Lab Only


Immunofluorescence_ Staining_ Protocol Checklist.docx

Immunoflorense Staining 



Western_Blot_ Protocol.docx

Western Blot

PCR_Screen _for_lacZ_ recombinants.docx


Bulletin_3425_Ver_A copy.pdf

Electrophoresis and Western Blotting Layout

cell culture protocol copy.docx

Cell Culture

cross tracker copy.xlsx

Cross Tracker

Drosophila Methods 2008 copy.pdf

Drosophila Methods

imaging study results copy.pdf

Imaging Study Results

imaging study results copy.pdf

Imaging Studying Results

nuc isolation for IP proteomics copy.docx

Nuc isolation for IP Proteomics

nuc isolation for IP proteomics w-IP step copy.docx

Nuc isolation for IP proteomics w-IP step

Nuclear extraction for IP copy.docx

Nuclear Extraction for IP

S2 cell transfection and induction_Heya copy.docx

S2 Cell Transfection and Inductio Heya

tgx-and-tgx-stain-free-fastcast-gel-recipe-calculator copy.xlsx

Tgx & Tgx stain free-fastcast gel recipe calculator

Flu_Pushing_Chapter1 copy.pdf

Fly Pushing Chapter 1


How to make Fly Food

Mentor-Mentee Compact

Wardwell-Ozgo Lab Handbook