Publication List

  1. W. H. Campos, T. A. Moura, O. J. B. J. Marques, J. M. Fonseca, W. A. Moura-Melo, M. S. Rocha and J. B. S. Mendes. “Germanium microparticles as optically induced oscillators in optical tweezers”, Phys. Rev. Research 1, 033119 (2019).

  2. W. H. Campos, J. M. Fonseca, V. E. Carvalho, J. B. S. Mendes, M. S. Rocha and W. A. Moura-Melo. “Topological Insulator Particles As Optically Induced Oscillators: Toward Dynamical Force Measurements and Optical Rheology”, ACS Photonics 5 (3), 741-745 (2018).

  3. W. H. Campos, J. M. Fonseca, J. B. S. Mendes, M. S. Rocha and W. A. Moura-Melo. “How light absorption modifies the radiative force on a microparticle in optical tweezers”, Appl. Opt. 57 (25), 7216-7224 (2018).

  4. L. Oliveira, W. H. Campos and M. S. Rocha. “Optical Trapping and Manipulation of Superparamagnetic Beads Using Annular-Shaped Beams”, Methods Protoc. 1 (4), 44 (2018).

  5. W. H. Campos, W. A. Moura-Melo and J. M. Fonseca. “Geometrically induced reversion of Hall current in a topological insulator cavity”, Phys. Lett. A 381 (5) 427-421 (2017).