the week. Airing wool after each wear allows it to naturally clean itself. Since they can be worn year-round, we suggest three.

· Two or three sets of long sleeve shirts and leggings, to be rotated as well.

· One turtle neck is plenty unless your children wear them every day, then you might want two.

These base layers Warm clothing in varying combinations will keep you and your family warm and dry naturally throughout the seasons.

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